Let's discuss the history of mainland Southeast Asia: The Golden Land
History if Suvarṇabhumi
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I'm more into maritime Southeast Asia though OP.
Why? its so shit compared to indocina
Except few ethnics (which became muslim later) they're all tribal nigs
Mainland is better in every way.
They kept thier culture unlike maritime.
Maritime nations are all colonial states while mainland nations are literal continuation of kingdoms on OP's pic
Those are all just Cucked Vassal States of China anyway
Not real kingdoms
The whole of mainland south east Asia used to belong to the mon khmmer people. These austro asiatic people spread from southern China to mainland south east asia then later to island south east asia (not to be confused iwth austronesian expansion which was later.)
Later on these mon khmmer people got replaced by the Tai and the bamar people. The only place where the mon khmmer people still hold out is in cambodia. There was a possiblity that had it not been for European colonization that they would have been completely absorbed by the viet and tai people.
The Tai and Tibeto-burmans completely adopted the indigenous Mon-Khmer culture and civilization.
Just by looking at thier faces most are even atleast 25% Mon-Khmer.
The Viets are the true poison of mainland Se Asia
>They kept thier culture unlike maritime.
Ah yes,
The murderous shithole of Burma.
The pit of SEAsian degeneracy: Thailand.
The hopeless wastelands of Cambodia and Laos.
Meanwhile in the Maritime, only thing I can think of are Thailand-tier places in the Philippines like Angeles, and even they are tempered with Catholicism.
>The murderous shithole of Burma.
Seriously how does a country get so bad.
Muslim goatfucking subhumans going apeshit
Burma is trying to eradicate them
They're having multiple insurgenices right now and have so from multiple ethnic groups for a long time now.
>Burma is trying to eradicate them
No wonder they're known as the cesspit of SEA.
If you mean they didn't got cucked by Islam
Good for them for targeting their Muslim scums
They world has a lot to learn from them
>Kept their culture
>Previously cucked Hindu shithole cucked by Buddhism versus Previously cucked Hindu shithole cucked by Islam
Burma was been a murderous shithole fucking up uppity minorities and Thais ever since it existed. Pretty fucking hilarious desu senpai
Champa needs a buff asap
>implying an Island chink kingdom on the mainland is interesting
We're as Dharmric as Dravidians are Western fucktard
You're not as Dharmic as Nepal but you're still pretty fucking Dharmic.
Being cucked by Islam is a lot more dangerous
The difference is the Thais won or else they will all be just the Taungoo dynasty
They became Muslims sadly.
Monarchy went tits up and the Britcucks replaced it with a system which divide et impera'd the fuck out of Burma (i.e. by putting it under the British Raj Jesus Christ).
When Burma got out, it was left in a world where every single one of the minorities their Kings once ruled where Nationalistic as fuck.
pretty much every other ethnic group there hates the shit government, including the christian karen minority, how does this makes you feel /pol/cuck?
this, i have been to SEA and honestly the only mainland SEA countries that arent either a shithole or a degenerate sex tourist country is vietnam, while maritime countries were doing alright except for phillipines maybe
why is that?
its the poojeet influence desu, maritime SEA and vietnam has a lot more chinese influence thanks to the SEA trade which is why chinese diaspora countries like singapore and malaysia are leading
Who cares as long as the get rid of their muslims
Christians can gtfo of there too
The Malacca straight was a and still is an advantageous post ion for a trade route
They would have been still successful if the remained Hindu Buddhist
Singapore and Malaysia are the only ones controlled by the Chinese
>which is why chinese diaspora countries like malaysia are leading
Do you realize how despised they by natives?
Indonesia is literally Indian islands
Malaysia also has the higest Tamil population
Honestly only some parts of Malaysia and Singapore itself is developed
Indonesia lol is very shitholey and people only really rave about Bali which is a Hindu majority.
Philippines should not even be included
Only Bangcuck and Pattaya are degenerate shitholes.
Anywhere else in Thailand and it's still pretty much backward conservative Buddhists or Rich Chinese landowners.
its still a hell lot better compared to transexuals and child prostitutes: the country and far cry 4
>muh degeneracy
You say this while browsing a Manchurian neckbeard congregation.
Youre right: they all are.
Southeast Asians are tremendous fucking weeabs to begin with.
Those things a also happen in Indonesia and Malaysia
Even Singapore
Are there any Veeky Forums approved guides or books for both maritime and mainland SEAsia?
Only the Muslims in Burma need to go, they're Bangladeshis from India and not real South East Asians.
and it's glorious
i dont have introduction book but heres some book and primary source on maritime SEA empires, there should be a brief introduction at the start
>the Pararaton, or the javanese book of kings, cover late singhasari kingdom to the rise of the majapahit empire
>babad tanah jawi, or History of the land of Java, cover the late and fall of the majapahit empire and the conversion to islam, along with the nine islamic saints.
>also a bonus, the mongolian invasion of java
>conquers everything
>except the west half of their own island
>empire gets destroyed immediately after they capture the west half
>Bangladeshis from India
What does that even mean? They're both sovereign nations.
And some of the Rohungyas have been there since the 13th century through kingdoms.
that part actually has its own story
tldr, majapahit prime minister accidentally massacres the neighbour kingdom entire royal family, it was so bad that the balinese wrote a book shitting on the majapahit and the minister gets sacked despite his achievement of conquering the outer island
some more stuff
>Negarakertagama, contains detailed descriptions of the Majapahit Empire and their entire bureaucratic structures.
If only they didn't convert to islam
this would have been more glorious
it wasnt that bad, their remains were preserved pretty well compared to other islamic countries
and probably even more stable
>they are bangladeshis
>rakhine part of bengal for centuries and has large numbers of bengalis living there.
Should just be annexed by bangladesh
Why is 4 Chan filled with retards?
Saying that Thailand is a degenerate shithole because of Pattaya and So Cowboy is says more about the Westerner since it's the only place Westerner goes.
It's like if Chinese men only went to last Vegas and said all American women are crackwhore hookers.
You belong on /pol/.