What should I do?

What should I do?

I'm a 28 year old male living in San Fran. I was making 180k a year and living decently, but it's an expensive city and I still had to be frugal.

I made 1.3M dollars off crypto this year. I cashed out a million and still have 300k invested.

So I figure I have around 600k post tax to fuck around with. I'm going to put away 300k into my savings and wait for legit investment opportunities... and I'm going to blow 300k on whatever the fuck I want. I already spent 50k on a bunch of shit I needed (electronics, nice furniture, TVs, general life upgrades).

What do I do? How hard can I ball? Suggestions? I've banged a few 1k/hour hookers already and that gets boring quick. I'd rather just flash so hard in front of tinder dates and get them wet as fuck then drill them and never call them again. Seriously, go on a tinder date and take her on a $500 dinner, but you have to be cool about it and almost "accidentally" spend that much otherwise she'll think you're a tool. Pretend like it's you who wants to try the expensive shit and she's just there for the ride. You can touch her seat when she gets up to go to the bathroom and find a small puddle there...

Anyways, about 250k to blow on making my life awesome. What's good Veeky Forums??

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Oh, and another thing I realized. If you're decent looking and have money, girls will fuck you without a condom. I'm almost shocked that only 1 girl I fucked asked me to wear one. Girls are whores, all of them.

Are you even going to put any effort into this LARP? Where is the proof faggot

Shut up loser. Girls are making as much money as you on crypto. Retire the 'nice guy' routine and might stand a chance.


normie tier fantasies bore me

try harder op

ok LARPer

>Girls are making as much money as you on crypto

lol. no they are not. Girls have better shit to do than research "ant shares" and "omise go", like scope out trendy bars for their future husbands or sugar daddies.

Hot girls don't work anymore in 2017, they can just survive off the surplus spillage of rich men thanks to the hyper connectivity of the internet.

Awww, did someone's blockfolio crash from $80 to $55 in the past 24 hours?? It's ok, you never had shit to begin with so you really have nothing to lose.

Send me 1BTC at the following address


I will tell you what to do and then send you 0.5 BTC

Have you taken the Mgti pill yet?

>he thinks 1 million is alot
>not investing your money in real estate
>not starting your own bitcoin management fund and charging 5% off all earnings
>giving your money to pimps and prostitutes
>not investing in FDIC insured bonds and investments
>not donating to charity for tax purposes
>living in california
>not selling drugs and making 10 million from that alone
>not investing in the tortilla chip warmer and making 200 million within your first 12 months

This is considered poverty in san fran

If legit, well done and I'm happy for you. This place, Veeky Forums, and whatever other board you go to just shits on you every day for moderate success.

For 250k though? I don't know. I made 100k this year in crypto and am holding down a 60k/yr job in a low cost city. I have everything I could want and I maintain a pretty low discount rate so my home is mostly empty besides my garage gym and my basement band/music room. I still sleep on an air mattress, I don't have cable, blah blah blah. You know the routine. I honestly don't know what I'd do. Is banging a 1k hooker really worth it even? I'm Veeky Forums so I can pull a tinder girl no problem, but I would venture to say pussy has diminishing returns. I could fuck a barfly or Emma Watson, either way I'm busting a nut.

I guess if I were you, I'd start my own business maybe. I've always wanted to open a café and be my own boss. Or just put some manager in charge of it all while I scrape the profit off the top. Perhaps you can go on a nice holiday around Europe while it's still semi-civilized before the caliphate is solidified. Honestly, mate, I don't know.

What the fuck do richfags spend money on? I came from fucking nothing and ended up actually moving up to middle class.

literally the only thing you said that was interesting was about a tortilla chip warmer and it was nonsense.

Real estate is at the tip of a bubble right now, bitcoin management fund is a retarded and unnecessary concept, prostitutes are people too, FDIC insured bonds and investments are a meme considering the state of the US dollar, 95% of charities are corrupt and completely ineffective, I don't want to sell drugs.

U should develop a huge marijuana factory and distribute to dispensaries. DUDE

... Did you fuck them without a condom? Makes you a trashy whore too.

Yeah 1k hookers can be worth it. I pull girls too but some bitches are crazy and if you fuck with them they will attempt to destroy your life. On the flip side sometimes I feel bad for pumping and dumping girls. Prostitution solves these problems, they get what they want and so do I. Also, these are not normal women, a girl who costs 1k/hour is ridiculously good looking, clean, and knows how to please. It's a one way street in your favor, not so with tinder sluts.

Yeah, curious about the tortilla warmer thing. Tell me more?

Grill here. I want to squash all the nice guys. Crypto gains have allowed me to work from home, bye h8r.

Xox weird Stacy

He's referring to this shit thread kek. I've looked into it, honestly. Never a 1k girl. I could prob bust on spending $200/hr though. But I could never bring myself to spend money on fucking some cunt when I know I could easily pick up a 7/10 off Tinder. College girls are so easy these days it's ridiculous. I also happen to work by a relatively large campus in my state. Lucky me kek.

What should you do?

Get 5 million.

Get a lexus lc500 or a cool car like ferrari 488, for happiness.

Start buying up distressed property and fix them up.

Join the +2200 member bitpam Veeky Forums cryptocurrency trading/mining/coding discord server and continue your cryptocurrency trading.


That's my two Bitcoins.

>real estate is at the tip of a bubble right now
>not getting in before the bubble pops
>FDIC insured bonds and investments are a meme
>probably just pushes money in some dinky vanguard ETF
>brags about being rich
>doesnt practice philanthropy and use charitable events as a way to network with other high net worth individuals
>living in california but not selling weed and xanax
>investing in manufacturing your own consumer electronics is nonsense
he's too poor to even afford the property to grow in let alone manage it properly with muh crypto returns
i bet he's gonna go spend his money on a gallardo that's gonna depreciate in value by like 3 percent in 6 months

This is good advice. Tinder sluts are just whores who demand payment in drama, a good 1k whore just wants shekels.

Honestly, you should reduce that 300k "spending money" to 100k max, invest the rest how you see fit.

lol stop with the "fuck nice guys" meme. You want a nice guy, you don't want a push over beta loser, but you definitely don't want to date an asshole.

>muh work from home

You didn't have a job to begin with, so crypto simply allowed you to live in your mom's basement with less guilt.

>Open a cafe

You should try it at least once. I do $800 and above because they have way less risk of disease, and I like to get blown without a condom. Low risk act but still I don't mind paying more for more peace of mind (it's never 100% though).

Tinder girls want pleasure themselves, which is only fun for you if you're in the mood to please. these high end call girls only care to please you. It's AMAZING.

you should try meth

I'm a simple man, user. I like reading, coffee, playing guitar, and working out. Veeky Forums Veeky Forums Veeky Forums are pretty much where I hang. What's more comfy than opening a nice /comfy/ café on the coast of Maine. Sounds like a dream to me. Too bad I'm fucking stuck in a cornfield atm.

get the fuck out of san fran.

>not getting it

You sound rather unhappy. hit the gym, faggot.

youre a fucking retard if you have this much money and 'dont know what to do with it.'

im calling bullshit because i refuse to believe people are shit fucking retarded. but at the same time, ive seen some really fucking stupid shit

.... why? We'll probably get hit with a giant earth quake, but the city is phenomenal. Best food one the west coast is in SF.

>grill here

How gay do you have to be to pretend youre a girl online

>paying 800 dollars for pussy
>you literally just handed over 800 dollars to another man for the privilege of fucking one of his employees
>"b-but she's hot and it felt awesome, i dont care what you say i love hookers"
>not using tinder thots to land modelling contracts and take 15% from each deal made
please stop
>What's more comfy than opening a nice /comfy/ café on the coast of Maine
making millions owning franchises of comfy coffee shops across the eastern coast of the US

Sounds like you don't know what to do with money either hence the non-response.

>implying i don't already own one
>just finished adding a pool and have all kinds of classes going on
>selling gym memberships to normos like you and putting more money in my pocket
keep hating bitch boi

Nice points breh, but I'd rather use my time doing what I'd like like banging 11/10s instead of starting a modeling agency for tinder thots and selling weed and xanax and tortilla chips. Perhaps I'm just not as industrious as you, too bad you're too poor to accomplish any of your dreams. so sad.

>making millions owning franchises of comfy coffee shops across the eastern coast of the US
Probably true kek.

LOL ok. You don't even know what a gym is.

>I blew 50k on furniture, TVs, and electronics

You will never be wealthy, no matter how much money you accumulate. Just give up.

>10k macbook pro, airpods, 5k monitor, accessories, other shit I can't remember
>20k on beautiful furniture that makes girls wet, art, $500 dollar lamp that's in the moma collection of classics
>5k on clothes. Designer shit, not flashy but incredibly high quality. Actually look good unlike you.
>15k on hookers, restaurants, enjoying life

It's called investing in yourself, faggot. Maybe you should try it. Might make your life better.

>Spending money on women
It's a waste, you're past the point of being capable of getting a gf because you're probably addicted to sex and couldn't stay with the same woman. You came here for validation, not advice, because you have shot down our ideas. You pulled the 95% stat out of thin air, you think you can time the real estate market, and you are unwilling to diversify. You were foolish enoug to cash out, and you made no plans to diversify in other aspects of crypto from what you have written.
10k MacBook Pro. You're a pretentious failed normie that gets validation from being here. That's why you keep bringing up how great it is that girls are impressed by you. These things aren't going to give you validation.

Enjoy your disease and having no money in five years after you spend it all on pussy and living it in a hellhole with an unreasonable cost of living.

shot down your ideas? What ideas? Buy real estate and open a tortilla stand?

Buying real estate isn't always a great investment FYI. It's about timing and finding good deals, also maintaining properties requires work and carries risk with it.

>you are unwilling to diversify
>foolish enough to cash out

What do you think I'm doing, nigga? I still have 300k in crypto, 300k on the side for investments, and 250k to enjoy my life with. I'm young, sort of rich compared to others in my demographic, and have a great stable job... I think I can invest in myself a little... You'd be foolish not to cash out with something as unstable as crypto. Also if I'm a normie what are you? Ineffective poorfag who gets cucked left and right, every moment of everyday of his life?

This is the mentality of someone who's gonna be poor on the street in five years max

Who will also have an fuckton of STDs

>Fucking tinder tier girls with no condom



is the same dude as


one hell of a larper and dedicated to the cause, ill give him that

>a digimarine

yes that is me, I didn't just save this gif because it completely encompasses my crypto investing supremacy.

>he didn't instantly think of renting to college students
>thinks he can flip foreclosed properties
>300k "on the side" for investments
>missing the entire point of the tortilla meme
let me tell you this, when the "bubble" pops and prices start to plummet, value is gonna drop until prices begin to rise again
you bought that property before the drop, owned it though the dip and now when prices start rising again you were either renting that property out or holding it and letting it increase in value
or you could short the property by buying it at a discount, fixing it up and selling it for a net profit
people are giving you valuable advice that can make you money but you think you are so cool cause you only made a million from holding a overvalued currency
do less projecting and more finding better opportunities
that 10k macbook is what you paid retail for
that 20k on beautiful furniture that girls are getting their bodily fluids over might cost money to clean if you plan on taking care of your shit
instead of buying overpriced designer shit you should be selling overpriced designer shit to hypebeasts and having tumblrinas and snapchat influencers wearing your stuff
that 15k on hookers and drugs could of been spent on appreciating assets
i own businesses, i make money, i don't waste my money on hookers or tinder thots, i spend my money on opportunity, i network, i build relationships
not shitpost on a anonymous forum about nothing

>you'd be foolish not to cash out with something as unstable as crypto.
You could always have used bitsharesUSD, if you're worried about volatility

>Also if I'm a normie what are you? Ineffective poorfag who gets cucked left and right, every moment of everyday of his life?
I'm an effective autist who cucks others left and right. You're not a normie, you're a failed normie who tries too hard to gain acceptance from NEET autists on a Moroccan Camel husbandry forum

Confirmed troll?

In SF with 600k? Jack shit thats what you're gonna do.

You're gonna have to risk large to win large, yes again. Think about buying properties in hurricane affected areas, restoring and flipping them if you're a good manager and know local people who are good with their hands.

Email me OP. [email protected]

I'm taking a nap now but in return for a small amount to help me get started, I think I can give you advice.

Take a risk. I'm a much better investment than a hooker.

LMAO. Rent to college students? Are you stupid? Good luck with the renovations after they destroy your property and cleaning up all the mold from beer soaking into every crevasse of the property. Oh, and they're also the demographic that is least likely to pay rent, what are you going to do, sue them? They have zero equity.

Buying a semi decent property in SF would put me at least 600k in debt. Do you understand this? I could barely buy a parking garage for 300k, and the cap rate on that would be shit. You seem to have it all figured it out, don't you? Poor fag making moves in his head on the side lines, well, this is real life faggot and some people don't want to go half a milli into debt to own a condo. and no, I don't want to own properties elsewhere because I don't want the hassle, once again, it's called quality of life and it's something you clearly don't have because you say all this retarded shit like wrangling thots on tinder to start a modeling agency.

You don't owe shit niggy. You sound like a brainwashed tai lopez disciple. If you actually owned a business, you'd realize the INCREDIBLE downsides of owning businesses. The real moula comes from investing, not slaving 24-7 on your "businesses", which are imaginary anyways lmao

Don't be stupid or you will regret it
Put the money into investments and you will never have to work again

>I'm an effective autist who cucks others left and right.


These larper's never post actual screenshot evidence.

these would have to be my favourite posts by mr OP

and they were in the same thread! unbelievable


>I cashed out a million

Just curious, do you have any proof? I'm not here to criticize, I'm just looking for proof that anyone anywhere has cashed out significant amounts of crypto.

OP, how about to get a hot trip in Moscow? I dare you, there you can get A LOT of extremely hot girls as well as a bunch of top-level sluts for literally nothing.
If you are interested, my Telegram is

When I make a million (even on paper) I would SURELY take at least a fucking screenshot. Fuck these larpers.

I live in the city but never had the money until recently to buy shit. What are some good restaurants?