/xmr/ Monero just hardforked

Monero (XMR) just forked. Update your wallets, nodes and everything. If you're mining, make sure your pool is updated.



we forked at block 1400000.

and no, no Monero Cash is made.

Other urls found in this thread:


I love monero.

Who let you post pics of my gf like that?

>no monero cash

WTF is this bullshit? I want muh free money!

I didn't withdraw my coins from the exchange. Now what do I do?

had my XMR on bittrex

am i fucked

nothing. Its fine.

nope. I'm sure bittrex is on 0.11

Don't think of this like a fork in the traditional sense. To Monero, this is just a pre-scheduled upgrade that took effect at 1,400,000

looks like the wallet is updating right now

Anyone has the link of anime coins posted by OP

Fuck off fluffy pony fag

monero chan's top tier

Why are you calling it a fork and not just a breaking change or something? Nothing forked, you just made a new version which is incompatible with old versions.

Ah, nevermind. I see that crypto people redefined "fork" like SJWs redefined stuff like "racism". Carry on.


Ayy lmao, these are great

yea, bitcoin community fucked it up. they "recoined" the term.

People need to distinguish between any hard fork and a contentious hard fork.

In the rest of the software world a "contentious hard fork" would usually be called a "fork".

The hard part just means no backwards compatibility, while a soft fork is backwards compatible with older versions.


You wait at least a week since exchanges are incompetent as fuck and take eons to update their wallets, though iirc the hard fork shouldn't affect recent older wallets anyway
You also pray the exchange doesn't exit scam within that time

No one redefined anything, there is project forks (software term) and chain forks, they are both called forks you're just retarded and can't differentiate

Yeah I know I read the stupid blockchain-specific article. Nothing I said in my second post is incorrect.

Your post is self-contradictory and you're an inbred.

No it's not, the old term is still used so it wasn't redefined


sorry, but Cloakcoin is only truly private coin.

Monero Transactions Are Usually Not Anonymous Says New Study


Cloak is one truly private coin, and Cloakcoin is much cheaper than Monero

Monero to the moon

Enjoy your traceable blockchain.
Please see the block explorers atleast.

>Balances can be seen
>who sent to whom can be seen
>values can be seen.

>only tx ids can be seen.

Please consider suicide next time. Thanks.

t h i c c