I'm fairly interested in Polish History, especially the Late Piast period.
Any books about this period ?
I'm fairly interested in Polish History, especially the Late Piast period.
Any books about this period ?
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Can you recommend me some books?
"God's playground" and "Heart of Europe" by Norman Davies
In the book rec thread up currently, some guy dropped a link to a mountain of pdfs. If you look in the Eastern and Northern Europe folder, there's a folder full of books on the Polish Lithuanian commonwealth.
Obviously a lot of that is going to be much later than the Piast period, but there's plenty in there that's relevant to your interest too. the Norman Davies books this guy mentioned, for one.
Poland is a shithole that achieved nothing. No need to read book about them.
t. mad froggie
mad you got BTFO in the thread here?
polish history
>be raped by germans
>be raped by russians
that;s it
poland is a shithole that never invented anything, never conquered anyone they are both weak and stupid
t. Ivan Von Krautburger
Not bad
By the way i'm the other guys aren't me so no need to sperg
you didn't prove me wrong
poland is a rightful german land
history of poland is history of retardation
>other countries were kicking kikes out
>polacks let them in
>polacks have the reputation of being antisemites
>have a chance to destroy Prussia
>get patritioned by Prussia
>nobles in PLC valued diplomacy over conflict
>aka an excuse for not fighting because they were faggots
>polacks glorify PLC despite being a fucking shithole meme state ruled by selfish nobles
poland had no actual golden age, no military achievements, no cultural achievements, no scientific achievements they achieved nothing and never will they exist solely to be massacred by their neighbours
that's actually partially true, especially the first bits.
and the later as well. I never heard about any polish achievements and poles themselves can't name any.
The new world problems in political geography: Isaiah Bowman
Poland, an historical sketch: Helmuth Graf von Moltke
Someone post the pic of the French king being impressed by the Poles having Running water and Forks. I'm not even Polish but the PLC was doing very well for itself for about 150-200 years, beating Russia and Sweden in Numerous wars and being one of the wealthiest states in Europe.
I bet they are reliable sources
>Von Molke
Wait, Is this the Von Molke the Elder or the Younger?
Haha, well memed /pol/ bros xD, ave hitler, amrite? :D
There are charts on medieval poland around here. Someone shpuld post them for OP
here's the chart OP