Thoughts on Peter Schiff?

Thoughts on Peter Schiff?





great guy, really shaped me into the pessimistic annoyingly libertarian person I am today.


He either fuds out of fear or out of getting paid to do so. Either way it's

He sells gold and is personally and majorly invested in people buying Gold to hedge against the dollar instead of crypto

He's paranoid, but he makes a lot of good points. I don't agree with him on gold, but he was right about mortgage loans and he makes a very good point about crypto.

I think he'll be right on everything, but when he'll be right is up to question, and he admits that. Will the dollar outlast crypto, probably, but if both outlast us is the real question.


Makes the same points about gold that can be applied to crypto. He's a shill for SchiffGold and Euro Pacific Capital.

>parking your money in a nonproductive asset
literal retardation

he never said to go all in on gold, and makes the point that you should put money into income-producing securities.

bullshit, he takes advantage of middle-america's paranoia about economic collapse to sell gold
He's a scumbag of the highest order

I agree with him on Bitcoin. It's a total scam.

he is like the kind of person that stops becoming wiser once he matures. watch his debates with stefan molyneux on bitcoin and you'll know what i mean

>stefan molyneux

He's a nutjob.

bitcoin and litecoin is non productive

Makes good points concerning the economy.

His Gold Money skit is something else...

Not only does it require about 20 or more minutes of your time signing up (verifying identity), you still need to be approved and that can take a few weeks. But it doesn't stop there. Once you've signed up, they check your account regularly to make sure nothing suspicious is going on. They even go onto say they'll call you to verify information as time goes on and it makes me think they'll be more than willing to confiscate your gold for even the pettiest of things. Nothing you can do neither, as your gold is locked up in a vault somewhere. It seems as if it's meant for the elite - not the average Jef.

Which doesn't touch well with me in comparison to BTC, as BTC is the complete opposite.

It makes me question as to why he's against BTC, but the only answer I can come up to is he's trying to push gold, as he has a special interest. In saying that, I have a lost respect for him now.

Overall. He's an intelligent guy, but I think the goldbug in him has blindsided him into believing BTC is nothing more than a phase.

Bitcoin facilitates transaction that otherwise would not have occurred. There is value in this