2nd Reich best Reich

2nd Reich best Reich
prove me wrong.

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4th Reich best Reich

literally this

second reich didnt include austria like the other two reiche, so its actually the worst

>1st Reich
>Lasts 1000 years give or take a century or two of shitflinging
>2nd Reich
>Doesn't even last 50 years
>3rd Reich
>Can't even make 15
Modern Germans are a fucking disgrace

Don't forget Austria and Switzerland

the third reich was too impactful, time in existence decreases the better it gets

I'm sorry, but when did the Second Reich conquer France?


In 1871 when it was founded

not even the second reich but prussia

>when did the Second Reich conquer France?

That's literally the first thing it did.

Technically it was the 2nd Reich seeing as all its constituent states were part of the war and founding it after they btfo of the French was just making it official


>Franco Prussian War ended with the conquering of France
You realize that after it ended , the Second Reich didn't install a puppet government, right?
>What is the Vichy
>What is the Paris Commune

technically flushing shit down my toilet is also a german victory, doesnt matter

should also be noted the second reich never occupied/puppeted all of it, unlike glorious three

Do you think real life is HoI?

and what if

then you should read a book

i am anyways

>is HoI
Is what? The fuck is hol?

Great, keep it up!

It neither has hearts, isn't of, and there's no iron in it.

Except a puppet government is a puppet government. Why, what happens in hearts of Iron? Does the Vichy just become amalgamated into the 3rd Reich?

lets also not forget the third reich eventually did just invade vichy and occupy it all

>1000 years
when will this 200 (or more) year old meme die?
Wasn't founded by charlemagne
If you want Set a starting point put it at the coronation of Otto I when Emperorship shifted to the east!
Prior to take you just have a (or 2or3) Frankish Kingdom

Wrong. Charlemagne's kingdom became the kingdom of the Franks upon absorbing territory from the kingdom of his brother Carloman. Afterwards he was crowned by the pope and the kingdom of the Franks (which had spread into present Germany, France, Italy, and I believe parts of Spain) became the HRE.