>get gf
>cant get over her past (fucked a mutual friend before we met)
>what do
Get gf
Ill buy your gf for 30 gp
Beat her.
Stop being such a beta and grow a fuckin pair
Are you about to let someone in he PAST cuck you? KEK
This is Veeky Forums
Reddit is that way.
Become the ultimate fucker.
Massage her toes, eat that pussy, and fuck her like a stallion. Do this at every opportunity.
What does this have to do with Business & Finance you cuckold faggot
Fucker her up the ARSE
Fuck her until she goes back to him
Protip: look over your shoulder and when you confirm she's fucked him again cut it off
If you can't get over it, dump her and move to town where you won't know who fucked your girl.
This thread would've been related to Veeky Forums, had you only posted an asian cutie.
Dump her and kill yourself so some Chad can appreciate that pussy.
fuck off you neckbeard
user-san :(
Mutual friend had a bigger cock user. You know it, she knows it and we know it.
Have sex with your mutual friend. That way you'll be on even footing.
If she isn't high IQ just dump her
Nice just bought 100k
Picture her getting railed by someone else while fucking. Cum buckets because you are obviously a cuck living in a non-cuck fantasy.
why do people who have this problem always have small dicks?
>not fucked 100k
You had one job.
do a 51% mining attack on reality's blockchain to change history
You go to /adv/ this is Veeky Forums faggot. If we can't buy or rent her then you're on the wrong board
Could be worse.
real shit user, tell that dumbo faggot
>bizness related
well to start off fuck off to r9k or reddit
Fuck her harder then ur friend did.
I'm in this situation with my bro and he hears me n her fucking all the time. Lol
He's kinda jelly but it's cool
Honestly u just gotta stop being a caring bitch
Unless it was a nigger make sure you fuck her harder and they aren't friends anymore. If not then find someone else because it will only cause you to appear weak and women have 0 respect for weak men.
lol what a slut, when you are kissing her imagine how she sucked his dick and licked his balls faggot. fucking dump her there are enough women in the world you stupid cunt what do you need that drama for, it will eat you up. END IT and stop being a wuss man the fuck up
Break up. Don't date women there is baggage with.
Dumb cuck. He creampied your bitch.