If you have hate in your heart, let it out, but follow the 25 year rule.
And before some T*rk subhuman complains, there have been plenty of "Byzantine Hate Threads".
If you have hate in your heart, let it out, but follow the 25 year rule.
And before some T*rk subhuman complains, there have been plenty of "Byzantine Hate Threads".
who the fuck cares about some wh*Te subhumans hating an Empire that crushed wh*Tes.
however, do not wh*Tewash us. the mere thought of me being related to any european subhuman is enough for me to consider buying a truck and drive towards Europe.
>but follow the 25 year rule.
That's gonna be hard cause most of what I hate about the Ottomans is right here in this fucking thread.
Do you hate whites because of their white skin color or because "whites" are referring to something else?
wh*Te means European Subhumans who have often fair skin, fair hair and colored eyes. Darker of them are called Meds and they're still subhumans
You're white, although you have a tad more shitskin in you.
ayyy lmao
Some things never change that you would ruin a great board like this for historical and religious discussions with your petty grudges.
Why do you hate them? They are comfy as fuck
turks are far worse than vatniks because they're even more deluded.
at least the russkies woke from their drunken stupour long enough to put people in space, develop aeronautical, heavy armaments and other industries and produce great works of art and science.
the turks did none of this. they suffered the same malaise as the romans, in that they used conquest to fund their empire but when the conquests stopped they entered terminal decline.
when even russia views you with contempt and pity, you know you suck.
He is salty that they called him roach on /pol.
Shoo shoo cockroach
Are they called ottomans because Timur used Bayezid as one?
literally how?
for a second I thought the roaches got their shit pushed in by finns
if armenians are so stronk why do you guys routinely cry about muh genocide?
not to mention, where is western Armenia again :-)?
turks were crushed too, millions of turks died in the ottoman conflicts in europe
roaches get BTFO every time they start a war that's not against unarmed women and children
lmao you triggered?
Nice to know that our ancestors still cause this much butthurt.
>Ottoman hate thread at the anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto
>no discussion of said battle
OP please
>Amerimutt subhuman talking about killing children
LMAO you disgusting subhuman mutt
>Turkish war of independence (vs.France and Britain) = Turkish victory
>Greco-Turkish war = Turkish victory
>Turk-Armenian war= Turkish victory