With this brillant new cammo, we cannot lose!
With this brillant new cammo, we cannot lose!
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I mean, how could the enemy possibly see us?
In a world without radios, if the enemy can't see your troops, you can't see them either.
Where are my infantry on my left flank? Well somewhere in those woods over there.
>what is the boer wars and american revolution
>we cannot lose!
Indeed, they won.
Wars fought by desperate men willing to fight dirty?
>Boer Wars
They had breech loading rifles with preloaded shells by then
>American Revolution
All the major battles were fought by dudes not wearing camo
Frontierside was different though
What's ironic is that modern "camouflage" was invented by a french, Louis Guingot, in 1914. He invented the "waffen SS" type of camo for the french troops during WWI but it was not accepted by the army at that time. The observation trees used by artillery observers or snipers were also first made by a french inventor, Lucien-Victor Guirand de Scevola. Besides that the anglo-saxon word "Camo" is a contraction of the word "camouflage"
They'll never see us comin'
A war that saw the adoption of camouflage and a war that was fought by two lines of regulars taking turns shooting at each other?
It's a "brainlet can't understand why clearly seeing where your troops are would be important in an age before radios, helicopters and live satellite imaging" episode.
Who cannot lose? You just posted a picture of trees, user
I remember reading that soldiers were executed when they refused to wear this idiotic "camo", especially the red pants that the French were so proud of.
Seems highly autistic to me.
Well the French needed it the most
>With this brilliant new camo, we cannot lose !
And indeed, in the end, they won.
Bloodstains are invisible on dark blue clothing. This has a psychological effect when fighting side by side and bare capable medical support.
Blue dumbfucks BTFO
What kind of retard brings a blue attire to a forest fight?
Its not like feldgrau or British tan would have been any better that densely packed in a forest though
Hiding is for cowards ;^)
>let's advance slowly to the german border across the fields while packed in napoleonic era formations
*gets mowed down in thousands by german artillery and machine guns
Only cowards need cammo
Why did you post a picture of some trees?
Yeah, and I'm sure its because they wore red pants
>>what is the boer wars
A war where the boers used small units that were self-sufficient and independent
It's not new at all thou, the French specifically wanted to beat Germany in the same uniforms they wore in 1870.
they didn't lose; they won by a huge margin.
I wasn't referring to a specific army. Just all the ones who did this