Why do historians try to shoehorn East Africa into the discussion when discussing African achievements? Look at this man. He is white. He is not representative of the Bantus and neither is Egypt, Mali, or South Africa.
Why do historians try to shoehorn East Africa into the discussion when discussing African achievements...
Other urls found in this thread:
>List African achievements
>Okay but not the part of Africa I say isn't African because it defeats my argument
>Italians aren't white
>These dark skinned Africans are white though because I said so
Why are you guys so retarded?
t. Muhammad al-Babyraper
>he is white
Only in the United States of America
He'd look indian without the curly hair desu.
>indians don't have curly hair
Not nappy hair (or whatever the fuck you call it from what I've seen). It's either straight or wavy.
Yeah, no shit.
East Africans are Caucasoid
>b-but w-
'Caucasion' doesn't refer to skin colour, but skull shape. Brainlets get out.
Ethiopians are not white, given the, you know, black skin, but they are Caucasian. Unlike western and sourthern Africans, pic related, an Ethiopian would look perfectly European if it weren't for the blackness.
They'd still have nappy hair, which would stick out
>places in Africa shouldn't be brought up when discussing the history of the African continent
>an Ethiopian would look perfectly European if it weren't for the blackness.
I wouldn't go that far but, yeah.
quintessentially european if i do say so myself
They arent caucasian, if eat Africans are caucasian then mullatoes are caucasian too
Maybe with minor surgery to make the nose and lips smaller, and a bald head.
Underrated post
I guess if you squint a little
Did this op just learn of the word "Bantu" and is splashing it in his ramblings like a kid discovering a swear word?
No they wouldn't. The facial features would stabs out obviously.
Listen, I'll explain this for you since you don't seem to be catching on. For years, an overwhelming amount of evidence has been suggesting that Bantus for whatever reason maintain a dramatically lower IQ and this is reflected in the development of the region (lack of, specifically). The typical leftist/MSM/oppressive response to this was hurrr durrr look at Egypt, look at Ethiopia, look at Mali, look at South Africa. So I looked at it. And I learned that it's a completely different subset of people with completely different origins which only further lends credit to the original theory.
>pic related, an Ethiopian
Here's a video of an albino Ethiopian gril.
if her lips were thinner, she could pass
Oh hey it's the "my ancestor" guy
>europe is more tightly bound in ethnicity and culture than any other continent
>europe's most populous nations and all of the relevant ones were under roman rule
>yo user you're from britain why are you interested in the roman empire?
>hey guys i'm an afro-american whose ancestors were shit warriors whose military incompetence resulted in the benin empire selling them to my honky great-grandad
>by the way we proud negroes did nubia and ethiopia and sheeeit
>just ignore the fact that horners cluster closer to eurasians than to west africans
>oh and ignore the fact they've always been culturally tied to arabia
>we wuz kangz