How the fuck was this a class struggle?
Marx is a retard
How the fuck was this a class struggle?
Marx is a retard
Easy. The meteor class oppressed the dinosaur class to extinction.
I'm not a marxist, or any sort of commie, but I'm pretty sure he meant HUMAN history.
Leftists only represent fhe views of subhumans though
The dinosaurs owned the means of production and the mammal proletariat overthrew them
Stop being speciesist.
He Talks about history which just starts when we have written acounts of something
>The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.
It falls to you, OP, to demonstrate that dinosaurs had a society.
>Implying the dino-kingdom wasn't the precursor to the Finnish Empire.
>Implying Finns aren't dinosaurs
any pack animal does, even ants have a society and go to war with other neighboring ants for territory
holy shit you just destroyed Marxism! BTFO! in just 12 words!
Those dinosaurs are bigger than those mountains. And is that meteor just floating there and spitting flames onto the land?
Fantastic thread
It gave the means pf production to mammals.
>tyranossaur is greek for tyrant lizard
>rex is latin for king
they were fucking oppressors and didn't even tried to hide it. they had it coming.
Gave me a chuckle
Marxist here
I am reporting this thread for fascism.
They absolutely had an organized society; you pigheaded human bigots just downplay their civilization and label it "savage".
he didn't actually believe anything he wrote. I thought he admitted that himself anyway
Marx *was a retard
he's dead now stupid
What did the dinosaurs know about Hillary Clinton?
>Tyrannosaurus Rex
>literally means Tyrant Lizard
>mammals were the smallest creatures around and were oppressed by the dinosaurs
>meteor crashed and the mammals staged an uprising against the dinosaurs
>mammals dominate the planet from the working class ever since
It all makes sense now
Marx feared the reptiloid warrior