Veeky Forums how many ponzi-scheme-tulip-bubble-coinz will i need to impress girl in the pic related.
hard mode: she's russian
easy mode: she's impressed by tortilla chip warming machines
Veeky Forums how many ponzi-scheme-tulip-bubble-coinz will i need to impress girl in the pic related.
hard mode: she's russian
easy mode: she's impressed by tortilla chip warming machines
Other urls found in this thread:
>looks are the only way to get women
Veeky Forums:
>muscles are the only way to get wimen
Veeky Forums:
>money is the only way to get women
>minorities are the only people that get women
>it's impossible to get women
Too fat, I can't even see her bones.
those tits look so soft, i'd get her pregnant just so i could suck milk out of them all day.
Pretty high quality post.
excellent rundown but i don't want any wimman, i just want Irina as shown in this pic. she looks like lauren southern but it's not lauren. i google reversed image searched it because i am internet savvy.
i think most women are impressed by a combination of: looks, muscles,financial assets, and exotic/minority appeal due to their current status as brainwashed agents of zog.
but i digress.
this specific girl, Irina, is obviously materialistic due to her love of cosplay. and cosplay isn't cheap. it's expensive to put together these intricate outfits. a good looking muscular guy without any financial assets such as bitcoinz would not have the sufficient condition to impress this russian money-loving goddess.
so my question many coinbitz will i need to signal my value to this attractive woman?
best estimate will receive compensation in the form of Digibytes sent directly to their wallet. i am a generous tipper.
neet, please complete the list
everything positive (and even some negetive stuff) about you can be considered attractive by some women, but what people on Veeky Forums don't realize its never 1 thing you're doing wrong, especially in dating. Most girls can overlook faults if they like your personality and the faults aren't glaring.
Basically, what I'm saying is, you'll need about 20 BTC, which will be about 5 dgb in the near future.
First, you must learn to squat. Second, acquire a decent tracksuit. Some gold chains. Put a pan on your head and cut around it. Then, get a BMW and tell her you've got your own business. She'll feel safe with you because she'll feel like home, and she'll be impressed by the fact you make actual money.
great answer bro.
>i think most women are
For the long run, women want a high status bad boy that only they can wish to tame (never actually reaching that goal) and show them his nice family man side
>so my question stands
Humans care for relative wealth
scenario 1: you own a 600k house and your neighbors own a 900k house
scenario 2: you own a 500k house and your neighbors own a 200k house
people go for scenario 2.
scenario 1: you have a village of 50 women and 50 men. War with the neightbor village breaks out and 43 WOMEN die. In the next year, you can have at most 7 babies.
scenario 1: you have a village of 50 women and 50 men. War with the neightbor village breaks out and 43 MEN die. In the next year, you can have still 50 babies.
Man dips are irrelevant. They can fight to the death and figure out who' strongest
Hey, only 6% of the male walrosses get to spread their Chad sperm.
Fertile women have inherent value. They can trade it for coins, men can't. Thus women in Thailand can climb up the financial ladder by going with a fat ugly German, and what counts is the relative situation to Thailand.
Thus you can impress and fuck a New York model looking Estonian girl with 400$ worth of status and you can fuck beautiful girls as Chad in high school because nobody has money to speak of and status derives from six pack or playing an instrument and make all the girls tingle.
Lauren Southern has a better face, but probably not the lean+C cups combination
this is the kind of answer that will put these stupid threads to rest once and for all.
so to all of you "tfw no gf" and "how many __ to get this girl" poasters, pls screencap this fucking great answer with the walrus photo.
thanks user. you really hit some great points that i've already been nit-picking at in my noggin.
yes lauren does have a better face/smile than irina.
shes not asian
Because you asked nicely, i'll just do all the boards I've actually browsed/heard enough about to comment on, but they won't be as funny as those ones, since those are all the "lonely virgin" boards.
>being an edgelord is the only way to get women
>listening to trendy music is the only way to get women
Veeky Forums:
>wearing trendy clothing is the only way to get women
>a van and free candy is the only way to get """women"""
>going to conventions is the only way to get women (and men)
Veeky Forums:
>MMOs are the only way anyone I know has gotten women
>pokeballs are the only way to catch
>Veeky Forums, tinder, and other dating websites are the only ways to get women (and men sometimes but no homo)
Veeky Forums:
>having a superior taste in the arts is the only way to get a suitable mate of the opposite gender (in most cases, a women, as the majority of people on this esteemed board are both male and claim to be heterosexual)
>who needs women when you have sex robots
>who needs women when you have characters from children's cartoons
>who needs women when you have characters from Japanese children's cartoons
>who needs women when you have animals (and autism)
>who needs women when you have ghosts
>who needs women when you have men
Feel free to add your own!
Veeky Forums:
>who needs women when you have crypto
What are some good books about Cryptocurrencies and Investing in Crypto?
reasoning will put nothing to death, bro
also, have some male seals killing each other for the right to put their pen in a hole
>we are the 6%
bonus fun fact:
In some animals (rats, lions?), the female will auto-abort their younglings if a bigger Chad arrives
will study
I doubt there are any
lauren, fuck off. no one likes your face.
>willingly involving women in your life
Dont waste your time, she's not asian
> you are the woman in the post above
> your woman asked you to fix the sink again
where r nipples