The only history of any real consequence is European history. Prove me wrong faggot
The only history of any real consequence is European history. Prove me wrong faggot
or not
European history only happened in the first place, at least in part, through conjunction with and contingency towards events happening elsewhere
For europeans.
Middle easterns have a very important history (for middle easterns)
China have a very important history for asia
and the list goes on
European history is irrelevant. Asian history is the most important.
>He's still stuck in a geographic narrative.
>Like a fucking child.
>Asian history is the most important
>Ching chong emperor does jack all
>Gets BTFO by ching chong rebellion
>New ching chong emperor does nothing
>Gets invaded by some horse fuckers
>Chig chong goat fucker the first does nothing
>Japan does something stupid
>Fight some crappy irrelevant war
>Ching chong emperor does nothing
>Europeans BTFO Ching Chong empire
>Rasheed has a tiny as kingdom
>Does nothing
>Rasheed dies
>Rasheed Jr inherits
>Does nothing
>Gets invaded by goat fuckers
>Does nothing
>Gets invaded by a private ompany
>Does nothing
>Rasheed and his 14 sons emigrate to England due muh commonwealth
Oh yas Asia,so important
What was the purpose of this thread?
Genuinely curious
He's fishing for yous. I think everybody's history is interesting but Central Asians have a more fascinating history than most.
Central Asians which are mainly mongoloids tho. Afghanistan really doesn't interest me until the past few centuries.
>asia is just east asia
asia is everything that isn't africa and europe you nigger (new world/aus is irrelevant)
Read up on Ariana during classical antiquity
You mean a bunch of savage tribes warring with each other and producing absolutely nothing of value to world civilization (outside of Greece and Italy) until the high middle ages?
>You mean a bunch of savage tribes warring with each other and producing absolutely nothing of value to world civilization (outside of Greece and Italy) until the high middle ages?
This dumb logic applies to every region in the world.Using outside of makes your argument totally fucking dumb.Retard
Tell me again where the Abrahamic religions come from again you cretin
The Levant, which is factually in Europe
>christianity founded under roman rule
>jews and mudslimes forever irrelevant
Oh yes, those things that set us back 1000 years
European history impacted the rest of the world. Ooga booga history of tribal wars in Uganda impacted nothing but tribes of Uganda.
European history is only the most important now because the world still lives in the shadow of centuries dominated by Europe. As the mantle passes to American or Asian countries, the history of those areas will become more relent in explaining why the world is the way it is.
European history is important for the entire world tho
Hello there.
How is it wrong?
Until the late 15th century Europe outside the Greco-Roman/Italic world did jack shit in human history except be savages. Hell, the Byzantines saw the other Europeans to be savages literally until they fell to the Ottomans
World history prior to the high middle ages is basically the story of Asia (particularly China, India and the Middle East), and Greece and Italy..
Define the boundaries of Europe faggot
Sure, but this image shows an irrelevant event outside of Europe
>cyka blyat lies pooland and rossyia is yurop!! aroo cyka blyat slava pride!
>le cyka blyat
>Asia outside of the sino sphere has always been irrelevant!
>The middle east outside of Arabs,Persians and Mesopotamians have always been irrelevant!
You are a dumb fuck
If someone's holding a stupid competition you must be winning it.
Only after the 16th century.