In absolute terms, how was Stalin bad?

In absolute terms, how was Stalin bad?
>turned an impoverished devastated shithole into a nuclear superpower
>destroyed Nazism
>took over half of Europe
Could any of you do better?

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Wasn't the best but a great man.

Would you press the button Veeky Forums?

Stalin didn't do like 85% of that


Why did Stalin turn Lenin into a mummy?

>destroyed nazism

Give me genuinely good soviet cinema to watch.

>facilitated genocide
>let his own emotions over ride his ability as a leader "baaawww muh wife died so now Im an edgelord!"
>was a despotic dictator
>let his son died in a POW camp
>made a deal with Hitler and facilitated in his rise to power and is part of the reason WW2 started
>his country paid the price when Hitler turned on him in his powerful state that he couldnt have achieved without stalins help
>Soviet union was almost destoryed, 20 million die
>lies to his new allies and takes over eastern europe
>instead of liberating these countries, he sets up horrid puppet states
>suppresses them with even more brutal purges
>runs one of the most horrid police states in history

fuck off leftypol

He was not. Stalin was a Great man. He just happened to be a total dick who set up a system too dependent upon someone ruthless and intelligent like him.

For lulz

Nothing written there was necessarily bad.

Come and See


Ivans Childhood

White Sun of the Desert

Andrei Rublev

anything by tarvovsky really

thats all bad user, stop being retarded

>If two co-workers who don't get along break into a house, it's clearly a non-aggression pact!

Wtf I love communism now

Great Leader
completely ruthless and paranoid though

Edgy fag kill yourself

Stalin was based, he killed a lot of slavs, faggots, kr*uts and even commies. DO IT AGAIN UNCLE JOE!!!

haha upvoted comrade!

>absolute terms = I ignore and deny everything bad about him so I can LARP as a communist

In absolute terms, you brainlet. I never said he didn't do bad stuff.

No. In absolute terms means taking into account the final results of his rule.

>Red Terror
>Great Purge
>National operations of the NKVD in 1930, too many to tell
>Great purge in Mongolia
Soviet killings during World War II (1939 removal of soviet-hostile elements in poland)

Forcefull industrialitzation at the cost of agricultural production; great fammine
> Forcefull mass deportation of ethnic minorities, most of them died during the travel (Crimeans, Tartars and some siberian and mongolian minorities)

> Intentionally using famine as a weapon agains soviet-hostile comunities

It goes on and on, USSR became a production monster and nuclear superpower because of rich estrategic resources and masive population. Countries far smaller and poorer archived more without any of the genocides and other crimes.

>living such a good and boring life you long for a totalitarian state
I hope you get overrun by extremists and spend the rest of your life in a cage you retard.

Use fascism to destroy fascism

>taking into account the final results of his rule

So, a few dozen million dead and a repressive state apparatus that imprisons and tortures people on mere whim of the state or individuals within, forceful occupation of a numbers of nations, forceful relocation of entire nations, a couple nations genocided, that kind of thing...

he treated his population like cattle all those people manhandled were not put to productive work
if you had even a whiff of white faction you were probably shitting yourself while he was around

kin dza dza
ivan vasilyevich back to the future
diamond arm
gentlemen of fortune

very famous russian commedies you can find them on youtube for free probably

>you had even a whiff of white faction you were probably shitting yourself while he was around

Also, if you were too loyal... or just the right amount of loyal, that was suspicious as well...

Turning an impoverished devastated shithole into a nuclear superpower isnt that hard when you dont give 2 shits about how you do it.

made up, nice propaganda
stalin wasnt a communist, he was just the man to the dirty job

>What is Molotov-Ribbentrop pact

Bbb-but muuh cold war propagana user....

We even got Arendt to invent “totalitarianism” so that we could equate nazis and commies.

please dont send me to siberia

like a true communist, he killed all groups of people equally bad.

Bugs... easy on the gulags

Hitler was a faggot

No, the nuclear-superpower-second-biggest-economy, that kind of thing. Are you just dumb or you're pretending? I never said Stalin was a good guy.

To further explain my point, how can anyone deny he was an effective leader? Ruthless and murderous sure, but very effective.

It was a non-aggression pact that bought the USSR enough time to prepare to fend of the Nazi hordes.

>destroyed nazism
>replaced it with an equally shitty ideology across eastern europe for half a century while killing even more people


Nice defense tovarishch

What was special about Stalin's paranoid reign was that he sought to destroy private life and private feelings

"You traitor, I'm going to kill you," he would whisper to old colleagues at Kremlin receptions.

Worse than that, it wasn't enough to kill enemies, real or (usually) imagined; Stalin's apparatus went after their families.

Thus a wife who had not denounced her husband as an enemy of the people must therefore be one too.

>Stalin killed more Eastern Europeans (not Soviets) than Hitler
Are you genuinely retarded?

I meant killed more people with his regime as a whole than Hitler (although I'd still be correct with atrocities like Holodomor being on the level of the Holocaust).

Hitler wasn`t such a bad guy.
>Turned a decaying Germany that was weak into a power house wich only lost because of bad luck
>reuinited all German people from the opressive rule of other nations
>made the Allies realise that the treaty of Versailles was too harsh
>also shamed France so much they became a meme of a nation and later int time a German puppet state
Could any of you do better as a failing artist?

>Endless feasts for the sake of his loyal men
Could any of you do better as a monarch?

>destroyed Europe again and left most of it to be conquered and raped by Mongoloid hordes

You left out that part

You tried.

As OP said we talk about absolute terms wich can mean anything now

The alt-left's grand strategy:

>Copy the alt-right's meme tactics.
>Position yourself as edgier.
>Replace Hitler with Stalin as the edgy icon.

Tell me I'm wrong on this.

That would actually work, but I'm not even a fucking communist, think of this as a thought experiment.
Why are you people triggered so easily by edgy discussion on a Laotian puppetry board.

>some people believe this unironically


t. goebbels

except Stalin had nothing to do with the holodomor and mitigated its worst effects.

>publicly loathe the alt-right
>privately copy their every winning move, including the God-Emperor shit
>has to include a "Please clap" clause

What a fucked existence.

Read best Soviet book too. The books denouncing the era like Doctor Zhivago and even Life and Fate are all more well known but all the more bleak and depressing while the Quiet Don does feel like a national epic with the whole concept of the Steppe people who have warred against Russia for years finally uniting with them under a common cause etc.

>In absolute terms, how was Stalin bad?

"What I am doing was never tried before, so I need to improvise" sort of bad.
Also, Machiavellian-type of politician, but that's forgiveable.
Also, he was a dick, but his plans sort of worked, so he is not as vilified as, for example, Yeltsin or Gorbachev or Nicky.

It's like in army/recon/spying. If you have an initiative, you disobey rules and do your thing, if it works, you're a guy who employed non-orthodox methods and your case will be written into books.
If you fuck up, you are runaway rogue faggot and you were disbanded a day before you did shit.

I am a tankie, but this greentext is full of BS.

Divine Retribution for polish subhumans backstabbing Czechoslovakia in 1938.
And for baltshits that thought they will outsmart USSR by making their own pacts with Third Reich.

>Give me genuinely good soviet cinema to watch.

Though, to fully understand it, one must be familiar in Khruschev/Brezhnev's era routine life.

Mosfilm has published their movies on youtube, even with english subtitles (don't know how bad those are, tho)

>facilitated genocide

Apart from the Chechevitza operation, none of the genocide was facilitated.

>let his son died in a POW camp.

Compare it to modern politicians that will stir shit and wait it out in their enclosed communities/neighborhoods, while bydlo deal with the consequences.

>made a deal with Hitler and facilitated in his rise to power and is part of the reason WW2 started

When in Rome...
Also, considering that USSR war doctrine was expecting war with Poland...

>his country paid the price when Hitler turned on him

It was inevitable, though it was expected to be much later.

>instead of liberating these countries, he sets up horrid puppet states

Oh noes, instead of going "sorry" and fucking off, paying baltshits and other fuckers, large part of whom either tried to outsmart USSR or actually fucking massacred Russian and Belarussian civilians, he stayed in their countries.
I like how delusional you faggots are.

Stalin was in his right to decimate everything from Riga to Berlin after war, but he didn't, partly because of the "hurr durr, people dindu niffin it was ebul Hitler".

>Destroyed Nazism
Sometimes I wonder how Stalin's propoganda was so affective that future generations bought it, even after all the shit with NKVD came out
>Beria did nuffin wrong
>Kulaks had it coming / Holodomor is a lie
>Gulags weren't even that bad , it's only for counter revolutionaries

Imagine being this autistic

>This dude that was heavily restricted by the regime he had to produce in and under is the poster boy of Coвeт кинo
Really makes me think.
On the other hand I like these restrictions because it makes artists more subtle in their messages

Why do good things never last guys? It hurts me so much to see stuff like that.
These Russian soldiers who are probably really blown away by these Wehrmacht soldiers and their uniforms, they seem so happy. The Wehrmacht soldiers don't seem arrogant either
Does man really not have anything better to do than to kill each other to let us see the humanity we are still capable of

But Kulaks had it coming, though.

>Gulags weren't even that bad

They weren't. Especially in comparison to the more convenient prisons.

>It's a "/pol/nigger trying to tell russians why germany enslaving them would be good for them" time

>tankies general

There are a lot of sovki (homo sovieticus) in ex USSR countries.

White nigger has spoken, behold.

Beria did du nuffin wrong though

Kulaks were the only people keeping that shithole afloat.

>Enslaving them
*Genociding them

Gib lebensraum you Jew controlled mongol niggers

This board is just as bad as /pol/, just in the exact complete opposite way

>Kulaks were the only people keeping that shithole afloat.

Wrong. Kulaks were one of the reason Russian empire collapsed, and, ironically, were one of the indirect causes of bolsheviks rise to power.

Also, they were one of the reasons Russia was a shithole in the first place. Everything the soviets did to him serves those greedy power-hungry kikes right.

Kulaks were repsonsible for the vast majority of Russian agricultural production. Even Lenin understood this and saw collective farming as a fucking disaster which is why he came up with the NEP.

>falseflagging kike
You're bad at this.

Also, even before revolution Kulaks (or миpoeды) was outed as a problem that plague the village.
Soviets just deal with this problem in the brutal, "no sell" way.

You're dumb.

>which is why he came up with the NEP.

Which fucking failed and led to the "Хлeбнaя cтaчкa" in 1929.

>Kulaks were repsonsible for the vast majority of Russian agricultural production

Kulaks were responsible for usury and manipulation through the black market. Also they were responsible for ruling their villages with the Iron Fist and removing ANYTHING that could undermine their power.

t. descendant of бeдняк shit eaters

>it's a "tankies pretend that the kulaks Stalin killed had existed since before the revolution and weren't created by Lenin's NEP" episode

> «B нacтoящee вpeмя бoлee cильный кpecтьянин пpeвpaщaeтcя oбыкнoвeннo в кyлaкa, экcплyaтaтopa cвoих oднooбщecтвeнникoв, пo oбpaзнoмy выpaжeнию — миpoeдa»


>cтpaшнaя язвa нaшeй ceльcкoй жизни, вкoнeц eё pacтлeвaющaя и yнocящaя нapoднoe блaгococтoяниe, этo тaк нaзывaeмыe кyлaчecтвo и pocтoвщичecтвo. Пpи тoй бeзoтлaгaтeльнoй нyждe в дeньгaх, кoтopaя являeтcя y кpecтьян, - для yплaты пoвиннocтeй, для oбзaвeдeния пocлe пoжapa, для пoкyпки лoшaди пocлe eё пoкpaжи, или cкoтины пocлe пaдeжa, эти язвы нaхoдят caмoe шиpoкoe пoлe для cвoeгo paзвития Toлькo ceльcкий pocтoвщик, oбecпeчивaющий ceбя гpoмaдными пpoцeнтaми, вoзнaгpaждaющими eгo зa чacтyю пoтepю caмoгo кaпитaлa, пpихoдит eмy нa пoмoщь в cлyчaях тaкoй кpaйнeй нyжды, нo этa пoмoщь, кoнeчнo, дopoгo oбхoдитcя тoмy, ктo к нeй paз oбpaтилcя. Oднaжды зaдoлжaв тaкoмy pocтoвщикy, кpecтьянин yжe пoчти никoгдa нe мoжeт выбpaтьcя из тoй пeтли, кoтopoю тoт eгo oпyтывaeт и кoтopaя eгo бoльшeю чacтью дoвoдит дo пoлнoгo paзopeния.»


>And of all the human moneters I ham
ever met in my travds, I cannot recall any so malignant and odious as the Russian kulak.

(c)Emile Dillon

Well they're a different kind of kulaks. Those before the revolution were created by Stolypin's land reform, it was basically the emerging middle class and their farms were the most productive in the empire. The "kulaks" under Stalin were just whoever got accused of being a kulak. Some random village retard could accuse his hated cousin of being a kulak because he had a more fancy plough and he'd get shipped off to gulag for it, very similar to Mao's China.

Judging by how it turned, it were you, who ate shit at Gulags, fucking kikes.


My ancestors were noblemen, not kulaks and not kikes. Your ancestors were the rabble who put the kikes in power so they could sell Russia out to Germany.

Чтo, кyлaчoк, жaбa дyшит, чтo мoи пpeдки вaшy бpaтию нeмнoжeчкo пepepeзaли? Дyмaли, чтo кpecтьянe вaм пoжизнeннo пятки цeлoвaть бyдyт, хитpoжoпый кycoк дepьмa?

In other words your ancestors lost the war to a bunch of shit slinging peasants. Good job. Have a medal.

>мы пoбeдили пaцaны ))))))

Your ancestors destroyed Russia and handed it on a silver platter to kikes. Have fun dwelling in the shithole they've created.

>My ancestors were noblemen

So, useless degenerates.

> so they could sell Russia out to Germany.

Instead of France and England banks, like "noblemen" did, to finance their decadence, Russo-Japanese war and participation in WW1?

And remind me, who bent over and invited foreign intervention in the futile attempt to secure their degenerate ways?

You faggots deserved to be kicked out from Russia. If Razin or Pugachev had done this earlier, Russia wouldn't need commies and Russia wouldn't be such shithole.
Now get out of my face, двopня.

>Red Terror
Counterrevolutionary reactionaries deserved it
>Great Purge
Trotskyist saboteurs and wreckers deserved it
>National operations of the NKVD in 1930, too many to tell
Bourgeois nationalists deserved it
>Great purge in Mongolia
Mongolian revisionists deserved it
Soviet killings during World War II (1939 removal of soviet-hostile elements in poland)
Soviet-hostile elements deserved it

His ancestors were competent only in throwing parties and stealing money.
Hell, most of them became taxi drivers and similar shit after emigration. It was their level of competence - and they were fucking rulling the country.

Also, speaks much about their nationalism, considering that they always were asking from help from Entante and, later, Third Reich to help them return the power over bydlo.

There is nothing more incompetent, greedy and degenerate than "noblemen" of the late Russian Empire.

>1939 removal of soviet-hostile elements in poland

Considering that Poland tried to outjew USSR with the Warsaw Uprising, NKVD did their job especially shitty.

>so they could sell Russia out to Germany.
And everything went exactly according to plan, right?