He has no credit history

>he has no credit history
>has sub-700 credit score
>can't finance anything
>seriously thinks he can get insurance even if he buys his lambo or house in cash

Why wouldnt i be able to insure my lambo or house if i own it outright

they are men..them laughing at me is positive . I don't want them to peg the shit out of me

what the fuck is a credit history ?

non American here

a jew cattle brand

>bragging about good goy points

>being this much of a good goy
>"credit scores"

fucking hell, the jews really did a number on your country

I'm trying user, I'm at 698. I can apply for a CC soon. Ive been missing out on all the cashbacks mang....

After the Equifax thing, I'm giving up on the system. Cashed out the $20k I have to my name and I'm buying gold, silver, bitcoin, basically anything that will save me from the rapidly approaching period of economic despair. I have 0 faith in the world financial system

We can't do anything without a good credit score. If you fuck up once you are doomed to poverty and being a debt slave. I'm waiting for all the boomers to die so this will all boil over and then us millenials will probably just "redistribute" (steal) the wealth.

Equifax put in motion an apocalyptic scenario, so your doing good. Things on this scale tend to mvoe slow until they don't.

Fuck me I hope you're trolling.

holy fuck you guys really are all retarded

What! you slave! get back to work! get your fucking credit scores! no stop it! stop breaking the conditioning, YOU CANNOT BE RICH ONLY MEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJIIOOOOO *Jamie Dimon dies in autistic screeching*

It's funny because I had a great credit score my whole life and I no longer care. I maxed out all my cards (for cash back) to buy commodities because the dollar is slowly collapsing

>implying that if I have the money to buy lambo, I would do it in the US and not move to a normal country

europoor here

what the hell is credit history?

In America we have a system of good boy points for people who pay their debts on time. If you don't have a good credit score, then you get raped by high interest rates and deposits, or simply can't finance at all.

Basically our entire system is based around debt

Credit scores are personal scores of how much of a good goy you are determined by how much debt you currently hold, how good you are at paying your debt back, and the maximum amount of debt you can currently take.

It's a retarded system that basically forces you to use credit cards or run the risk of having to pay huge penalties on any type of loan. It's literally a government enforced scam used to trick people into getting into a shit ton of debt. Someone with no debt, no bills, no outstanding loans and 50k in the bank would have a lower credit score than someone 50k in debt, no money in the bank and lots of credit cards.

I hate people like you, holy fuck. I hope this is hardcore bait because I encounter normies like this every day in my life.

>had credit card since 18
>775 credit score
>can finance just about anything
>no debt at all whatsoever
Feels fucking good man.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Insurance is almost always a bad deal. It's just that if you need something for your livelihood, you're forced into signing such a bad deal.
But if you're rich, why the fuck would you ever insure luxury goods? You can just buy new ones if something happened, and insurances have calculated quite precisely what the odda are something happens and will give you bad odds/payouts.

Well, here in America you are penalized for not having health insurance, thanks to the wise and progressive reforms of our benevolent ruler Barrack Obongo.

Also, for non-rich people, it is cheaper to pay the insurance than to buy a new car in the event it gets totaled.

What I'm trying to say is that, on average, a person pays more to the insurance company then he receives. They know the odds your car will crash. They charge you more than the costs to pay out all crashes + overhead. So you are making a bad deal but are forced because you're fucked if your car is gone.
That's why I'm saying I don't get insuring things when you're rich. Except for when you somehow can get a deal that's mathatically in your favor, which is certainly possible.

23 with a 850 and 12 inch dick


I fucking hate car insurance. Over my lifetime I've probably put more than $20k into it and I have gotten NOTHING out of it, and probably never will. It's a mandatory fucking scam that, if you don't buy into, you'll be legally penalized and fined. FUCK car insurance.


Creditcucks deserve to burn for supporting this system, along with everyone who takes out a mortgage for a house, and finances things like cars and appliances. You are the problem. You justify (((their))) tactics and allow them to continue. You cant discipline yourself to buy things in cash or wait until you can afford them.

Credit score? What is this cuck shit? I just buy in cash unlike poor plebs

It doesn't matter, not carrying car insurance is illegal in the US

Do you think a niggers paying for his Mercedes with crack money is paying insurance? No. Stop being a cuck and stop respecting the system that openly enclaves you
