Dumb Things we used to believe in history

>Saratoga was won by the Americans blasting Yankee Doodle and it made the brit's ears bleed and they ran away

>Holocaust happened

>Murica fights wars because muh freedum.

>There is no way another Holocaust will happen, nobody could ever possibly forget or deny its existence
Oh how wrong I was


When I was a kid:

>Russia is the biggest country so it is also the most powerful country and it has never lost a war

When I learned slightly more:

>Russia is a nearly uninhabited wasteland which is almost completely radioactive because of Chernobyl.

I also remember seeing Putin and George W. Bush shaking hands on TV and I thought that was the end of the Cold War. Like literally that handshake ended the Cold War.

>almost completely radioactive because of Chernobyl
So you became even more retarded as you got older?

You sound like a brainlet. I learned about Chernobyl when I was 7 and I didn't assume the entirety of Russia had gone radioactive.

He probably comes from the radioactive areas.

Fun thing is Chernobyl isn't even in Russia.

I thought Russia was cold because of nuclear winter.

To Russians everything they ever controlled is Russia.

99% of American boomers think Russia is still communist so he's not even that bad.

It was when I learned about it.

Yeah, but isn't this board supposed to attract the more informed people?

Which was when, in the 1910s? It's been a part of Ukraine since Lenin.

You just don't get it. To Russians, Ukraine is Russia and forever will be because they once controlled it. Poland probably is too.

>Brainlet trying to argue semantics to try to save his point
Chernobyl was part of a state called the USSR, of which the Russian Federation is the legally, internationally recognized succesor.

You guys are being really judgmental about this for some reason.

>backpedaling retard

How the fuck is that backpedaling?

I wish that was what happened