Veeky Forums Help me out here!

Veeky Forums Help me out here!

What was the real reason why Britain declared wor on Napoleon?

what's a wor

To maintain the balance of power. He was a warmonger that threatened to put the entire continent under his control.

He never wanted to conquer Europe until Britain declared war on him

Anglos have an inherent desire to destroy everything good in the world

after frances revolution every monarchy wanted to fuck up frances shit

>this is what ouiaboos actually believe

I guess francophiles are smart

>it's a Veeky Forums goes full ouiaboo thread

What is this board's problem?

Too many French posters. They shitpost on Veeky Forums while Jamal and Ahmed penetrate holes of their whore women.

>What was the real reason why Britain declared wor on Napoleon?

Monarchy declared war on republic to prevent a republic raising up in its own land.

Did you just imply Anglos were ever right or ever did anything good

No I implied that Veeky Forums has an inordinately large population of both French people and "Anglo" hating Americans.

I just assumed this was the root cause.

Napoleon was a warmonger

Nothing new, the french had that capacity for centuries.

The bosch did us all a favor when he bashed that habit out of them for good.

everybody hate anglos, you dont need to be an boo to hate perfidious albion

your obsession with frogs are laughable

oh, everyone does eh? well, that's odd, seem to me that you're writing in my language professor

He's writing in bastardised French, are you proud of having a subpar version of French as your national language?

We've managed to make a French that people can understand.

Clearly there's nothing we can't do.

If the French were allowed to solidify ties with the Austrians and Russians, Britain was going to get fucked over long term.

fortunately for us all they were too snooty and stuck in hubris to affect such a change

You're a deluded faggot tho (and an obsessed samefag who spouts this lie in every thread about France)
Tons of non-French love France
You just have to visit flag boards

good lads, spot on as ever

The absolute state of British posters..

>Napoleonic France

Well, the only reason that didn't happen was because they needed Britain's supplies