"hi uh, im here for the interview"

>"hi uh, im here for the interview"

Great. How are you? Okay, nice to meet you. Please wait for Sarah, the senior engineer on the team you would be working with.

*Recruiter leaves room, Sarah comes in two minutes later*

Sarah: Hey there. Nice to meet you. Given two linked lists, insert nodes of second list into first list at alternate positions of first list.
For example, if first list is 5->7->17->13->11 and second is 12->10->2->4->6, the first list should become 5->12->7->10->17->2->13->4->11->6 and second list should become empty. The nodes of second list should only be inserted when there are positions available. For example, if the first list is 1->2->3 and second list is 4->5->6->7->8, then first list should become 1->4->2->5->3->6 and second list to 7->8.

Use of extra space is not allowed (Not allowed to create additional nodes), i.e., insertion must be done in-place. Expected time complexity is O(n) where n is number of nodes in first list.

Pierced girl:
struct Node
int data;
struct Node *next;

void push(struct Node ** head_ref, int new_data)
struct Node* new_node =
(struct Node*) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
new_node->data = new_data;
new_node->next = (*head_ref);
(*head_ref) = new_node;

void merge(struct Node *p, struct Node **q)
struct Node *p_curr = p, *q_curr = *q;
struct Node *p_next, *q_next;

// While therre are avialable positions in p
while (p_curr != NULL && q_curr != NULL)
// Save next pointers
p_next = p_curr->next;
q_next = q_curr->next;

// Make q_curr as next of p_curr
q_curr->next = p_next; // Change next pointer of q_curr
p_curr->next = q_curr; // Change next pointer of p_curr

// Update current pointers for next iteration
p_curr = p_next;
q_curr = q_next;

*q = q_curr; // Update head pointer of second list

Sarah: Wow, that was fast. When can you start?

What coin is this?

>linked lists
>"what coin is this"

you're not going to make it

>ok what do u think about golems

if she can do the job then i'd hire her. if she can't, then i wouldn't hire her. how is this complicated?

i work as an Md as admin and appropriate services for elderly individuals. weather you can or cant change a bed pan is independent of the elderly person giving access or any personal permissions to the OP pic. to that individual i would say piercings and makeup are unhygienic for the field, if you pass my scrutiny you must still abide by hospital rules (dress code, and attitude) or leave. simple as that.

Thank you for your service, user. Btw, couldnt the VA remove that shrapnel?

Alternate method:
>be non white

link my cock to your lips desu senpai

*"trap"door to crocdile tank opens* "Next!"

Please take a seat on the couch, let me turn on the camera.


Heres the pole bitch. Start dancing. Mfw I was a pimp four years ago.

>she thinks I will pay her a living wage

I say that people like that are more like to be mentally unstable. That doesn't mean she is mentally unstable, but the possibility is there.

Tradesman here, we don't really bother with formal interviews.

Be here at 6:45am tomorrow, wear long sleeves and pants, tie your hair in a bun and take that shit out of your face. Failing any of these is grounds for instant dismissal under OH&S laws.

I guarantee she will be sacked by 6:50 for failing one of these or being late then she can go back to crying about the wage gap without realizing she just threw away the best paying she will ever have.

Giv trades job

Just go into any site and ask, you'll have 3 apprenticeship offers by lunch time.

Is that a coal mine? How is mining as a career? Genuinely curious, just moved somewhere with a lot of mining going on and looking for some kind of work.

i've seen you say the same shit in other threads. just letting you know: you're fucking retarded

That is a stone quarry for making concrete, I have also worked on silver and zinc mines and a natural gas processing plant. I was doing upgrades / construction so weren't part of operations but spent plenty of time with those guys.

It's a pretty good gig with great rates and 50/50 time split (eg. 3 weeks of work, 3 weeks off). The worst part is nepotism so you'll always be working with someones incompetent son-in-law or brother, best part is the freedom both financially and from being so far from society.

These looking people almost always have daddy issues or some form of mental illness.


>I have a neck tattoo and multiple piercings

I'd smash OP.

>Come right this way
>Right through this door
>Slams door behind it
>It finds its self in the backally