What conspiracy theories do you believe in...

What conspiracy theories do you believe in? I know you guys understand the importance of actual evidence compared to boards like /pol/ and /x/. I like to believe in them, but realistically speaking, I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the conspiracy theories are total bullshit.
>pic not related

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You guys promise not to laugh at me?
...Pic related.


I said don't laugh!!

I still believe that there was a second shooter in the JFK assassination. There's just no way that one shooter was able to get 3 shots off with a Carcarno bolt-action rifle in 4.8 seconds.

A reasonably experienced shooter can easily re-chamber a bolt-action rifle in less than a second.

the earth is hollow, tibetans convinced me

I believe that the early Christian church covered up the fact that Jesus was a woman. The entire symbology built up around "him" as the lamb of god offered for atonement of our sins only works for a female "lamb".

Almost definitionally, none.

History s filled with conspiracies that we know about, because big secrets are hard to keep. Presumably there are millions of little inconsequential conspiracies that don't matter and remained a secret because nobody gives a shit.

But I have a hard time believing there are big huge important conspiracies successfully kept secret from everybody but a bunch of loopy conspiracy theorists.

If they were real, and there was evidence, they would not be conspiracy theories, they'd just be history. But if they are not real, or if there is no evidence, then why would I believe them?

>tibetans convinced me
Care to elaborate?

Zionists have an outsized influence on American foreign policy

Covert weather manipulation and its effects on human health and the climate is the hidden peril of our time.

North African, Iberian Peninsula or French peoples came to America thousands of years before the Siberian people crossed the Bering strait

Persians sailed to Central America, Polynesia and New Zealand before Polynesians or Maori colonized Polynesia and New Zealand

Hyperborea and Atlantis were real
They weren't as ridiculous as movies and such make them look but the stories were certainly based on real things, cultures we're fully aware of

This. They even have influence in the culture of America since... I don't know... Hollywood maybe?

Katangans killed Hammarskjold
Saudis are nuclear armed already



I believe that Jews run a lot of first world countries and actively attempt to suppress the citizenry of those countries. They do this because they want to cultivate a people that are easily ruled and they also want to maintain their iron grip on the world through their ownership and manipulation of the banks. Not sure about all that weird pedophilia Satan worshiping stuff that some of /pol/ talks about though.

9/11 being allowed to happen
Child abuse being a fun/bonding excercise for Western elites (Pizzagate), including Moloch imagery in the US
CIA influence in Australian politics (including in the union movement, which helped bring down Gough Whitlam). "US diplomatic cables published last year by WikiLeaks disclose the names of leading figures in both main parties, including a future prime minister and foreign minister, as Washington’s informants during the Whitlam years." google.com.au/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/oct/23/gough-whitlam-1975-coup-ended-australian-independence
Communism as partly a German/Jewish plot to destroy Russia
NATO protection and supervision of fascist/national-socialist terrorism in Western Europe
Secret treaty with the German government making it a formal vassal of the US
CIA influence on the European press
Bulger not being an informant but rather a rubber stamp that the FBI could use to get the Italian Mafia (also included: Irish American ethnic collusion for FBI assistance to the IRA)
Left wing politics as US imperialism
Intelligence measurement denialism as a self-protection mechanism by the large-brained (generally unconscious)


They're not hidden. What are called conspiracies, like the Jewish conspiracy, are more like societal taboos on noticing things in the open.

the problem with that hypothesis though is that brown people hate jews a lot more than most white people now do because they're typically a lot more religious. racemixing doesn't really have a negative effect on IQ unless its with black people, there's lots of half arabs and half asians who are just as smart as white people are if not more intelligent

JFK's assassination was suspicious as fuck.

Jack Ruby is the most suspicious thing about the JFK assassination. Like I can buy a a commie loving ex-marine with a penchant for taking incriminating pictures of himself holding guns and date-establishing newspapers that got let back in to the country after defecting to the USSR during the height of the cold war without any apparent trouble for some reason deciding on his own to kill the president.

But why the fuck would some mob-connected nightclub owner then throw his own life away by shooting him in the middle of a perp walk with a bullshit motive of DUDE I FELT BAD FOR JACKIE KENNEDY LMAO ?

The Jew

I hope Atlantis was a real place.


Haven't I seen you posting on /out/?

Nah, I'm too neet for that board user.

North Korea is the 'diplomatic' voice of the modern China, and all that with historical, militry and even cultural and economical context.

Jews have a lot of power.
What I don't believe:
>all jews should be blamed
>all jews with power are tribalistic
>jews had a lot of power before ww2

Huh. There's a guy there that only posts Tintin reaction images. He's got like 50 it seems.

A lot of people post Tintin reaction images user

I believe there is a small group of semi-educated and highly motivated people to distort the historical record and public perception of such in order to rehabilitate Hitler and the Nazis by denying and minimizing the Holocaust.

Did my post about muslims in Europe actually get deleted?

Oops, I just posted it in the wrong thread, how silly

>Muslims trying to spread their ideologies through European countries, which isn't really a conspiracy at all, it's just that most media is too leftist to acknowledge it

It's just one guy on /out/ that I've seen who does that. I don't frequent many other boards though.

Why not just glorify the holocaust instead though? Seems to work on /pol/acks.

I'm convinced that all conspiracy theories are actually alien mind control experiements caused by some sort of EM waves, my theory included, they're probably just testing me to see how would someone react if he was woke like me.

>too leftist to acknowledge it
But they know what are they doing, do you think they are stupid?

fuckk in ass

I believe that human civilization is much, much older than we think it is. It's slowly becoming more and more mainstream now.

Explain this

You’ve never shot a carcano. That’s like assuming Schumacher could replicate his F1 lap times in a Prius.







Muslim here, that's not a conspiracy. Religions are allowed to spread and most do so readily.

sure user, you fight forma Al-Qaeda and stuff.

the cia killed jfk

not a conspiracy, common knowledge


first of all, it is l i t e r a l l y the definition of a conspiracy, the phrase conspiracy confers nothing about its veracity

second of all, popular opinion is not evidence of something being true or not

user, you looks like pic related.