How rich will I be in 3 months?

Pic related is my entire portfolio, split 33% in each one.

How many lambos can I buy in about 3 months?


first: unsure

second: hold it and decent moon potential, love the good choice

third: same as second but half the moon potential already gone

Pretty much. I see ANT being big in the future, not in 3 months future though.

Considering you probably dropped a whole .3K on the deal, you can buy .00144296 lambos.

You picked the 3 biggest stagnating shitcoins on the market.

The most likely answer is in 3 months you will be worth the exact fucking same as you are today.

Because I want to be rich? This thing seems like it predictably swings back and forth and someone said it's going to shoot up when the new updates come out. I looked into it and it seems legit and really stable at the price right now.

I'd rather not buy AFTER a moon mission, but instead find coins nobody is really betting on yet, you know what I mean?

My portfolio is about 24k total, so about $8000 per coin.

Can I get your opinion why? Just want a second thought on it.

The second one is actually the one I'm most worried about though.

Also, why is the first unsure? That one seems like a pretty sure bet at this point. Most professional ICO I think I've ever seen.

Ethbet came out literally 4 hours ago and you're complaining it's too stagnate?

Fucking what? And Kyber can't even be traded yet.

What the hell are you talking about?

>3 most stagnant shitcoins
Put some effort into your shitposts, kyber can't even be sold for another week and ethbet's ICO isn't over.


>I want to buy before the moon mission
Its been on a downtrend for months and still hasn't reversed when zoomed out. Go full ICOs if you want to fit the rest of your portfolio or choose something safe like BTC.

Hmm. I can see your point.
From what I could tell, this looked like a pretty stable floor though. Kind of an "the only way to go from here is up" kind of thing.
I'll think about it though.

Also if I had to choose something safer I'd go with ETH because it still has more updates and news coming in the near future while Bitcoin just seems to have specifulation.

ETH's still on a downtrend against BTC, maybe that will reverse but I'm not so sure as you'd expect it to have already off metropolis hype. Normally price goes up on the hype before something's implemented and then once it actually is it dips.

ethbet and ANT are both great choices dude. Ignore the poorfag haters here, you will be good.

I find that crypto markets are actually extremely impatient, unlike stocks. Usually when you'd expect hype, a big whale or many whales seem to let it go up a bit and then crash it back down and suppress it low as long as they can until right before the update when it explodes upwards, and then maybe crashes afterwards as whales "sell the news," but that's probably just for coins with much smaller market caps than ETH.

Alright good

yeah, its pretty annoying to see the same fucking large cap coins being shilled on biz everyday like OMG or ARK - I dont understand how people cant get that those coins already mooned.

ANT on the other hand is an epic sleeper - its still a risky bet as its hard to tell if their product will really get widespread usage, but if it does then we will see multibillion mktcap.


Kyber is a great choice, didn't manage to get it.

Ethbet looks really promising, still deciding how much I should invest in it, have 18 more hours to get that sweet 50% bonus.

Ant lost value but it looks like it found a really stable floor and doesn't have anywhere to go but up.

All round great protfolio user, best of luck to you.

After trying it out, I'm really counting on it.

Thanks man I appreciate it

I have tried it myself out too, thats why I invested some bitkronos in ANT, but its still hard to tell if the final version will be smooth and practical enough for a lot of people to use it