What did McAfee mean with this?

What did McAfee mean with this?

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ODN > verge > pivx > dash > bitcoin > monero

the simplest answer is that keeps missing it because it doesn't hit his price target or his conditional buy order.

happens commonly when something keeps going higher but you were waiting for it to dip for a better entry and refuse to buy it on the way up.

>infinite supply
When did that happen? I remember back in 2014 there was a hard cap, was there a fork or are you full of shit?

Well for what it's worth... i just bought 50K verge. When McAfee is invested in it, you know its time to step in lol.

He wants to buy the company that owns the cryptocurrency verge

this means cancel your low sell-orders on xvg.
and strap yourself

this means McAfee is constantly balls deep in crackwhore negress pussy he can't find time to acquire Verge, either the company outright or its coinz.

simple reading comprehensive, broheim. do you need any other help with your homework or is that all for today

He also liked Avalon lol

The classic public blockchain for a "private" coin

Look at a blockchain explorer and you can see everything on verge. Its doge coin running over tor


It's called being decentralized, which is the entire point of cryptocurrency.

Go read up on how to properly use your public keys as per the original BTC devs and you won't have any issues with blockchain privacy.

I wonder how many Verge shills remember it was called Dogecoin Dark originally?

>can't be tracked if use a new address per transaction meme

Rolf, every government has stuff that analyses bitcoin blockchain to shit. You are stupid if you think you are private

Private block chains are also decentralized you monkey

Verge is my golden ticket.

john mcafee is like 70

that's right


he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.
verge is a scam coin. do a little research on the tech. it's literally just bitcoin with a TOR wallet.

These fucking verge cucks. No one is buying that shit coin you poor fuck. Just fucking buy monero.

Why the fuck does it even matter?
USD has infinite supply, people use it anyway.

Do I need to upload the interview where he endorses Monero and shits on Verge? Sigh I guess I have to :
He literally shits on Verge on their own Radio show.

Yes user invest in USD! It is in a never ending dip! Buy USD today!

it's open source user