This shitcoin is causing me major distress. Bittrex when?
im hodling till i 2x
I just got banned from their telegram for calling out on that the system will probably end up with a whale and Tierion pingponging eachother with TNT. All my money is in this. I have 137k TNT... When I bought it, I put around $20k in this, now it's worth like $12k...
They have 3 employee's and they have 25 million in the bank.
I'm running 23 nodes, 0 rewards so far. The whale gets around 30% of the rewards and he keeps making new nodes.
How the fuck am I supposed to get info about anything now that I'm banned from the telegram?
The nodes have error's everywhere, I don't even know if they're working.
This is fucking madness man.
yes the price nearly halved because of the china fud
i can't see tierion going lower, but you should definitely diversify next time
Yeah, but the team looked trustworth, I didn't expect a shitcoin.
why wait for bittrex to short you? you can lose money with that coin on yobit right now
>i can't see tierion going lower,
No fuck you nigger, this shit won't go much lower. This is NOT a full board shitcoin just yet, they can absolutely redeem this shit.
goddamn dude
Should I buy Tierion?
my main reason for even considering it is that Chris DeRose mentioned it on his show
right now its a good buy it wont go any lower
Oh god I have to make an acc on Liqui?
Is this shit coin still under ICO price?
No thx. CEO Wayne is a shady shiller who edited the whitepaper the day of the software release to change the terms of the rewards system. I view this coin as a cash grab to get free funding for his comapny. The reward system is the definition of a ponzi scheme too
>to get free funding for his comapny.
but what is so bad about that?
>definition of Ponzi scheme
No it isn't
TNT price goes up as more businesses use the tierion network just like any other ico
It's your job to judge whether or not the use case for tierion is valid and that it has a better shot than its competitors
That would be the case if the price went up. However, I was there when it was only several nodes running on the day of the release. Now, I would guess there are several thousand nodes running and the price is dipping every day. I sold that shit at $0.12 and never looked back. Currently hovering close to $0.09
Damn. I almost set up 1 node but then I saw all the shit on telegram and dumped my bags for a small loss. If you're not getting any rewards with 23 nodes I would have just been burning cash with no hope of reward with1 node. Sorry for your losses user
You are talking as if the day of release wasn't a couple days ago. We were all there, and I don't even understand what you mean by that first sentence
the more businesses that adopt tierion's network sevices the more valuable it will be. Right now, just like day1 of 0x ico just on a longer timescale with the nodes, people are dumping their quick node gains for easy profit
This is some long term hodl shit that unfortunately fucked over people that invested before the China fud and the people that didn't read the white paper
I agree the China FUD definitely had a play in fucking up the release in this. The software was released in prime meltdown time. I also am a big fan of Tierion and its true capabilities. However, I think Wayne is untrustworthy and has a hidden agenda that he is using this project for. Call me crazy, but something definitely seems off with all of the lack of communication since the get go.
probably a dumb question but can you use one MEW for multiple nodes or must they be separate wallets?