Edge is about to moon

Edge is about to moon. maybe tonight, tomorrow, the day after, whatever. point is, its the accumulation phase.

any beginners want to learn about spotting pumps, heres a start. study it well.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuk around and refinanced my house for EDG

you dont have a house


just bought 100k

you dont have a smartphone, but if you do, you mom is the only one that calls you and the only texts you receive are att plan updates.

Hey man that is REALLY rude. Please apologize. This is a board of civility and nobleness. Please treat your fellow man like YOU would like to be treated. What did I EVER do to you? That was UNCALLED for.

"about" to moon. kek. it's already in the middle of the pump. I hope none of you bought at 23.5k+. you should have bought when it was dumping hard at the lower 22k/upper 21k

that was uncalled for

your mom is such a retarded dirty slut, when the doctor signed your birth certificate he put your name in quotations because you aint legit.

projecting faggot kys hahaahahaah

at least i have a projector.

you just get the erector as a molestor cause you a defector

Hi, I am nearly in tears. Do you not care about the emotional trauma you are inflicting upon me?

kill yourself dumb pajeet nigger poo

not to make you sad but we got niggers pajeets and jew scammers along with the good folks here on the mongolian horseback murdereers bulletin board

dumb thread

anyways i bought in at 21770, what was the reason for the huge dump anyways?

i dont know. i just know that i bought in at 26k, i think its going to 30k.

CryptKeeper think he got banter
but he's just a baiter
You don't have any clout
Keep projecting your self-doubt
You middle-aged burnout
Your mommy is calling, she got your tendies


No you mean mgti

yo boi

i speak speeches
while you riddle in leeches
as i fuck my nine nieces
nipples the size of reese's pieces
and lick the greases
in between their creases
you a gay male and im not facetious
you flip and fumble you should be on leashes.

Get outta here little boy, you broke
I bought Bitcoin in 09’ cause I’m woke
While I was making stacks off darknet coke
You were on your knees for a bump of dope
I know you no-Coiners can’t cope
Spending all day on Veeky Forums without any soap
Delete your Blockfolio before you have a stroke
The only thing you should invest in is a rope


Holy fucking shit that was SAVAGE

>Edge is about to moon.
is it really?

did you not notice that it was at 35k not even a day ago?

We all know that all Asians are fucking degenerate gamblers and will push this to at least $5. Just watch.

screencapped this thread because cryptkeeper not only just got filtered but he got eternally btfo

edge mooning currently, walls in place

We get it, you all bought at 36k right before the dump and now you are shilling so you can sell at 26k instead of 20k.

I bought 500 just incase it bounces

I bought at 22, any chance I'll make a profit?

Should already be in the green retard

Jokes on all of you, I just bought so it's about to dump

Not by much, though.

I'll give it 12 hours or so

Do you think it goes back to around 40ish?

People are forgetting that the Monaco bagholders that made fortunes held it through one small dip and two giant dips before it went to outer space. These dips are nothing compared to the iron hands of those investors.

I don't know you dumb bitch I just bought at 22 hoping for a bounce also

maybe in a year

So what's the coin to buy right now? Was last night's bitcoin run up a typical thing? I've spent most of my time in stocks, new to the coin game
I know it's Veeky Forums, but you don't need to be an asshole. Faggot.

yea well maybe i like it that way

anyone knows why did edge suddenly drop some days ago?

>buy coin
>it goes down


they released a news post right before it

Moon ya cunt!

Though honestly seeing this discounted so heavily when I woke up was great, some idiot fat finger whale caused a massive sell off for no good reason lol

So whats special about this fagcoin?
What does it bring to the table?

Is this shitcoin ever going to recover from that vicious dump?

fuck those liars medium.com/edgeless/an-update-before-a-game-553bcbef99c8 postponing their shit for months all the fucking time

They don't need the license anyway to run cryptocoin casino. Why care? It's easier to multiply Eth on EthRulette than investing.

how do you play eth roullete?


Your reply post is a joke its easy to /c/
you larping as a hot shot but you a flame /lgbt/
why dont you go to Veeky Forums and larp as a swole
better yet, post as a whyte boi in /pol/
take a few minutes as a pajeet in /g/
/toy/ has better looking sex dolls than what your mom can larp for free
you just a mad basement boy from /mlp/
or head back to your sissy traps from /b/
the adults are posting you need to be 18
go larp as a wolf in /an/ cause you aint Charlie Sheen



You guys are not seeing the big plan on it. Caribbean economy shady as fuck. It will be a beacon for dark money and they will launder the money sayin that is casino gains.

The Rated R cryptostar!

Bought the dip and waiting for the trip.

Volume still at ATH yet price not moving. I think we're just getting charged up.

I can feel the tension, any second it could go off




oh, yeah, it's mooning... in the wrong direction, though