How as the wife of the house able to keep slaves in line when her husband went off to war?
Why didn't the slaves gangbang the wife then make off into the night? What's the woman going to do against grown men?
How as the wife of the house able to keep slaves in line when her husband went off to war?
Why didn't the slaves gangbang the wife then make off into the night? What's the woman going to do against grown men?
remove the nuts and you lose all sexual urges.
Did they castrate ALL slaves?
The Law.
Which pretty much had no mercy to slaves at all.
Same reason not all black slaves raped and murdered their masters as soon as they could.
No where they could live after their escape. Plus fear of future reprisals.
>A continued life of suffering and pain
>One night of pleasure and revenge
The choice is fucking EASY for me
Martha Washington lived in mortal fear of being murdered in her sleep thanks to George making a will that says slaves will be freed as soon as Martha dies.
Only before puberty.
because you've never had to seriously consider it
as far as i know there were special picked slaves that became guardsmen to keep the other slaves in check.
That whole "horribly and publicly tortured to death when they get caught" thing presumably.
Roman slaves who got too uppity got nailed to a cross. That was usually enough to keep most of them afraid enough that they'd be compliant.
That's hilarious.
If you had a bunch of slaves, you would have also employed a bunch of dudes to keep them in line.
Why do that when you could just use the bunch of dudes to do the labor?
You're paying twice for one load of work
being a domestic slave in ancient rome wasn't that bad
Paying a guard to watch your slaves is much cheaper than replacing your slaves with hired workers.
Because you don't need the same number of watchers as workers.
Slavery was socially acceptable, this includes from the perspective of the slaves.
Its the modern equivalent of you shrugging your shoulders and saying "yeah im working class" but have you ever considered raping your boss's wife then running off into the wilderness for the rest of your life?
Uncle Toms were loyal black that were appointed over the other slaves while the Master was gone.
many domestic slaves were treated relatively well historically...
goddamn i havent thought about ecce romani in so long
What nonsense, niggers dont think ahead there must have been alot of attempted rape by male slaves who got hang afterwards.
many people have but I work for my father