Life in Nazi Germany

How well did the German citizens have it?
I was always skeptical of /pol/ and this positive light on Hitler, but the negative light swings back over like a pendulum from what I have already been told.

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bump pls answer

If you actually want a real answer, it's that life was ok, as long as you do exactly what the state allows you to do.

Germany had a kind of soft-rationing in place well before the war, as early as 1936. What this meant was that certain consumer goods were not available or needed government approval to buy. This included cars, household appliances (refrigerators, washing machines, vacuums, etc) , and furniture, as the resources required to make those goods were diverted to the war effort. As a notable exception, radio was not banned, but instead subsidized. Hitler wanted everyone to have a radio and be able to listen to political broadcasts.

Germany then started rationing as soon as the war started in September 39. German rations were relatively generous, at around 2500 calories per day, which is lower than that for British (3000) and American (effectively unlimited, since the US did not ration grain). While these were the amounts rationed, it didn't mean that food was always available. The food situation actually improved during the early war, as Polish, French, and Ukrainian food was diverted to Germany (at the cost to the Poles and Ukrainians, the French got off pretty easily).

After 1942, rations were cut to below 2000 calories, which meant that everyone was hungry, but not seriously impaired by hunger. Black markets had existed before, but 1942 is when it became critical to avoid hunger. As the war dragged on, ration numbers became lower and lower. By 1945, the caloric value of the rationed food was around 1000 calories, if you could find stores that even had food to sell. Dutch civilians were rationed to 500 calories at the same time, all their food had been shipped to Germany.


> Never had non-food consumer goods to begin with
> Food situation was better than everyone except the British and Americans early-mid war, especially since they took everyone else's food)
> Food situation collapsed by 1944.

More utopian than the DDR?


Totally not propaganda

>Dutch civilians were rationed to 500 calories at the same time, all their food had been shipped to Germany.
a lot of people forget that the Germans took so much food from the Netherlands that there was actually a severe famine when it was liberated by Canada. Dutch people who were born or grew up during the end of the war are noticeably shorter and less healthy than those born before or after. It was pretty much the only serious famine to ever happen in a modern developed country

You can blame the Treaty of Versailles for that

> We stole all your food
> thanks to a treaty that the Dutch had nothing to do with 24 years ago

t. /pol/ brainlet.

>it's the Treaty of Versailles' fault that Germany invaded a neutral country which wasn't signatory to the Treaty in order to pillage their banks and complex agricultural system

Not good. If you were a man between 15 and 60 you were basically forced into the military and would probably die fighting.

You can blame Germany for that.

>As a notable exception, radio was not banned, but instead subsidized. Hitler wanted everyone to have a radio and be able to listen to political broadcasts.

It was still censored. Radios were built so that you couldn't pick up foreign broadcasts.

Some bring up the reduction in unemployment and increasing GDP, which were effective in preparing the country for war. But there were other metrics like private consumption, real wages, output per man hour, and government debt, which were less impressive.

Were you being ironic because that is unironically spot on.

They were supposed to have a savings fund for cars like Volkswagen, somewhat similar to how people in post-war Eastern bloc countries bought their cars. Then the war started and entire scheme was abandoned as VW project was scrapped and they started producing Kubelwagens instead.

The Netherlands weren't at the Treaty of Versailles....

it's not the Treaty of Versailles fault that Germans are niggers who can't solve problems without violence

How did they get all these ethnic Germans to support Communism in just 5 years?

This. If you dislike a foreign country you should just attack other random countries in order to let your rage out.

They also originally intended the autobahn for private use but scraped that during the war.

Funny post, triggered a lot of people

Most people are simple and hold no real values or ideas and will just follow along with what everyone else is doing.

In fact, the VW plant made only 48,000 vehicle chassis over 6 years, compared to a myriad of other products like stoves, of which it produced 500,000. It reached peak production in January 1945.
The Volkswagen and Autobahnen were great in theory, but the situation Germany was in meant that mass motorization was a fantasy.

I meant that you could actually buy radios, unlike refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, etc.

Well those saving funds actually went to buying shit like Mefo bills, which was actually rearmament funds. Once the war started, you just didn't get your car.

Oh and by the way, 0 cars were delivered before the war started, so those saving stamps were basically the Nazi government fucking your wallet.

Volkswagens would have been great if they'd actually been made instead of being a scam to funnel money to the DAF

And if fuel was affordable enough for the intended demographic. There were high tariffs imposed on imported fuel to keep the synthetic oil industry and their high prices afloat.

And if the highways weren't blocked off and for military use only.

sorry it should've been titled, "what was life like in dindhu nuffin wrong land of krauts germany".

Hey there Schlomo! That's an excellent title! Here's some shekels

hey there fritz! you wanna know something about the holocaust?

it happened, but it should've happened to g*rmans.

Dear God, make me dumb, That I may not to Dachau come.

Lieber Herr Gott, mach mich stumm, Das ich nicht nach Dachau komm.

If you believed in it and followed the state then it was great. If you didn't then of course it sucked

because Ge*mans are like sheep, they'll follow whoever leads them with no real thought of their own
pathetic people basically

>the French got off pretty easily
No they didn't. While they indeed got off better than the Poles and Ukrainians, malnutrition became widespread and children in particular were heavily affected.

There isn't much difference between Communism and Nazism when you put the rethoric aside.

Germans do what they're told.


>It should've happened to Germans
>implying it didn't

>are you over 6'4"?
>are you light blonde ?
>do you have blue eyes?
>is your skin pale?
>are you naturally muscular?
>is your scull of the right form?
>are you 100% german/scandinavian?

If you answered "no" to at least one of these questions then you are dead

GDR was pretty nationalist. It was called Red Prussia for a reason. Entire Eastern Bloc was pretty socially conservative. There was no sexual liberation there, for example.



Except 1960s Czechoslovakia, which was degeneracy central.

Wait, for real? Glad it got destroyed by Soviet tanks then.

There are multiple memoirs that describe it in detail. The best one I've read is Requiem for a German Past. For the most part, it wasn't that bad, but like others have noted it wasn't without faults either

So,Hitler never-ever broke agreements? What do you mean by that?This is not an answer. Your picture,if I recall correctly was taken during Olympics in Berlin.

It really was a utopia
There was 0 unemployment
Benefits to starting a family and everyone could get a house
All families could go on a vaccation once a year abroad
Crime was 0
Healthcare was best in the world
The bond and community with all the people was so strong
Art, music and all that flourished in its proper form

Whoa, what happened?

>Berlin isn't Germany

We have reached new levels of retardation on this board

Nazis happened

Where do you get all this bullshit?
It was a commie-tier shithole with rationing, breadlines, slave labour, radios forcibly tuned to the government station (just like in North Korea), you needed a special permit to travel inside the country, and as for the art millions of books were burned while everything not towing the party line was banned.

>comparing Germany to North Korea


>aside from the rationing, persecution of political dissidents, mass executions, forced labor, government monopoly on information, etc..

Not all dystopias are apparent; especially when you refuse to look beyond the pretty images and propaganda.

then maybe the DDR is more comparable.

>like North Korea
North Korea is a utopia that the imperialist white supremacist west under Drumpf are trying to destroy.
>white people threatening to exterminate you every day
Fucking alt-right pussy neckbeards insulting North Korea like they're some tough guys from behind their keyboard.

Apart from some obvious totalitarian stuff, Juche is also quite similar to Nazism when it comes to racial purity. Read The Cleanest Race.

I'd say it's a bit more comparable to the Imperial Japanese type of ideology of a divine race, and such an ideology would've spread to Korea during it occupation under Japan, as Japan saw Korea as its distant cultural blood relative, which it used as justification for its annexation.

Learn to read and think subhuman.

Yeah OP, how was life in a totalitarian state where every form of dissent with the ruling party could get you killed or imprisoned? Was it really that great?

>olympics means Berlin was relocated outside of Germany

So this is the IQ of the Ashkenazi...

>Art and music flourished

>Banning Mahler
>Banning Debussy
>Banning Stravinsky
Fuck Nazis

Good answers ITT but also keep in mind that Germans didn't have it really bad simply because Nazi rule was too short. They came to power in 1933 and started the war in 1939.
Before that annexation of Austria and Czechoslovakia helped their debt crisis, they took over their gold reserves.

It was okay-ish as long as you followed the rules and didn't belong to any racial, political, or religious group that the government didn't like.
Otherwise, jobs were shit-paying, rationing was in full swing, and you had little chance of fair trial if you were convicted of a crime.

By 1939, 17 million people were on state welfare even as the official unemployment rate was at 0% - people were more dependent on the state than ever as the vast-majority of jobs were so lowpaying they had to seek governmental assistance to maintain their basic living standards


You mean purchasing power decreased during a world war? Really make think

By 1939, 17 million people were on state welfare even as the official unemployment rate was at 0% - people were more dependent on the state than ever as the vast-majority of jobs were so lowpaying they had to seek governmental assistance to maintain their basic living standards - a fact often conveniently forgotten by 'economic miracle' mythologisers.
This is all of course, without even getting into the ethical and moral issues surrounding forced work-camps, rampant nationalisation and the suppression of personal economic freedom that accompanies a state-controlled economy likes that of Nazi Germany.

>world war

Are you retarded?

>Japan at war with China
>Russia at war with Finland
>Italians fighting the Ethiopians.

World war m8

>Healthcare was best in the world
see this paper, it shows how gross death rates and death rates by diseases grew in germany while it declined in england and the rest of europe or at least grew slower than the german rates