Sometimes I wish I was a large black man with no worries, just out in the sun every day on the tobacco and cotton farm
Was life as a slve that bad?
who let Uncle Ruckus back on Veeky Forums?
a million miles away from the savagery and famine of home, living a better life than i had back in the tribe, and in the knowledge that my soul had been saved by the lord Jesus Christ? where can i sign up?
I mean would you rather work here or in ops pic?
>open spaces
assigned housing sucked, food/supplies were scarce, there was no chance for advancement besides becoming a member of the house staff/overseer of farm work, escape was illegal and punished harshly, people were treated as a part of the plantation rather than citizens with rights
hmmm... I think this resembles something else.
Oh so soviet Russia was just defaulting to an already established way of life for their people?
i mean i like AC, and i don't like getting whipped
well, yeah, but the cubical life can feel like a dead end coffin some days.
It's all fun and games until your slave meido waifu comes home with a half-white baby and says it's yours.
Serfdom has been abolished for 60 years at that point, nobody in the country had ever worked under it
so do something else, you have a choice
I just mean in the past..
Literally nothing is stopping you from giving it all up to go be a farmhand except your own slovenly lack of initiative and unwillingness (in a practical sense) to give up creature comforts
There was not much famine, if anything the introduction of cassava, corn and peanut increased the previous banana/native rice/sorghum complexes that were the norm pre-new world contact.
Is this bait? Of course life as a slave was shit. You would be hungry all the time, wouldn't be allowed to leave the plantation, and would be treated worse than animals.
Well yeah, if you mean just having a self-sufficient farm to live on. It's nearly impossible to try and make money farming nowadays since huge industrial farms control everything and can produce food so much cheaper.
>Well yeah, if you mean just having a self-sufficient farm to live on. It's nearly impossible to try and make money farming nowadays since huge industrial farms control everything and can produce food so much cheaper.
The area where I live has tons of local cranberry and dairy farms. They compete just fine with the large industrialized farms.
You think running a self sufficient farm is easy? It's like being a small business owner, it takes an exceptional kind of hustler to make it work.
I heard opinion of historian that free man without ground for farming had worse life than serf with ground.
Not if you enjoy the work, work becomes part of scratching your itch