>revolution wanting "muh freedums :DDD"
>revolution kills nobility
>not just the men, but the women and children too
>manlet manages to be in charge and becomes a despot
How did he manage to do it Veeky Forums?
Revolution wanting "muh freedums :DDD"
>why would anyone want the safety of military dictatorship after libtards marched through the streets with heads of intelligentsia and not-so-intelligentsia speared on their rakes
why 'tis a conundrum, user!
>Le manlet despot meme eksdee
Please wait until you're 18 to post here
He earned his position through merit, the people of France willingly gave him all that power because they genuinely loved him.
>not just the men, but the women and children too
And this is a problem why?
open a book
>some bourgeois in Paris start a Revolution
>the parisians become crazy and begin to declare war on the whole world
>a great and scary conflict begins, as the parisians start killing each other off, destroying every societal values, and leading regimes that are either corrupt or fanatical
>a popular general manages to take power over the upjumped bourgeois and starts an enlightened dictartorship that manages to built itself on the best of the Ancien RĂ©gime (A solid administration, peaceful relationship with the catholics, order...) and the new of the Revolution (Egality, unification of laws, destruction of local manors).
and above all he did all that before the age of 30
Has army,takes control
Bit like Cromwell or sulla
he was a man of merit and a man of the republic, and he fixed Europe after it was torn apart by 'MUH MONARCHIES' and the Holy Roman Empire. also he was average height for his time. only bad thing he did was fuck over haiti, but it was a different time, and at least he didn't fuck over a shit ton of african countries like the Brits and the Belgians.
>Holy Roman Empire
NO such thing
Because the women and children were merely enjoying the fruits of their husband's (non) labor. They had no say in politics and should not be charged with the man's crimes.
he re-organized the patchwork of states held together by the Holy Roman Empire. but yea the holy roman empire was neither holy, nor roman, nor an empire, to quote voltaire.
LOTS of money
Swiss money
>Because the women and children were merely enjoying the fruits of their husband's (non) labor. They had no say in politics and should not be charged with the man's crimes.
She was his wife was she not?
He didn't shitpost on Veeky Forums for one
children grow up
and women poison, backstab ,and kill children
far better than raping them
Those times had already ended by the administration of the directory bruv.
>revolution kills nobility
>not just the men, but the women and children too
Most people would probably consider me borderline royalist, but, the idea that the revolution was akin to genocide of the nobility in France is incorrect.
Most nobles fled France in the earliest years of the revolution, before the fall of the monarchy and the Reign of Terror. Of the almost 17,000 people in France as a whole who were executed during the Reign of Terror, only about 8% were nobility. The vast majority--72%--were peasants/working class people. Many nobility survived the revolution in prison or living abroad, compared to those who were executed.
And of the 8% who were executed, a significant majority were guilty of treason/counter-revolutionary activity. Even Marie Antoinette was technically guilty, although they had zero evidence of it at the time.
Very few noble children died during the Revolution specifically because they were noble. The only known instance where this is the case was Marie Antoinette's son died in prison, age 10, after 2 1/2 years of abuse and neglect which contributed to poor health. Only 22 people under the age of 18 were recorded as guillotined from August 1792 through the execution of Robespierre. Of that 22, only 3 were under the age of 17. It's not known what they were executed for, or if they were noble.
He got what he deserved. He prepared for it his entire life.
Is it really a coup if he saved France?
The bourgeoisie had to spend so much time crushing the peasantry that their "enemies" ended up slipping through their fingers or allying with them? What a shock
t. retard