DOGE at 22 satoshi

Explain to me why I shouldn't buy DOGE at 22 satoshi and sell at 2x> once a whale joins the game

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No reason not to.
I bought a bunch at 28 and 24

It's guaranteed to go to 60 or 70 again
A nice safe investment. Whales love doge and they will never let it die
Praise wolong

sweet, just bought 100k

Yeah just average down if it keeps going down.

Doge will always come back.. because it's DOGE

doge will die

thanks an0ns

oh, the usual contrarian... k

btw, how come there isn't a "stupid questions thread"?

This is the lowest it's been since March of this year, in relation to btc. Seems like a good buy to me. I wonder why the constant downtrend since May though?

I dunno, but I'm pretty sure it has happened many times. DOGE always stays in the 40-60 satoshi

>A nice safe investment. Whales love doge and they will never let it die
I miss wolong we actually had some fun when he was around.

Just bought 2 mill, am I going to be okay?

Because it will go down to 10

I'll wait for a little while longer but it crossed my mind yesterday

Doge meme is already dead, you morons.

it pumps once in a blue moon; from 2016 it took 1 year to give nice returns

holy shit, I hadn't heard that name in a while..
yeah, that guy knew how to have fun.

^ ^ ^



You mean "someone finally bought my bags so I could dump on them".

Dont forget that next pump those baggers will be desperate to dump on you.

Doge coin is the perfect example of a burst bubble.


Heaviest bags on Veeky Forums is the new Doge around here

yet it survives... meme magick is strong with doges
as far as dumping is concerned, many doge holders have to wait until their break even point which will be 2x or 3x yours if you time your entry successfully
on a related note, I'm sure even digimarines will have a sharpie-in-pooperless day once

Doge is a dead, irrelevant, boring, useless meme. Chancoin > dogycoin.

doge is not a scamcoin that spreads name field cancer tho

doge is what brought me in crypto back in 2014 i will forever hold my doges as reminder



fucking KEK

i had 5 mil doges back in the day
too bad i didnt kept them :\
10k + $ now

I lost my 500k DOGE when Cryptsy closed, I forgot them there. I'm sad for the loss but most because of the DOGE itself, I had fun with them in 2013/2014.

Actually they're a decent investment, DOGE's value is around 40 satoshi, if you wait you can easily double your money at least.

Dammit OP I had this same idea this morning before I even opened my blockfolio the first time, let alone Veeky Forums, so now you let all these Anons know about it and the price is going to moon, dammit you ruined it so I have no choice but to buy now.

Chancoin is never sad.

Sent ;)

What if dogecoin rebrands and you bought it for 22 sats lol. Its a gamble, but an acceptable one at these prices. Just bought 100 usd of doge. Gonna let it sit for a few years. Who knows...

le funny maymay dog xDxDxD