What are some good business movies?

What are some good business movies?

Watched Enron: Smartest Men in the Room and it wasn't very good.

The Big Short and Wolf of Wall Street were good.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sinister is the best business movie out there.



Get rich or die trying

Glengarry glen ross

This was pretty good wonder how accurate it was

The Social Network is a bretty good film even if not focused on the "money" aspect. screw everyone over and win at all costs.

i never understood why zuck didnt like the film; it makes him look more competent and good than he actually his.

boiler room

like pulling teeth

Boiler Room was really good but I've already seen it.

Boiler Room
Margin Call- underrated

glen gary glen ross is literally some boomer tier bullshit faggotry

I'll check it out, thanks.

99 homes

Fucking amazing movie

Nightcrawler. Ice watched it 15 times

Who is Ice?

I'll check it out, thanks.

Margin Call

trips confirm this film is based.

Wall Street, Trading Places, Brewsters Millions

american psycho

>What are some good business movies?
Tulip Fever is pretty great.

Now, I'm not a salty no-coiner that is trying to spout the BTC=Tulips meme, but it IS worth knowing what happened back then.

>Enron: Smartest Men in the Room and it wasn't very good
Did we watch the same documentary?
I watched that just before the crash as a young teen, forever changed how I viewed the world.

Groundhog day

Also, start with:
Web of debt - about the banking industry.
This is actually a book though.

Then watch "the prize" on the oil industry, this will help you understand some parts on the petrodollar and how manipulative the industry is in our foreign affairs.

There was also one vid on the fed reserve but I can't find it.
Also try /pdfs/ on the "naughty alternative chan".

Hiro should consider doing something similar for Veeky Forums related topics.

Don't listen to anyone who thinks The Big Short is a good film.

>glen gary glen ross is literally some boomer tier bullshit faggotry
bunch of plebes on Veeky Forums

Not enough explosions?

I unironically fap to this scene.
