Did I get scammed by Veeky Forums again?

I sold my bags for ARK, but it's not mooning like they told me it would.

just so you know every coin isnt going to moon the second you buy it. there is some time that needs to pass.

> not pumping higher as soon as I buy in
Nope, looks like I got scammed. Fuck all of you.

It mooned when it went from a few cents to 4 dollars you dumb nig

So I got scammed? Thanks.
> dumb nig

Zoom out retard you're literally buying at the peak

Same. I'm losing money on ark and I'm probably going to have to sell it at a loss for more LINK.

I didn't even expect to make money, I just wanted a stable place to store my Eth

>logo is shaped like a pyramid
soon this scam will be blown wide open and you deluded arkie potheads thinking this would be passive income for life will be left holding the bags

top kek nigger

It will pump soon. Watch it. It always does.

Does anyone have a discord link to the server?

Have fun in prison, faggot.




ARK is not a pump to infinity coin. Its a solid hold coin that does drop and rise consistently. But after that cycle it'll moon.

>google search tabs

I'm dying here, senpai.

If you've been paying attention nobody has ever said it's going to moon

It's a long term hold that has steady growth

holy woz i'm pretty sure that it's just my lack of sleep but this has utterly slain me and i love you

Long term growth, free ARK for staking in a wallet. It is for comfy holding. Check back in a few months

HOOOOOOLY SHIT! Did user just unironically post a screenshot of a report to the FBI with ASMR Fap and Suicide tabs up at the same time? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAOHMYGODHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!


It's called the tabs game pleb

what kind of 4d chess of irony are you playing here, user?

Welp, it does not take a comouter forensics ezpert to deduce several things about the FBI report screencap poster 1. Just lost a lot of money in Crypto.2 Is thinking about an heroing over it. 3Has been searching jerking off to asmr. Is being a vindictive little bitch over the loss.



newfag spotted

No go trying to play it off faggot. To late. It was always Too Late.

I wouldn't say scammed, I would just say overhyped into a correction.

we're crashing it to 15k

Have fun getting blacked in prison, nigger

nigger stfu