Is it time to apologize to Germany?

Is it time to apologize to Germany?

as soon as they dissolve the EU

Pfft, No.

you mean apologize for not partitioning them after their first spergout? sure.


For what? Pic related(dark green) is how they should look like. Germans are an invasive specie.

B-but muh Maroboduus

apologize for entertaining the concept of Germany sure

>No Elsass-Lothringen


No. Germans can only give out apologies, if one were to apologise to a German, their logic chip would fry and they would shut down.

stay in /pol/ thanks

Apologize to the vilest, most murderous scum in history? Fuck off to /pol/.

That really is the word du jour, along with 'toxic'.

No, Thatcher was right, Germany shouldn't have been allowed to reunify in 1990.

Germany should be balkanised into it's smaller states; Bavaria, Brandenburg, Schleswig etc.

I find your vile, toxic masculinity triggering.

Unnironicaly this, also old Slavic territories like Sorbia, Pommorenia, Brandenburg, Berlin etc that were stolen by the Germs shoudl be returned to Poland and Czechia as well as Schleswig-Holstein to Danmark and land according to the Bakker-Schut Plan to Netherlands.

What would be the optimal number of states to divide Germany into? Too many small states and it becomes too contrived and blatantly divisive, but too few large states and it becomes too easy to gain power or reunify.

>returned to Poland and Czechia
Most of the regions you just named were never Polish or Czech, at least not for any significant period of time.
>inb4 muh wends

Why were the luftwaffa so based.

Yes, they were you Nordic nigger.
Entire Eastern Germany is geneticaly Slavic. Kraut cucks even use Slavic name for their capital.

>Entire Eastern Germany is geneticaly Slavic
>Kraut cucks even use Slavic name for their capital.
Who cares

in the end, you will all see that the German Reich was God's gift to humanity
the 4th one will be the real one

Carantania is NOT German land

They were only based against the shitty early war Soviets.

Against determined and organised opponents they were occasionally adequate.

Back to pol faggot


They lost

>wanting to dissolve the EU makes you a /pol/tard
fuck off faggot

>real Germanism has not been tried!
Holy shit, is this the next level?