>buy a coin with steady value and decent volume
>set a sell order 3% your buy
>it gets filled 99% of the time
Why can't you brainlets just learn?
>buy a coin with steady value and decent volume
>set a sell order 3% your buy
>it gets filled 99% of the time
Why can't you brainlets just learn?
but muh moon mishuns
>he doesn't mind exchanges taking half his earnings
and when it doesnt you lose a ton.
why go for modest gains when i can 200000000x on shitcoins?
are there any exchanges that let you place an order to sell at target profit but it'l also sell off if it gets under a certain amount?
That way you can do the risk/reward thing easier
And then you set a sell order at 3% order complete then the coin goes on to hit all-time high and never comes back.
Yes, look up stop loss orders.
I believe bitfinex lets you do this - what I would do is set a sell order to 2 or 3 percent below where I bought in at. If it tanks, I didn't lose much. If it goes up, great!
Definitely helps your peace of mind.
Because if you actually hit 1-2% a day you will be a rich in a year
thats what its called. But no i dont think bittrex has that function. You can set conditional orders which have certain uses but its not a stop loss.
Anyways, i wanted to try shit like this in Binance because with some bnbs the fees are really low. Found out daytrading is fucking hard though. But yea a stable coin should work better
but even if it did that, you could just look at another coin to invest in. Or alternatively, catch the correction dip if you think that coin will keep going up; theres always a correction dip.
When i started i FOMOd hard on OMG because i missed it going from like 7-9 and after 9 i thought it would moon hard so i bought at ATH.....But you'll either end up holding some bags for a little or miss the pump and catch the correction dip. OPs strategy is actually solid if you do it with stable non shit coins.
>not swing trading with 100% of your gains
It's like you want to save money
Perhaps I'll give it a try. I've been meaning to do it but now with my whole stash. Maybe I'll start with .3 ether and see what I can turn it into.
Because trading fees fuck me in the ass every time.
>Half your earnings
Its not super easy, but i guess the better you are at readiing charts, different analysis/trends, understanding volume, etc, it may be easier.
another idea is to aim for ~10% gains every few days or something like that. I guess the advantage of 1-2% is you'll almost for sure see those fluctuations on any given day. If you could get 2% every day you'd be doubling your money every 5 weeks.
Binance fees are .05% if you use bnbs or .1% otherwise; they added OMG and are picking up a bit of volume
Another thing to keep in mind is bear markets and the fact that everything depends on BTC.
I also just thought about doing it on GDAX with BTC/ETH because no fees. but i kept getting scared BTC would take off and leave me behind. Wouldnt be a big deal though if you're just aiming for 2% daily gains
My guess is these people have never traded stocks and deal with the real Jews who want $5 for $10 order. And then when you start dealing in real money now they want a percent
Before the most recent crash I was working with that combination in order to increase my amount of either. I found it to be much more effective. But I'm waiting for things to stabilize before I start doing that again. That combo is much more stable than anything else traded in US dollars. Or shall I say predictable.
What if it goes down ? Then you're a bag holder
Yo that kid in the report of the week is so famous. Are you really trying to make him more famous OP?
Because 3% is like 30€ and I'm not risking 1K for 30€ cunt.
I dont want to get stuck in a shitcoin or whatever long term
10 trades and you'll have 1344 europemoney . 100 trades and you'll have 19200 Europes
Yup, this is the right approach. If you start with 100€ and gain 2.56% a day you'll have a million in 365 days.
If you get lucky and get in something that gains 10% in a day you've cut your time by 1 month.
Come on guys, it's like you wanna be poor.
neat. Ill have to try this
What defines as a decent volume?
More than 50 btc?
Kraken has a combined Take-Profit+Stop-Loss order type I believe and it even takes a target percentage.
>it gets filled 99% of the time
you must be new or ignorant and lucky
>2 to 6 percent gain trades every day
>from my phone while wagecucking
only with 400 to 800 bucks though. no balls to use my full stack.
simple. dont buy aths. if you have a good entry just wait it out a day or two.
its a cute strategy for poorfags. try pushing an order of $100k through the market. too thin
So if i can do exactly 3% every day on lets say, 60$, putting the 3% back into crypto, By the end of 1 years thats 65k by the end of second year thats 72 million? Holy shit.
Yes.consistency is the key.although it isn't that easy to be that consistent
At what point do you hit diminishing returns though? Assuming you can keep up a rate of 3% a day minimum?
but the market is growing. it's hard to say were it will be next year around this time.
>keep up the rate of 3%
>diminishing returns
how did you do your calculations?
for me it's 1k after 1 year with 100 starting budget
your forgetting to compound
When you can no longer put enough money into the market to get a small cut. If you're trying to get 3% out of, say, one million, it's not gonna work. If you pump one million all at once into a coin, the volume rises instantly by a big margin. You're not going to be just going for a small ride, you're actually going to shake up the market.
Think of it this way. If you throw a pebble in a lake, no one will bat an eye. If you shit out a 10 ton rock into it though, you bet your ass people will notice it.
doesn't compound means adding money each day? where do i take them from if my budget is 100 euro?
sorry for being noob
you re invest the 3% every day
I understand. So once you get too fat you need to change your strategy a bit in order to not buttrape the markets.
can you tell me one is the correct calculation between these 2?
Nigga. How are you this dumb, seriously.
You have 100€. You get a 3% profit a day. Next day you have 103€, not 100 anymore. Now you reinvest those 103€. Next day you have 106.09€. Reinvest those. Rinse and repeat.
Your budget might be 100 at the start, but it grows steadily and exponentially, not linearly.
updated with your numbers
yeah, i know that, but i was off with calculations
thanks. but why the interest rate is 900 something? where is 3%?
also, since this is crypto-trading and not investing, does this mean i "simply" have to do 365 trades to get 1 year returns?
Because the macro in the spreadsheet calculates annually not daily. So it's just 2.5% every day for a year is 912.5
>Monday: 3% profit
>Tuesday: 3% profit
>Wednesday: 3% profit
>Thursday: 3% profit
>Friday: 20% loss
this was me this week with edge. Tried to catch a falling knife and it just kept going..
i started with 800 $ , trading OMG in the up side
went to 6.5 k, then had 2 trades ( with all in ) that where liquidated ( the last 2 fucking dips in OMG )
now i am back to 800$ again.
all that stress and anger for nothing
>make 100€ profit
>77€ after taxes
>20€ after other expenses
Yeah no
the why are my 2 calculators so fucking off?
>He pays taxes on cryptos
1 is only calculating by annually, the second one would have worked had you put in 912.5 instead of 2.50% and 1 year instead of 365
hmm that's strange. Want the template im using?
it works, but still it's different from the other 2.
guess i'll just write a script in chrome and see myself
You could do it manually :P
>hey guys what if we bought low and sold high
ohhhhhhhhhhh criiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinge
dont taint reviewbrah with your idiocy
I've started doing this type of thing. I'm using 1 BTC and putting only 1/20th into each trade. Though I tend to go for 1%-2.5% profit in short 5 minute time scales. You have to do some analysis and time your entry points properly or you'll end-up bagholding/selling at a loss and if you're planning on making many tiny profits, a big loss can easily wipe out all your hard work. That's why I'll try to pull-out at breakeven if I think the price isn't doing what I expected it to. As I'm only investing 1/20th at a time, it's going pretty damn slow but it should speed-up if I'm successful. I also avoid low volume coins - anything with less than 600BTC in 24hours.
Because I'm a lazy fuck, I'm thinking of looking for better entry points on a 1-4 hour scale and trying to win 5%-10%. It's probably not the quickest way to get rich, but it's a repeatable, mechanical process that I'm hoping I'll eventually get the hang of. I've made 50+ trades and have not sold at a loss yet though I've pulled out at breakeven a ton.
too late.
anyway, i got 4m after a year
You'll have no liquidity after 3 or so BTC unless you diversify. High volume coins that move sideways are very good for this, especially if they are above a well established bottom and have a lot of upside. XRP you could do about 5 BTC worth at a time, maybe more. XEM maybe 3 BTC (I currently do 4 BTC on XEM but it usually hits my order, partially fills and then falls), Stratis is good for 1-2 BTC, GNT 1 BTC.
Those are the only ones I can think of offhand that have strong sideways type movement with mostly upside potential so you won't end up with heavy bags. I don't know every coin, of course. Stuff like OMG and QTUM is pretty volatile and you could end up with bags for a while. I've been stuck in QTUM for like 5 days trying to make 8%.
Also forgot about GRC is you don't have a lot to put in it seems pretty good. It has been hanging out at a low of 700 and up to 1000+ for a long time now. It seems to get pumps of about 20% once a week. I've been holding it as a potential 100% coin for a long time but I might start clipping 15% off instead of waiting for moons. Wouldn't recommend more than 0.3ish BTC, it's low volume, and will require waiting but higher returns.
GNT has an excellent entry point at the moment btw if you have ~1 BTC or less to put in. XEM entry above average also.
I might pop some bucks into that new elixr coin. New, shiny, built somewhat similar to MNE so if could end up pumping fairly high. A lot of coins got burned off or aren't showing up since it converted from tme to elix, right now only 422k on the exchange with a 0.11btc 24 hour volume. So the price could definitely sky rocket quickly. It's a slow ass low liquidity exchange though. Well if i throw 100$ in i guess it's not a big loss if i lose it and could end up being 100k just as quickly.
So what's the best exchange for doing this sort of thing?
I've only recently got into crypto, been using gdax and the fees seem low but is there somewhere better?
UK based if it matters.
Fair enough but this thread is about making small gains on low risk (for crypto) coins consistently. You are talking about a potential moon mission
I think any exchange pretty much works. I use Bittrex and Poloniex, both have some decent volume so higher BTC orders can get filled.
Thanks mane.
Seen people on here using Bittrex a lot, I will check it out today.
Bittrex is best. Most volume and a lot of shitcoins which means everyday pumps.
I daytraded Rise for a while, would go up and down really fast and guarantee 5% daily.
Polo offers margin tho, which is pretty good if you can catch a swing on a very liquid market such as ETH.
is daytrading in xlm a good choice? looks like it' on the floor, while at the same time it keep oscillating between 305-315 sats, aka 2-3% gain
Looks pretty downtrendy to me. I would be comfortable with a buy at 290 and a sell at 310 maybe. I like the coins I recommended more.
Breakeven is a loss. If you're trading on Bittrex and the fee is .25% that's .5% you just lost on that trade. If you're breaking even more than often you might be spinning your wheels.
I mean breakeven after fees, obviously
This is why I'm creating a greedless shitcoin bot
Now tell the rest of the board trying to board spaceships or holding for 100x promised gains a year from now. That's the thing about trading, it seems so simple. I can't knock the people holding but you gotta pick the right coin and that isn't easy with how fast this market changes
Psh, like that could work.
you put 356 instead of 365 you absolutely useless retard. kill yourself.
Hey, man, don't be so mean to retards. Not everyone is blessed with high mental capabilities.
Hahahahahahhhahahhahha retard faggot
Idiot pajeets still think this is viable. I still havent seen one person on here who's done this succesfully
exchanges take like 0.15 percent you turd
Its a solid trading move if you are a big player and not trading shit coins.
i have over 20btc to fuck around with trading. 2 percent of 20 btc is $1,600.
I have actually done what OP talks about sucessfully but the moon missions are way too enticing. Nice to know i could sucessfuly make over $500 a day trading 1-3 percent volatility. thats more than most wage cucks will ever make
thats why you keep it $20k-50k and do it with only btc eth or ltc.
>Screen Shot 2017-07-19 at 8.29.02AM.png
Why were you watching Reviewbrah at 8:30 AM?
that sure was a lot of work to do 500*1.025^365, is this what brainlets learn in college?
peak cuckoldry
yeah maybe only trade with a portion of your gains
where the fuck do you get the 912.5% figure
I want to believe this
I should learn to code