You guys shilled me into buying this shit coin. I would not be surprised if the CEO posted those threads himself.
What happened to Tierion
They're being added to Binance soon.
Fucking thank you, you've made my bags feel lighter
Just hold it and don't be so impatient.
Apparently they released their platform on the 15th which was a programming blunder. They're going to fix it but it's really negative on the company.
It wasn't a blunder in any sense of the word. It was simply a limited roll-out of the network, exactly as communicated.
The problem is too many retards 1) don't read the communications and 2) want instagains.
This is long-standing company (for crypto anyway) with a nice working product, major clients, and some really good stuff on the horizon with this new network.
You can either have some patience and wait for some of those developments, or you can sell right now, presumably at a loss.
Also; this is one of the least hyped crypto assets on Veeky Forums, but at the same time one of the most FUDed.
Oh good, maybe it'll pump like DNT and ZRX did when they got added to Binance. Oh wait.
>Also; this is one of the least hyped crypto assets on Veeky Forums, but at the same time one of the most FUDed.
Fuck off, the launch was an absolute blunder, they literally provided a free node DDOS'ing tool that allows you to drain a node of credits within minutes. The network has been getting fucked since launch, and it is 100% their fault.
A piece of software showing flaws after getting publicly released? Tell me it ain't so user!
I sold all my bags when I found out how the rewards system works. This is a shady company.
See what I mean by "least hyped / most FUDed"?
The rewards system would actually be fine without the credits bullshit, having to burn TNT for the chance to win more is appalling.
Otherwise, the lottery rewards system is ok, you only really need to get 1 reward to mitigate a substantial drop in the price of Tierion.
You really don't understand how gaping the security flaw is. People were pointing it out to the dev team as soon as the system was explained on telegram. They just brushed it off. The fact that it was not spotted during development reflects extremely badly on them.
This kind of thing happens all the time with network releases. Especially literal money networks.
You're making excuses for something that sounds completely retarded. It's not 1995 anymore. You can't release a product focused totally on networking with a conceptual flaw that serious.
>You can't release a product focused totally on networking with a conceptual flaw that serious.
Haha, are you kidding?
Off the top of my head, Apple maps was an unmitigated disaster when it was released. And that was an app focused totally on mapping. Launched by fucking Apple.
Go be 5 years old somewhere else pls.
ITT actually employees of this MLM Ponzi defending their dumpster fire network
>I would not be surprised if the CEO posted those threads himself.
fuck i needed that kek
Don't believe this FUD
I regret buying :(
Plz pump