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what the fuck is wrong with you? ive seen less disturbing posts on /b/

But that is gay. Stop being homosex

Veeky Forums really is the least gay of any board on Veeky Forums I've visited.

because its a blueboard and not everyone wants to pop a boner here

have some respect and post that on another board where it belings

exactly. we're on Veeky Forums trying to win our zero-sum monopoly game only to let women have a free ride. the best Veeky Forumsness move we can all make is to cut women out of our lives completely unless they're going to be the mother of our children

>cute girls

please elaborate on how this disrespects you...

sorry user

please elaborate how you're a huge faggot whose posting style sticks out like a sore thumb

go back to youtube or twitter or whatever shithole you came here from


...wait...I c what u did here... well played you diabolical bastard

>posting style

are you fucking retarded? or just another lonely virgin who has a very strong elitist view in regards to message boards?

I’m nofap you are testing my dong

Not everyone likes porn retard
>inb4 virgin

Nice reverse psychology OP. Look at everyone being baited into posting their fap material

pictures of cute girls arent porn snowflake

lmao shut up faggot you know what Im talking about

I dont go to /a/ to watch gore and I dont come to Veeky Forums to see half naked chicks

Cool to know I'm allowed to post cute lolis without triggering everyone here. Unlike /pol/, /tv/ and /b/, this board is a much mature crowd.


fuck is wrong with you

sorry senpai

Veeky Forums motto: If it's profitable it's allowed.

There is still reddit here. I was on Veeky Forums since trumpcoin 4 of July shilling. Now fuck off.


the one on the left doe


Why the fuck are Neo thread allowed?

Nah man the right

fucking hell I hate pedos
kill yourself

lol hivemindfag

Another redditor or poltard in the wild. See my last post. I was here before most of you flooded this board.

This desu. Women are a terrible ROI. Breeding to produce strong sons is the only time you should actually invest in one. Otherwise just stick to pump and dump.

Best post itt.


fuck you faggots for ruining my anime and making it to creepy to watch with my 22 year old girlfriend

Are you repressing something?

the reason why is because interest in money usually is relative to sex drive and appetite.