Why were women chastised in ancient societies and basically barefoot and pregnant so to speak?
Why were women chastised in ancient societies and basically barefoot and pregnant so to speak?
fuck off arsehole
I tried to save your shitty thread
Physically weaker, less ambitious, less aggressive. Look at who was at the top of ancient societies, you'll find warriors and power-hungry sociopaths. Women are poorly represented in both these groups, so as a class they seldom rose to the top.
That was before we had things like common decency and individual rights.
What is that in her head?
They're happier and better at being submissive and raising kids/running a household. For most of human history we realized this and only until now have we began to think "equality of the sexes" means "total equality in absolutely everything regardless of how able or happy you are with doing things".
tfw no barefoot pregnant qt pie
looks like i didn't need your help, arsehole
It's basically a metal cage designed to keep a person's mouth shut. It was sometimes used as a way to punish women accused of excessive gossiping.
All they can do is nurture kids and make babies. Men can do anything else better than women. The best fashion designers are homosexual men. The best musicians are men. Women are a slave gender who need to be commanded like dogs.
because they knew what female """""emancipation""""" would lead to
Egalitarian white Knight spotted.
No birth control and on demand abortion
Didn't have the modern commodities and services to make society frivolous enough to give women equal treatment.
t. virginal /r9k/ pro
They can only abuse their kids, and the only result of this is eternally brainwashing their kids to follow the cult of the cunt.
We need to bring that back.
>tfw you will be the 17.8% who get pegged by mommy and fucked by daddy
why even live
What a subhuman
>ywn be sexually dominated by an incredibly horny, nine month pregnant, and barefoot Anne Frank