There was never any blacks in Egy-
There was never any blacks in Egy-
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Egyptians looked like pic related. They were less sub-saharan than modern-day Egyptians and modern-day Egyptians aren't niggers OP.
Get fucked.
That is a picture from ROMAN Egypt of a COPT. I thought the blacks came from the Muslim Slave trade? Your narrative has crumbled!
Cracka BTFO. We were always there
He looks like a typical Mohamed
>arabs and mideterranean = blacks
The absolute state of Veeky Forums.
Anyway in Egypt there were plenty of blondes, so that means nothing.
Black is a fluid identity so yes he was black. Look at that hair. Is that Kakazoid hair? Uhhh..... NO
Egyptians are more African than any Arabs or Mediterreaneans because the NILE allowed for blacks to come there whenever they wanted
Just accept that we were in fact, Kings. You made blacks anything even slightly African well.. that backfired didn't it?
>that whole post
You just hate the truth. You can't run from this. That new study Kakazoid supremacists jack off to says that Roman Egypt had the least black ancestry and despite that I found a brotha. Now just think of how many that will be found when they do tests on the real mummies from the Old Kingdom. Just give up now and go back to worshiping the Greeks.
Oh wait, a new study shows that Ashkenazi Jews are closer to Myceneans than any white... better go address that my friend... I got mind, You get yours
Right was a greek man while left is just a baby complaining nigger
>Colin Kaepernick
Choose one.
No they are actually both Egyptians. You are a fucking typical cooning Dominican who wants whiteys table scrap like the nice little rat you are even though the Saudis will be white before they EVER consider your little Mexican ass
He is not only black (and proud), he is also today's Rosa Parks
I should rephrase my last post. You can be "black" and be Caucasian, and you can be "white" and be a negro. Colin is mixed, while the Egyptians were Caucasian/Eur-asian, and the 30% of the ancient egyptian population would be considered "light skinned" in today's standards, but they were not of the Negro race. Sorry bud, go back to your gender studies class.
Egypt was a joke civilization and I'm surprised it wasn't entirely 65 IQ coal black niggers.
Black is a social construct that includes people like Mariah Carey and Halle Berry. From the start you Albino devils have been incessantly saying in our - the black American community's - face that Egyptians were not black. Well they were and ain't no cop doin' a DNA test when he decides to give you the Eric Garner treatment.
If Ancient Egyptians were in US they would be with us chanting "Black Lives Matter" just like Colin who knows who he is better than you
The guy on the left is a mulatto and not an African black.
Kemet was the foundation of the arts, sciences and religion later appropriated by your Albinoid pig fucking ancestors and their Sand cac slave driver minions
Imhotep was worshiped in Rome
What the fuck are you saying?
Kill yourself, revisionist tard who has yet to open a book in his life, let alone know anything about ancient Egypt besides pop culture tier "knowledge"
But Colin's a rape-descendant of us "Albino devils"
Except he isn't black he just have sheep hair and is brown
I'm saying you are just like everyone else from your shithole, a retarded coon. We know who you are and what you are. You hate and look down on your African Haitian brother because you are so warped by self hate and mental colonization that you think that by doing so you will be seen as better. Arabs are far lighter than you people... how's that working out for them in the white supremecist world order?
He's still BLACK
Mixed mongrels are not negroids.
Real blacks are just what the name implies black. Brown "blacks" are mongrels with white ancestors
I don't understand why niggers obsess over Egypt so much. All they ever did was to build giant rock triangles.
No he is brown. A brown mongrel that is not a part of any race
Reminds me of the time when someone was looking for a fight in a social media with one of the developers of the Witcher series and Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Basically, s/he was out to call him on his supposed bullshit by "proving" he was a whitewasher and there totally was black-skinned Africans in medieval Europe.
When he asked for evidence, the ignoramus simply posted a Wikipedia article ofbthe Moors. When they were met with rejection when the dev began to explain why they're wrong, the person simply posted the link again.
How does that pertain to the matter at hand? Well, OP's a similiar kind of dumbass. Africans =/= Subsaharan Africans by default and ethnicity is not just skin deep. Ethnic Egyptians haven't gone through a notable ethnic makeover during the course of their history and treating non-photographic evidence the same as photographic evidence is for the intellectually challenged, because as it happens, those who are pushing certain narratives first and foremost will constantly try to distort history in their favor and in this case claim that darker-skinned Mediterraneans/Middle-Easterners/North Africans are in fact totally other peoples than they actually were. Were you to ask these people if they considered themselves for example Egyptians or black Subsaharan Africans, chances are that they would most likely tell you to stop trying to associate them with your unrelated peoples.
And as a final argument, I would like to point out that attempting to steal another people's culture should be treated the same as an actual theft. Learn about your own roots instead of trying to hijack someone else's history.
tl;dr, do some better research or make peace with the fact you're fighting a lost cause which has no basis in reality and is in fact equally hateful and misguided as other supremacist revisionisms that are racially motivated. Also, aspire for pic related.
Ah the typical "True Negroid" arguement. What is the true Caucasoid then? Only Northwest Europeans? Is every other Kakazoid who deviates from the blond blue-eyed ideal a mixed mongrel? Funny how this bullshit only goes one way
>expecting a race with sub 80 average IQ to be reasonable
1. There were black skinned Africans in Europe and white people in Africa. Do your research. Ser Morien of the Round Table was based off black people who were in Britain at the time these legends were getting popular
2. Africans are Africans. They come in all shapes and sizes. Only in Africa is there the "True African" and everyone else is Kakazoid. We aren't the ones wanting to steal heritage, It is YOU who are so mentally ill that you call dark as coal Somalians "Kakazoid Hamites" What a sick deluded Albinoid creature you are
3. Learn YOUR roots you miserable culture thief. You were a slave in Rome, You are not Greco-Roman. You are a pink faced monkey
Well, you don't understand because you have the same knowledge of Egypt a 4 year old child has
No because brown haired Europeans always existed while light skinned nogs only exist in America due to racemixing.
Don't be so mad, my black friend.
Umm... NO. Light skin alleles were in Africa first
>1. There were black skinned Africans in Europe
Prove it. How did they disappear and why are modern blacks retarded savages living in mud hutts?
150 years ago you were considered animals by superior Europeans because you were naked savages
Its a mixed country
So harry potter was a neo nazi?
>We wuz
And yet you shower with cow urine
Look at this. These blind infertile amoebas dare to call anyone else a culture thief. What scum!
They never disappeared they just got absorbed over the centuries and I already proved it. Look up Saint Maurice.
>mud huts
What a dumb Albinoid cretin. NO city in Europe is older than Kerma. Now go eat your Mayonnaise sandwich, it's getting stale like your arguements
No it's majority black to anyone with eyes.
And you get shot at country music festivals. Now zip up your bonobo lips
>caucasian man with straight nose and facial hair = black
well the ancients literally deified the cow, so getting a golden shower was actually a good thing.
Black residents in Egypt were Nubians.
The rest were of the same tree as the greeks. Some were semetic, like the arabs of today
Greeks came realatively late in Ancient Egpytian history, somewhere around the middle kingdom, after the Egyptians conquered the Levant.
Prior to that Ancient Egypt was a civilization that traveled down the Nile from places like Ethiopia and yes the Nuba region.
Nubians were already living in Egypt before the first dynasty, they identified as subjects to the Pharoah, i.e. Nubian archers.
>People who are mixed
Are people who are mixed, they aren't either.
This is b8
His biological mother is white
So literally almost no "black" person in the USA is black, because almost all have 15% or more European dna at this point.
who the hell argued there were never any blacks in Egypt, they were conquered by the Nubians for a time
For anyone who will be in DC, this is an awesome tour, I hear:
that's not a black man you dumb fucking goof
The Bushmen branched off 300,000 years ago.
The only reason their are a few left in Africa is because whites landed in the SW part of Africa before the genocidal Bantus had reached that area.
dam this definition is constantly changing, what happened to the one drop rule?
next you'll consider mexicans white or something.
I personally think we black people hate the truth that we know nothing of our own history so much we'll claim history of another people and claim they were black tp put as in a position of equality with eurocentric narrative.
Having "black" history/ afrocentric history in itself seems absurd when you think about it because even white people can trace their lineage to certain European countries.
I'd go so far as to say i'm as close racially to some Africans as Esimos are to Slavs.
yes i may be black, but were not the same sort of people
Even the most race-obsessed website on the internet accidentally acknowledges how much of a meme race is
Most descendant of slaves can broadly trace your ancestry to West Africa, which consisted of 3 empires before the slave trade, and the later Berlin Conference.
>Most descendant of slaves can broadly trace your ancestry to West Africa,
not all amerucan backs are descended from slaves, and the vast majority know nothing of subsaharan empires and kingdoms.
further most associate Africa with mudhuts and aids which is why they hardly ever go themselves
>further most associate Africa with mudhuts and aids which is why they hardly ever go themselves
All aren't but the ones that aren't can trace their ancestry, so no need to "not all" the point. That "not all" shit is the cancer of modern discussion/debate. You can never deal with whatever the segment you are talking about it because of this deflection tactic. I am not sure why, I don;t know if it;s a demand thing, or something more orchestrated, but for whatever reason, Africa is the most expensive place to fly to from America. You can go to Asia cheaper. And yeah, most people think it's all mud huts, which is not the case.
The misinformation about Africa is crazy. Most successful immigrants in the USA, (and up there in the UK as well) are Nigerians. Which is also where most of the diaspora would trace their ancestry to, if they did the work.
>claiming the race of a civilization that lasted over 3000 years to be completely homogenous and unchanging
>comparing modern Egyptians to Ancient Egyptians
The only thing blacks can accurately claim are West African kingdoms like Mali and the like.
>Most successful immigrants in the USA, (and up there in the UK as well) are Nigerians.
idk I'll bet on chinese and koreans desu
>That "not all" shit is the cancer of modern discussion/debate. Y
not generalizing people is cancer ta discussion
>Africa is the most expensive place to fly to from America.
sheer shortage of demand and accessible metropolitan airports
Nubians looked like Sudanese who are still wholly distinct from west africans. Embrace your niger-congo roots; leave east africa alone. Trust me, Egyptians, Ethiopians and Somalis think if you people as apes behind closed doors.
t. Ethiopian
fun fact; his wife is actually egyptian
>If Ancient Egyptians were in US they would be with us chanting "Black Lives Matter" just like Colin who knows who he is better than you
>Americans consider that black
Again whites will deny it despite obvious proofs
Complete btfo.
This is why I still come to Veeky Forums
And it's not just academics. Mind u this is a lot why they were selected as slaves over the natives. Hardiness and intelligence.
Granted, they have to be put in the proper environment for it to flourish, but are fast learners. Which is why slaves were forbidden from learning.
Also, it even extends to post slavery, with the American descendants. Blacks excelled beyond poor whites all over the South, post civil war, and everytime they did their communities were literally burned to the ground, and laws enacted to regard them. See the Wilmington Insurrection, and Tulsa Race Riots, among others, and of course Jim Crow laws. New Nigerian immigrants don't carry the baggage of this history of trauma, so they take off, off the bat. I guess there is something to be said about being transplanted into the white man's system to achieve success, though. But then there is another conversation for help that hurts in Africa, where foreign investment for access to resources, but in a way that maintains a perpetual underclass and cheap labor.
Both of those people would be black in the USA
They do, though. One drop rule. You have to be beyond a octaroon to be white.
I actually agree that Hoteps should focus more on West African history, and not cling to East Africa. Beyond the fact that Ethiopia and Egypt are world history. I don't think Ethiopia/Nubia gets enough respect
>Both of those people would be black in the USA
that brown probably wasnt their actual color. ancients drew themselves brown all the time. pic-related is from Minoan Greece; we know that their actual skin color wasnt actually brown.
>Microscopic inspection of the roots of Ramesses II's hair proved that the king's hair originally was red, which suggests that he came from a family of redheads.[69] This has more than just cosmetic significance: in ancient Egypt people with red hair were associated with the deity Seth, the slayer of Osiris, and the name of Ramesses II's father, Seti I, means "follower of Seth."[70] Another study found that Ramesses II was fair-skinned.[71]
Despite this, he was colored brown. This means that we cant take the skin color of these depictions at face value. The genetic studies so far are telling us that they looked like middle-easterners. I think ill stick with that until more studies come out
>it even extends to post slavery, with the American descendants. Blacks excelled beyond poor whites all over the South, post civil war, and everytime they did their communities were literally burned to the ground,
yea you're right on that count
so they were pale with blonde hair right?
they looked like modern day greeks/cretans. maybe olive skinned or swarthy at most; not dark brown
Regardless, there are stil barriers to visiting Africa. I will get there eventually, probably more cheaply when I am again an expat outside of the USA. Africa is hard sell for Americans, with what the mass opinion of Africa is, coupled with the cost compared to literally everywhere else in the world
>to regard them
to retard them
Closer to Palestinians and Bedouins.
Probably why Kaep visited the pyramids not long ago
I was talking about Minoans
I think there was a range, especially when you consider the co-mingling with Axum/Nubians
the real stupidest thing about WE WUZ is how the descendents of west african slaves in America think that they could be descended from egyptian pharoahs when their ancestors lived in a totally different part of the continent and had very different genes.
there was a kushitic dynasty in ancient egypts and kushites are like sudanis and ethiopians and would by any standard be called subsaharan africans aka black.
but nearly every other dynasty , including the dynasties to which every mummy that has been dna tested belonged, was a kind of proto-semitic, caucasoid people like modern egyptians looked but with less subsaharan african admixture.
Kaepernick isn't black. I honestly doubt he's even mixed, he's straight up Middle Eastern and adopted by white family.
Fucking sage these retarded threads you fucking idiots
>Most successful immigrants in the USA, (and up there in the UK as well) are Nigerians
Utter nonsense.
what you're doing when you say that the most successful immigrants in the USA are nigerians is you're comparing the average income of a very small number of immigrants from one country who to begin with are from the richest and most well connected class of people in that country, then comparing them against aggregate groups like white household income, black household income, asian household income.
if you looked at other countries that had as few immigrants from the kleptocrat class move to america like we see in nigeria then you could probably say that Brunei-americans are the most successful, or qatar americans are the most successful, or singapore americans, or swiss americans, etc.
Nigerians are nowhere near the most successful immigrants, see
I think it's a meme that Nigerians themselves and black apologists push, for obvious reasons.
His mother is polish and father was black
Nope. He looks 100% like a Mizrahi Jew.
>aspire for pic related.
why should I aspire to be a revisionist anti white subhuman traitor like you, leftypol ?
Men looking like effete girly faggots is not something desirable.
This is invalid, because it has not been done yet.
Basing a argument of an opinion is imperialiticly false.
Although black is a far too broad term, what genetic group/classification is capernic and ancient egyptians primarily of?
A true caucasian is someone within the genetic group.
TL;DR Race is somewhat more abstract, genetics is the only imperical method of identifying heritage.
Even if your claim is truthfull, taking pride from the achievements of others is most probably done because you are too pitiful to make something of your own.
Mizarahi dont look like that
if egyptians weren't black then why are the egyptian priests on this vase drawn with negroid facial features?
another example.
>prominent straight nose
>no prognathism
>light colored eyes
Very negroid.
the egyptian priests, not hercules, dummy.
They look more Asian to me.
>two jews
thats not an ideal, most white eople dont have blond hair or blue eyes