What is the potential market cap of Monero if it only becomes the main black market crypto and nothing more?

What is the potential market cap of Monero if it only becomes the main black market crypto and nothing more?

Let's say BTC stays the value storage, Monero is banned by most governments and people go through decentralized exchanges to obtain monero for black market transactions. That seems like the worst case scenario for this coin.

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I dont know, I dont care, because Chancoin beats your coin.

When are these niggers gonna put out a light client?

Learn to shill better, faggot, that's just lame.

What happens when bitcoin implements better anonymous transactions?
It's sort of "in the roadmap" and it can be implemented in the future.

Ok, I've done some quick search. Here's my proposition:
The global black market is 10-20% of world gdp. Let's be conservative and say 10%. That should be around 8 trillion USD per year. Let's say Monero captures half of that market, so 4 trillion per year - a daily volume of 11 billion dollars. What would the Monero market cap be at that point?

Feel free to completely demolish my train of thought and point out what I'm missing.

more info here:

> Let's say Monero captures half of that market
By that point, you might be saying that half of regular transactions are made in bitcoin. Which would mean a bitcoin is worth like 10 billion dollars or something like that.

That "Let's say" is just too unrealistic. Even 10% is too much

If bitcoin implements some privacy features, I'm sure they'll be sufficient for a basic consumer protection, but I doubt it will make BTC safe for black market transactions.

>but I doubt it will make BTC safe for black market transactions
Have you read the whitepaper?

Three years ago.
The wallets and nodes have always been two separate programs, you can point the wallet to a remote node.


Ok, let's say it captures 5% of that market, it's still more than 1 billion daily volume.
Is it safe to say that market cap would grow in same proportion?

Ah thanks.... how about mobile.

I would rather use an actual shitcoin than Monero.

Difficult to use, NOT private (it can be traced back, there is evidence) and expensive. Much longer transaction times than Verge aswell for example.

Why don't you just get Aeon? It's on mobile and is the Litecoin version of Monero.

No, I'm just making a lay-man assumption, because unlike Monero, BTC was not designed from ground up with privacy in mind, so in my worthless opinion it is more likely that there will be holes which could be exploited by government agencies.

>What happens when bitcoin implements better anonymous transactions?
>It's sort of "in the roadmap" and it can be implemented in the future.
>If bitcoin implements some privacy features, I'm sure they'll be sufficient for a basic consumer protection, but I doubt it will make BTC safe for black market transactions.
You guys and everyone else do realise that ETH is implementing that very feature this month... Monero is over. It will only be used for blackmarket and terrorism. No one else is gonna wanna touch it.

This is why ETH is gonna be bigger than Bitcoin.

>NOT private (it can be traced back, there is evidence)
What are you goi-

Oh I see... Fuck off fudshil.

nobody cares about a coin where the foundes have like 50% of the coin supply

Which would make BTC more likely to succeed, miners will never be accepted by any legitimate government. What we need is more (optional) fungibility for those who value it, at a higher tx fee.

More like:
Normies don't give a shit about perfect cryptography for slow block times that can't even run smart contracts.

Sure, but that's the point of this thread. Given that privacy features will be added to bigger cryptocurrencies and that those privacy features are ad-hoc solutions that aren't likely to withstand capabilities of agency like NSA, but good enough to hide your tranny porn subscription from your wife, black markets might be the only niche left for Monero.
And the question is, is monero still a viable investment at that point?

The less trackable it is, the more likely it will get banned

If the global black market is 10% of the legit market, then monero could become 10% of the bitcoin market cap, so about 5x as much as it is now.

If it gets banned then it will be the biggest testament to its privacy. It will mean that the gubmints gave up on figuring it out. Bitcoin is traceable trash so they won't bother banning it.

>and an unknown amount of monero

>on mobile
where? there is no wallet for my android