Will the ever integrate into modern society? When we explore the surfaces of far away worlds will they still be hunting boars with spears?
Will the ever integrate into modern society...
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>When we explore the surfaces of far away worlds will they still be hunting boars with spears?
When this day comes you best believe the whole world will be modern and they will be living in museums. Build a wall around them and lock them inside their own self sustaining eco system while we carry on around them.
The Sentinelese will inherit the Earth.
>Will the ever integrate into modern society?
no, and good for them. I bet they heard of "society" from past travelers and see it as a nightmare.
>When we explore the surfaces of far away worlds
believing we'll ever travel through space.
>Civilizationcucks honestly believe being exploited 24/7 by capitalists is preferrable to 4-6 hours a day of hunting and gathering and fucking all day
Truly delusional desu senpai
Rockefeller kid integrated into tribe in New Guinea can't anprims do the same?
Would it be unethical to study these people with small insect size surveillance drones?
The real question is, would it be unethical to steal some of their blood so we can see how different they are from us?
Other andaman islanders exist you know
>no, and good for them. I bet they heard of "society" from past travelers and see it as a nightmare.
Yeah, why would they not want to die from preventable diseases have access to education and civilization in general?
>help I'm being exploited by capitalists while shitposting on a burmese bamboo scroll and jacking off to anime characters
the horror
>Civilizationcucks honestly believe being exploited 24/7 by capitalists is preferrable to 4-6 hours a day of hunting and gathering and fucking all day
>why don't we colonize this small island were we're not welcome because only us know how to live properly?
the absolute state of /pol/
>When we explore the surfaces of far away worlds
I want them to be left alone.
Worst thing to do is to introduce them to slave labor.
>Yeah, why would they not want to die from preventable diseases have access to education and civilization in general?
They'll catch the flu and die because thousands of years of isolation means they have zero resistance to civilization's most common diseases.
>When we explore the surfaces of far away worlds will they still be hunting boars with spears?
Protip: We will never "explore the surfaces of far away worlds".
>has mapped less than 0.05 percent of the ocean floor on their own world
>thinks they're going to be able explore other worlds beyond cursory probe landings and flybys
jaja i thought the same fucking delusion, those people are hapier than you
Hopefully never. They're the last humans that are uncorrupted by the agri-industrial-cybernetic nightmare of our global civilization.
They would probably all die off if we tried to make contact with them due to disease. This is why the Brazilian and Peruvian governments ban contact with undocumented tribes.
There's still some tribes in the Amazon
What kind of retard logic is this?
>Leif Erikkson has mapped less than 0.05 percent of the American continent
>Surely we will never discover more
>a good life is a fit healthy body, a dependable bow, a strong spear, and bringing home the food for your little community
>meanwhile we sit in dark rooms and argue about shit that doesnt matter to people we will ever meet as we slowly rot away complaining about contemplating suicide
>you think they are bored enough to contemplate killing themselves out of some bs self-pity?
Its hard to map the sea floor due to water pressure but its easy as shit mapping the surface of an alien planet retard.
Nope New Guinea has a clusterfuck of uncivilized savage paleolithic tribes in its jungles far from settlements.
Also South America also has uncontacted tribes still stuck in the neolithic era.
They are all in the Amazon across the border between Brazil, Bolivia and Peru.
It is only a matter of time.
The British genocided most of the other Andamanese though.
They also kidnapped a Sentinalese family, which caused the death of the parents from disease.