ITT: Post your favorite borders.
AESTHETIC borders thread
1914 borders, but Rhodesia needs to be independent
4th reich
Why is it that almost every country in the world had perfect borders right before WWI?
Nice huge empires and colonialism.
>Ottoman Empire
Reread my question closely
>tfw it's easier for normies to remember all the countries of Europe back in 1914 than it is today
Would have been a great timeline had it stayed together after the dissolution of A-H
Stay mad forever
I go to bed easy at night knowing both those asshats failed so hard.
Apparently not easy enough to avoid shitposting your LARP dreams
I think you mean this
>perfect borders
Nope. This is what perfect borders would look like.
Uh huh, sure thing kiddo.
Anyway, who else thinks that the HRE in 1200 was god-tier?
All the proof you need that autism is part of the German genotype. There's no other explanation for this bullshit.
The explanation is that Germany was made up of a collection of smaller kingdoms of that clumped together other time, but apparently making alliances is "autism" now.
>t. Hans von Butthurt
Guess what, everyone else did that without making retarded island borders everywhere.
This post is all the proof we need to determine that your DNA is riddled with autism.
>Denmark doesn't own Schleswig-Holstein
>France doesn't own Alsace-Lorraine
>Italy doesn't own Corsica, Tyrol, and Istria
>Finland doesn't exist
>Ireland doesn't exist
>Poland doesn't exist and with modern borders + Kaliningrad
>Astro-Memegaria exists
That's why it's not perfect
>German borders
Germany always looked ugly on the map, before and after WW2, it's just a formless unrecognizable piece of shit. Name a country that has less recognizable borders in Europe, pro tip: you can't.
I threw up in my mouth a little bit
Poland should always be part of Russia. It just looks so ugly as an independent country.
Poland isn't that bad actually
Who cut a hole in it?
autistic faggots
Admit it.
>straight line borders
I wish it was true.
I don't see any Reich around.
>eurotrash will never have so much land that you need to arbitrarily divide it
top looks like a dude being crucified
>what it feels like to be finnish
just make a country along the drainage divides for every major river. Divide the coast regions evenly (i.e. same area on both sides).
like this.
The comfiest
>bulgaria owns constantinople
this really
>every rome 2 total war playthrough
>Ireland doesn't exist
Name one thing wrong with this.
>what is Africa
>blob on a stick
wait it gets better
>not expanding into greece and iberia
Keep fighting weak barbarians.
And yet they did more to preserve the White race than the Third reich
Looks fantastic.
I think it looks strange just having the Czechs penetrate Germany
Which is also strange, because that is the exact opposite of what happened
It's just such an ugly fucking map
Looks like a chicken with its head cut off. Appropriate for how >holy >romans acted
t. Vlad Borisovich
>You squander this for no reason
>the german state which didn't let in rapefugees is the anti-white one
>Year 2438
>The entire world has been conquered and lies crushed under the Serbian boot
>All Kebab has been removed
>The UN has been dismantled so no human rights violation can be issued
>Only a few nations of brave freedom fighters remains
>Japan, Hainan, Tasmania, Peloponnesus, Sicily, Sardinia, Plata Oriental, Terra del Fuego, and Newfoundland shall fight to the bitter end against Serb tyranny
and Tasmania
And Ceylon
It would have been perfect if Luxemburg was annexed
That's how Poland should've been at the end of WWII.
>No Wilno
Shit map
*pukes in spanish*
Vilna is rightfully Swedish.
Nothing is rightfully Swedish, not even Sweden.
Od Jasině do Aše
republika je naše
Current France is perfect to me, a nice hexagon.
France before the arrival of Germanic colonists
>eastern lusatia not included even though whole lusatia should be part of poland
shit map
>Perfect borders thread
>Shows inner borders of ex-HRE states.
What did he mean by this?
If anything it should be it's own fucking country, Sorbs are not Poles
Those are state borders within the empire you dumbass
t. soviet rape baby
That's not what genes and linguistic say though. Sorbs are literally speaking Old Polish and cluster with Poles on autosomal maps.
a fugging benis :--DDD
Except import thousands of Asians, Cubans, Africans, and other subhuman trash
>having Stettin and Breslau
>having Danzig, Pommern, Schlesien, and the rest of rightful Prussian clay
As if