Howdy, Germanic servants!

>Howdy, Germanic servants!

Other urls found in this thread:

t. charlemange

>let me force this middle eastern religion on you savage cumskins

>Howdy, Germanic master!

>literally a toilet

>let me force it upon you so you may be kept as my vassal by following my ancestors religion

Check it out! I'm made of gold.

t. Karl der Grosse


Karl de Grote was Dutch

It would have been written Karl der Grōz, in his mother tongue, Old High German

All those gold and jewels could'be been used to help the poor.

What is the Carolingian equivalent of "Wubba lubba dub dub"?

>wubba lubba gavelkind succession

Charles the great was English

pick one

Kaarle Suuri was a direct descendant of an Ancient Finnic bloodline of emperors.

Indeed, gold is a very valuable commodity.

Can you fuck off. I'm not even german and im starting to get annoyed

todella hyvä postaus, veli

You're all wrong and repeating a biased, racist, whitewashed, colonial version of history.

I'm worried that I look like this guy...

He doesn't even look that bad

You're the Trojan poster, aren't you?

You do know Trojans, Trojan war and Troy is fiction, right?

Nah, I'm not him. And I'm pretty sure he didn't even make this thread.

Except Troy and Trojans did exist. That's not to say the Iliad should be treated as historical fact, but no one really knows how much is based on actual history and how much is mythical fiction.

He looks very beautiful

As someone that has actually been to Troy, you're wrong.

>weak jaw
>huge ears
How is that good again?

I can smell your butthurt just by reading your posts, poolack
Instead of being obsessed with me you should get a life cause i see you posting EVERYDAY from morning to dust and all your posts either countain an endless ammount of butthurt or some kind of weird theory about Slavic Bavarians/Slavic Goths/Slavic Vandals/Slavic Romans or some fictional characters like Odin being R1a

The Trojan War actually happened but archeologists tend to downplay its importance.

i didn't make this thread nor i did post in it, more generally i don't post in the morning unlike the Polish neet

>I can smell your butthurt just by reading your posts, poolack
>Instead of being obsessed with me you should get a life cause i see you posting EVERYDAY from morning to dust and all your posts either countain an endless ammount of butthurt or some kind of weird theory about Slavic Bavarians/Slavic Goths/Slavic Vandals/Slavic Romans or some fictional characters like Odin being R1a
I already told you I'm an Anglo and you're beyond autistic.

what's up with your obsession with poland and poles?

>instantaneous reponse
Sad !

Is Veeky Forums your only passion ?

nah, I just see you shitposting about poland costantly. what's your problem?

Was it autism?

>Veeky Forums posters arguing about who's more autistic
Remember we're all on here...

Karl Den Store was Swedish

샤를마뉴 was the last true heir of the Hwan Empire.

im finnish, and you are retarded

>The Finnish R1a Supremacist

You are a Polishman in a Finnish body, if my memory does not fail me, you and the "R1a Odin"-Polishman agree on pretty much everything