Is Catholicism the true religion? Why or why not?
Is Catholicism the true religion? Why or why not?
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yes it is
>Is Catholicism the true religion?
>Why or why not?
it holds biblical inerrancy, which is demonstrably false
You do know there's a difference between Protestant and Catholic inerrancy right?
Actually, inerrancy is one of those issues that the Reformers were 100% Catholic on. Their doctrine of inerrancy was completely in line with that of the medieval church, and there was no debate at all between them on this point.
It wasn't until the 20th century that the liberalizing tendency took hold of statements in Dei Verbum and translated them to mean that the Bible only contains certain inerrant teachings (and we'll tell you what those are when we want to). The Catholic Church tolerates liberal and anti-catholic teachings to the left of even many mainline liberal Protestants, but that is an issue of discipline and identity crisis, not an issue of what the Catholic doctrine of inerrancy is.
No, it promotes idolatry and a false gospel.
You are blinded by hatred of Christianity from your protestant upbringing and erroneously apply Protestant beliefs to Catholicism.
>demonstrably false
the world is more then 5000 years old, consider yourself demonstrated
Catholics aren't Christian
I am a Roman Catholic, but I do have my doubts and am attracted to Orthodox teachings as well. But they are still part of the initial "Catholic" church ,so I would say yes it is
Protestantism and all forms of individualist hedge Christianities are just a pit stop on the road to atheism
>le ebin fedore maymay
what verse does it say that?
no single verse says it, you add up the entire timeline given in the narrative
>I am a Roman Catholic
Why don't you convert to Christianity?
You mean the genealogies?
yes the geneology and the narrative of events put roughly 4000 years between adam and jesus
since we have found human remains that are hundreds of thousands of years old the bible is demonstrably false
That genealogy is not exhaustive and omits the vast majority of Adam's descendants.
>Is Catholicism the true religion? Why or why not?
No - the Pentateuch has been repeatedly disproved and Jesus said it was a lie 2000 years ago - and it should be obvious it's a lie since it demands murder of the innocent.
The Pope will join his predecessors in eternal damnation for his crimes.
says you but even the pope says the bible is wrong about creationism and the catholic church no longer teaches it
>even the pope says the bible is wrong
exactly user exactly
so if the bible is wrong how can the religion be true?
Without the God of the bible you could explain nothing including our speaking right now
you have it backwards the pope is wrong and the bible is true
How did Christians and Jews come up with exact dates for creation then? Which by the way no one disputed until radiocarbon dating was invented.
The big boys are talking about big words like "King" and "God" and "Murderer." Go back to /bant/
Through their own vain imaginations. The Biblical authors never intended to give a precise age of the universe because the Holy Scriptures are not an Encyclopedia and they had more important information to communicate.
t. redditor
this thread is specifically about catholicism, so you agree it is wrong
popery is wrong
right, catholicism is wrong. thankyou.
Adam's son, Cain, was said to have left and gone off to a neighboring city after killing his brother Abel. Now tell me, if Adam and Eve were the only people on the planet, where did all the people who were populating this city come from?
Maybe Adam wasn't the first man in the sense that he was literally the first human on the planet. Maybe Adam was the first homo-sapien that God recognized as a human. Maybe Genesis is actually the mythology of desert nomads passed down orally over hundreds of generations, and perhaps this would lead to some tall tales. There are other books in the Bible that have actual historical backing, like Kings and parts of the Gospels.
You should try reading the entire Bible with an open mind instead of acting like a goddamn toddler. Even the fucking Vatican accepts evolution and dismisses young Earth theories nowadays.
>t. redditor
I'm not ashamed to use reddit or youtube or Veeky Forums. At least I contribute substance to conversations.
Q: "Is Catholicism true?"
A: "No - it isn't true - never has been - never will be. God is true though."
>Now tell me, if Adam and Eve were the only people on the planet, where did all the people who were populating this city come from?
The countless unnamed sons and daughters they had?
Point of fact: there's nothing you can't mock, destroy, or murder on Earth that will result in Zeus striking you dead with a lightning bolt as punishment.
>Yes beyond a shadow of a doubt.
You can't know dumbass that's why all religions stress faith so much.
go bak to /r/eddit
>Maybe Adam was the first homo-sapien that God recognized as a human
then wouldn't that make god flawed and not omnipotent? what about the billions of souls before god "recognised" adam that had no chance of salvation?
and how would this theory impact the fall from the garden? either we were all living in the garden and god punished the entire species for the actions of one man, or they weren't all living in the garden and we are back to square one with adam being the only human.
maybe you should grow up, realise there is no basis far abrahimic religions to be anyhting more than a series of novels and find the courage to live in the universe as it really is rather than continually trying to make a square peg fit in a round hole
>is ascriptural pagan junk true?
Obviously not.
>the bible is wrong, listen to man's philosophy instead
t. satan
>the bible is wrong, listen to man's philosophy instead
The Bible is proven wrong in very serious ways while claiming people should murder for the Bible - not like proven wrong as in "we can't find a corporeal Zeus on Mt. Olympus" which nobody really expected in the first place.
That's a big problem.
>what about the billions of souls before god "recognised" adam that had no chance of salvation?
If Adam was the first homo-sapien (the biological species) to be recognized as human then the others werent humans in the strict sense of the word, and therefore wouldnt have an immortal soul to save, or free will to reject God.
Your objections are like those of a baby, read more.
blow it out your ass Veeky Forums
>he thinks those are "big" words
>big words
>big boys
i bet you type with only two fingers, blow it out your ass Veeky Forumstory fag
>he thinks those are "big" words
Indeed, if there's any chance of an afterlife if you spend your life casually defining for everyone what "King" "God" and "Murderer" mean like the Bible and its proponents seem to do - you better be sure you know what you're talking about.
>I'm so thoughtful and intellectual
The orthodox broke from it so they can't be, and before that chaledonian was the true faith
But how you define catholic, the popes faith, or the faith of anyone in communion with Rome
The organization itself could maybe use some improvement.
>preying on pretentiously written arguments
>I'm so thoughtful and intellectual
Yeah, that's Monotheism in a nutshell.
"I read Moses law - me smart upperclassmen - therefore God wants me to kill you."
Like the great thinkers of Christianity knew the pagan gods "aren't gods" because you can kill their servants whereas Priests, Rabbis, and Imams are bulletproof.
Why do catholics refer themselves as catholics and not universalists/christian?
Sunni islam is
Could you stop shilling your fucking videos every time you post?
It became bloated with too many traditions that have nothing to do with Christianity. The virgin Mary shouldn't be worshipped on the same level as Christ.
You misspelled khawarij islam
True religion of foot lickers amrite?
Weird way of spelling Nizari Ismaili Shia Islam.
>Could you stop shilling your fucking videos every time you post?
When it comes to disputing theology - I'm just showing you what actual prophets look like so you understand how much danger you're in supporting Moses' "theology." You don't have to click any links.
yes, apostolic succession
No. If it was, why would dharmic devotion/absorption practices have so much more scientific vindication? You'd think nuns/monks in prayer to the Divine would know how to do it and be better at it than a bunch of orange gooks if their tradition was correct.
Can you turn your name back on? I filtered it for a reason
Anyone who says Jesus Christ is their savior is instantly a Christian. Salvation is a deeper question though.
Catholics aren't Christian
>Is Catholicism the true religion?
What an odd question. A more proper one ought to be whether Catholicism is the true version of Christianity, but then we'd also need to know: By which criteria?