I warned you
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't be left in the dust.
>Up 30k sats
>Still down more than 50% from ATH
T-take that you fudders
I feel bad if you bought back in we are going sub 10 bucks briefly when btc crashes
I don't hold any NEOs (jumped off at 40), but this news is so extremely good that I am not even taken aback by biztards ignoring it and being all busy with shit like chainlink. biz is so fucking retarded.
good luck to NEO, this is absolutely good news and just validates the entire project after the china debacle.
I took the warning and stayed away from that Chinese scamcoin. Thank you sir fro the warning.
NEO has not changed they are still the 60 dollar NEO there is just FUD about china after BTC drops and all this blows over and chinese exchanges are back in its over
Only retards don't see being well below ATH as a good thing in terms of investment opportunity.
buy high sell low
Veeky Forums is pretty retarded. During the ANS era it was so obvious that it was gonna moon. I lacked all experience but still bought some ants and now I'm still at a 300% profit. Even I, lacking all experience, could see how much potential it had. And now too with the China fud people are trashtalking NEO while it is so obvious this will moon again after they have their shit together. All people are looking for here is a quick cash grab, not long term investment. Those peeps will never make it.
"Oh look neo is so low better not buy it, i better buy OMG at its ATH, it can only go up right?"
they literally forcing all exchanges to close them-self and they want to "shut it down" on mining.
banned communistic ethereum of china to 1 sat
Thanks for the heads up.
2000 btc sell wall just got flashed
Wrong, but continue being stupid. More money for us smart people.
>$50 by christmas, r-right?
>I don't know what I'm doing, but this coin took my gains virginity so I'm going to keep clinging to it no matter what it does.
>I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm sure I know what I'm doing.
Also, friendly reminder that a mere 2% gain per day compounds into over $1 million after a year. But those "peeps" will never make it.
$100 by December.
yes, yes, pump and dump, we know it already, user
Coin sure has a lot of action for such a 'ded co1n'
I'm at a loss on NEO, QTUM and OMG
should I sell some OMG for NEO?
No. Keep holding OMG.
Kek nice pump lost $10 I'm out
LOL The charts say 250-300k sats by December IF you're lucky. It's a slow trickle down until then.
You know weekend dips happen because people pull money out to spend, right? What do you think is going to happen during the holidays?
that is a boy in a dress and wig
What's the news?
there seems to be so much optimism for it
but I bought near the ATH and I don't see it going as much as other things like WTC or NEBL
because the market cap is so high
but I'm underwater on everything so it would likely be a bad move to sell at a loss just to fomo onto another coin
its seriously hard to be patient when you see coins 10xing every week
>t. Guy who can't read charts
>neo is worth so much there's no way it can go any lower haha $100 by december!!
>neo is down so low it just HAS to pump can't you idiots read the charts?? $100 by December. Is. Still. On.
You dumb. Weekend dips don't always happen. They were more prevalent when things were less fuddy. They almost seemed to happen as a self fulfilling prophecy. The current as-is market is a free for all with very few trends. At the moment, there's not a lot of new money entering... It's more of the same amounts of money getting moved around.
I'm expecting another crash/correction soon
Jesus christ this thread is full of retards.
Do you think Neo team and Red Pulse would go ahead if they didn't know for a fact that it wouldn't piss off the government?
Here's a tip that you can't fuck up: Follow the money. Onchain (Dudes who made neo) worked with Alibaba and have a direct relationship with them.
Maybe tomorrow it will all come crashing down tomorrow, but to not own a little Neo is fucking retarded.
I bought 3 at 450k sat. Will I make it to the lamboland?
I made a little over $200 from that pump today.
Sorry about your $10 user.
You'll make enough for a nice lil vacation.