Dare I say: Veeky Forums BTFO?
Dare I say: Veeky Forums BTFO?
Other urls found in this thread:
>increasingly nervous man proclaims bitcoin's death for the 175th time
Use a reliable source next time.
That headline right there is one of the biggest buy signals there is. Welcome to crypto friend.
We should make an counter how many people keeps saying this shit since 2009.
Wall street is scared of Bitcoin and crypto. It would replace the entire financial system.
This is a good sign.
Lol china banning exchanges were fud too I bet.
>your bits of cryptography encrypted data arent money
>here take this paper/plastic abomination, it is money
this. it's the truth.
>this is the end of bitcoins campaign
rothchilds own the economist magazine, i bet these spineless wsj fucks are in their pocket too
>rothchilds are about "inclusive capitalism"
aka you do what they say, and they will include you in the money
Nice just sold 100k
Does anyone have the article? It's behind a pay wall. I wanna read it.
Didn't Rothschilds buy a bunch of bitcoin though?
>doesn't know about bitcoin obituaries
That's how I know you're new.
Guarantee those retards shorted and got burned
There's literally a fucking website of this already you stupid fucking newfag.
Get the fuck off this board before I scam you out of all your money.
nothing has any value, except the one you arbitrarily set it to. money is just paper
WSJ also thinks PewDiePie is a nazi. They're retarded.