How difference is the standard of beauty in ancient time compare to modern time?
How difference is the standard of beauty in ancient time compare to modern time?
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Not particularly different at all, the only major differences would be fashion styles rather physical traits.
They probably prefered modest size of tits/booty, less make ups, and plastic surgeries.
none, otherwise we wouldn't have attractive people today
they pretty much were the same, the fashion it's what changed, I saw a video about it were the author compared aesthetics, measurements and symmetry and other physical characteristics between depictions of women throughout story and modern day women and the standard of beauty was pretty much the same but for the life of me I can't find it, it's probably drowned in the post modern "everyone is beautiful" shit in youtube
This was the standard of beauty. It wasn't until evil, sexist patriarchy took over that they unfairly demanded women to have eating disorders to maintain anorexic figures like in OP's image.
If you disagree with this your mind has been warped by our oppressive culture and unrealistic body standards of women. This is a fertility GODDESS and what every woman should feel comfortable being and every man secretly desires.
>vobiscum findos me in clubo, bottilis fulla bubei, mensi gotuvato need if needi feeli buss, ego into copulat, non into amore, sos venus givam huggo if into ruborum
A lot, here's the harem of the Shah of Persia in the late 1800s
Modern men no longer desire large breasts
t. American
what the fuck
>ego into copulat, non into amore,
No wonder the Ayatollah enforced the burka law.
Breasts, good hips and butts and soft light facial features are preferrable across all cultures. You don't even need to look back in time. Just compare us to cultures isolated from our beauty standards. There is massive overlap.
I will never understand how anyone from that country continues to feel any degree of pride whatsoever.
I would have agreed with you until I saw this
I get there are some cultural differences in regards to things like body hair, and maybe he liked them closer to the plump side, but the faces on those women defy belief considering he could have basically had anyone in his realm as a concubine.
Maybe he just had a weird fetish?
>tfw you finally realize the people of Iran overthrew the Shah not to depose a puppet subservient to Anglo and American interests and values but to install a religious reactionary into power so they could force their women to cover themselves up in a sheet whenever they wanted to go outside
A pleb like you could never hope to comprehend the tastes of a blue blood
>>Ibrahims harem was full of young, nubile, girls from around the world. But after a while, the slender things from Russia and the Balkans didnt do it for him anymore. One day Ibrahim happened to see the genitalia of a female cow. Pleased by what he saw, Ibrahim had a gold cast made and, hoping to find a human match to the bovine privates, he ordered his aides to bring him the fattest woman in the world. They did their best, finding a 300 pound Armenian girl named Sugar Cube (Sechir Para or more literally translated Sweet Lump of Sugar). Ibrahim loved her, and spent many a night curled in her large arms. It wasnt long until the big woman had gained power over Ibrahim equal only to that of her girth. It would be Sugar Cube who would spell the final downfall of Ibrahim the Mad.
(I'm pretty sure I read that) it's a hoax, you buffoons. Those are men.
Greeks digged armless chicks, obviously
>Argentina and Canada love tits
>be (F)ersian
Nice b8 m8, 8/8.
Matriarchy is the evil one actually.
Well aren't you perceptive.
I don't get this meme, is it because of Fars?
t. tleilax master
Chubby, hairy virgins was the way to go.
how do you know that wasn't just one shah being a deviant fucking pervert?
it needn't be reflective of general persian tastes at that time.
Obviously things have changed, but not by a lot.
Body hair must be one of the obvious changes tbqh. Women today are mostly hairless, which wasn't the norm at all until like 70 years ago.
I think that bodily and facial symmetry are things that have been constant as attractive, because if I'm not mistaken it signifies healthy genes.
Shaving was kinda hazardous, the farther back you go. Without antibiotics, a shaving cut could be deadly. Then there are all the recent improvements in the safety of razors.
So yeah, with longer clothes, women would be much harier without it necessarily showing up in photos.
Men liked women THICC but not fat like amerilard tho
THICC = Great breeder
They liowd them thicc back in the day, and pale. Both indicators of health and wealth
Facial beauty probably hasn't changed much. I think the only thing that has really changed is how THICC we like our women, and even that hasn't changed a whole lot.
Also, I realize this doesn't prove shit, but I found an interesting study where chickens seem to have the same standards of beauty for humans as humans do. (forgive me for the pop science link, I can't find the study itself anywhere):
>Without antibiotics, a shaving cut could be deadly.
Oh come on now. You think people didn't shave, and you think THIS was the reason?
That was just that one Shah's taste; not Persian standards of beauty overall.
m8 how many times have you cut yourself shaving and actually needed antibiotics?
They were Tur(d)s from Karabakh
hes sort of right. Before the invention of the safety razor, the only way to do it was at a barber shop.
Are you serious?
Go take 10 seconds to read the wikipedia page on schaving (yes it has sources). Shaving is over 5000 years old you cunts.
Its true. Daily shaving didnt become widespread until the modern safety razor. You could have someone do it for you or you could go to a barber shop.
Of course it is, but it took a learning curve to do it r alternatively, you would need servants or someone to do it for you. Thats why most people didnt get it done anywhere near as often as today. It is thanks to the invention of safety razors in the 1800s that men could shave their faces daily on their own without having to learn how to use a straight razor.
People have been shaving themselves for over 5000 years you moron.
Without a safety razor, self-shaving without cutting yourself up badly has a decent learning curve. In the past, the majority of men would get it done for them by someone who was proficient at it; a barber, servant or family member.
>Fertility goddess
>Implying the statue is of a regular woman
>Not a VERY pregnant woman, who is showing fertility via bearing children
Nice try. 2/10 made me correct you
>fetility goddess
>not just a fat woman figurine someone made
people sure do give narrow definitions that place high religious significance to shit they dig out of the ground.
A man whose taste was as patrician as his birth.
By the way Arslan Senki exists thanks to this man.
Is this some kind of joke? Are these not literally just men in dresses?
Did most of those people in the 18th century through early half of the 19th century really have to visit barbers to accomplish shaving, though? Shaving was supposed to be done on a regular basis, with stubble permissible usually through three days until the next shave, if circumstances impeded it. Rarely, American soldiers during the Revolution had light beards, due to being gone in the wilderness, for extended periods of time, but those were isolated incidents.
The Shah had to be a man of shit taste.
In every age, in every place, people have loved big titties
Or waxing, which I think barbers still did. Also why men tended to have manly beards, with the exception of elites who could afford a barber
It what feminazi would say
>this is a 10/10 girl(female) in ancient greece
Romans: Unibrows were seen as beautiful.
Chinese: foot binding
English: White skin. led powder
It changes. Just do your research
Natural beauty is the best i even don´t like make up, but the woman in this picture is gorgeous nontheless. If everything on her is natural than it is a good woman in looks at least. The mind is another territory.
You are full of shit and have no source for your claim. Shaving with a straight razor isn't that hard at all and anyone who wasn't wealthy would do it himself.
I have never understood this. On what basis do archeologists/historians give 'decorous' meanings to such objects?
That statuette could be made by someone mocking his friend's mother, for all we know.
The modern man has long since moved on to 2D
>It wasn't until evil, sexist patriarchy took over
Was there ever a time when females dominated over males since we splitted from bonobos?
I think girls used to think hairy guys with beards were hot. Now most girls seem to think that's gross.
If you are not a filthy bum I think there's nothing to worry about
Arabic has no P sound. It's why when you hear an arab speak in english they (most of the time) pronounce "pickles" like "bickles". Now that you know that, the persian language (own name for it: parsi, literally persian) is called farsi by arabs, because of the lack of P sound in their language. However, the persian language is known internationally as farsi, which is pretty shit if you're a persian. Or, if you're a redditor, pretty cucked lmao xddd
I see /pol/ lied to me the aryan waifus of persia.
Intresting idea. But I don't think it was because of that. If we disregard men, I really do believe that it comes down to trends and beauty standards(and sick fetishists like the shah).
Untrue, the greeks were fags
Big butts, fertile
Maybe he had an inflation fetish?
I live in a time when the germ theory is accepted. I wash the razor, and often apply antiseptic when I get cut. Also, have you looked at the kind of razors that were used 100 years ago?
Oh yeah, and I have hot running water to wash the razor with.
They're a turkmen dynasty
No, modern persian is called farsi in persian as well. What the turk mocks is precisely this: the fact that some words have lost their p sound. He and others using this are probably trying to imply that the sound disappeared completely, which is false.
>less make ups
Bitches would literally poison themselves with caked on lead based make up, faggot.
who dis
>persian women
America exported its negro influences, so more focus on big asses and pouty lips
And i thought women in my town were ugly holy fuck
I always feel so sorry for that dog.
This looks like a hoax. The only source is some really sketchy Russian clickbait site
Didn't Romans regularly shave? I thought it was considered a barbarian thing to keep a beard
The negro influence has been there since the 1800s in Europe, when Europe started fucking with Africa real hard. Look at the cartoons in this post Or how Sara Baartman, and between 1814–70, there were at least seven scientific descriptions of the bodies of women of color done in comparative anatomy. Cuvier's dissection of Baartman helped shape European science. Baartman, along with several other African women who were dissected, were referred to as Hottentots, or sometimes Bushwomen. The "savage woman" was seen as very distinct from the "civilised female" of Europe, thus nineteenth century scientists were fascinated by "the Hottentot Venus".
How this fascination led to the bustle (pic related) from the crinoline. And how it resulted in negrophilia in France (The French coined the term and it was initially complimentary)
Arabs shaved genitals
Just because they shaved doesn't mean they didn't use a barber
Loving big titties and loving dicks aren't mutually exclusive you know
All these retards who are too stupid to use a straight razor thinking its hard need to stop shitting up this thread
So when was the last time you were in Brazil or Thailand?
I feel like this is purely conjecture. It's entirely conceivable that someone could offer the service, or at they very least the wealthy could have slaves do it for them.
dude, trigger warning that shit
America has more trannies than those two countries combined. Probably per capita too.