Easy ways to save money

Toilet paper is free in any public restroom. Why would you even buy this? Usually stores/restaurants have an extra roll or two in each stall. Same goes for paper towels.

I also bring a container to fill up with soap in restrooms as well.

Post your money saving ideas.

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>(((The Thread)))

>Why would you even buy this?
So I can wipe my ass with luxury, and not sandpaper.

Don't wipe

Sorry I do not use public shitter

>t. cant time his shits to coincide with showers

>wastes water to clean off his ass, water bill goes sky high

I only flush my toilet once every 3 days, my water bill is minimal.

I have literally saved thousands by living frugal.

you are promoting theft. Reported.

>I only flush my toilet once every 3 days



Jesus Christ, toilet paper is cheap as fuck, why would you steal third world quality instead of paying it like 2 bucks and will last it for months?

>t. pays for water

I know that you can get free Bitcoin on Trade Satoshi.

You people disgust me.

>not shitting in the streets
>not wiping with junk mail
It's like you want to be poor Pajeet

not reusing the same square of paper.
not using both sides

use your hands like muslims do

>Water is wet
Son, we've all stolen TP from work when we were poor and underpaid.

get off your computer
remove all electrical plugs from walls
cancel electricity
cancel water
save rainwater
grow your own food
hunt animals
start campfires for warmth
live in a cave



Jesus it must smell like cum water and hot piss and shit in your bathroom just flush

I just lick my asshole like a cat

i save toilet paper by wiping and then flipping it over and wiping one more time. of course you'll have to touch your poop every now and then but that's just the price you pay to save money.

Get a man who is into scat.

Two problems at once.

wasting money is a slippery slope.

I don't understand people who don't wash their ass with water after shitting, it's free and clean.

You mean to tell me if you grab a piece of shit, squeeze it and wipe it off with some paper, it is clean?

last toilet paper sheet which you use for wiping is mostly clean so you can blow your nose in it or use as paper for notes

there was a study a while ago by the guys at oxford about this. they concluded that the people who only wipe with tp have a cleaner asshole. something about good bacterias there that self cleanses better than water.

When I was a student and lived in a studio, I regularly took my dirty dishes with me under the shower and just brushed and soaped it all whilst showering. Not sure whether it is cost effective because I had to shower longer but it felt really time efficient because you could just point the pressurized shower head at a dirty plate or whatever and it would be clean soon. Add to that that you would be standing in warm water playing with kitchen utensils making fun, which resulted in tedious and boring task feeling very easy to do.

I am not sure why I am telling this but it is 100% true and have never heard of anyone else doing it. If it wasn't for my current house having the shower on a different floor, I would still do it. Now, I am looking at buying a dishwasher because I just really hate doing the dishes manually. Maybe I should find a wife to do it for me. Or move back to a studio...

t. PooInLoo

>Easy ways to save money
>Steal things


>not using a bidet in 2017
Kill yourself

Brilliant. How about washing your clothes while showering as well?

if you leave near the sea, go bring bucket of seawater and boil in on the stove on low for 6-10 hours

wa la you have saved $0.98 on salt

Ah but how much in electricity? Why not burn an old tire and boil your saltwater that way?

Why isn't it stealing if you use it during a shit at said place?

Say I took a megashit and needed 2 full rolls. Is that stealing?

I tried only flushing for poops for a few months, now my toilet has permanent yellow stains on the inside.

I do this all the time with difficult to clean objects (nitro engines, mechanical keyboard, etc.).

By that same token, a lot of banks have money stored in their facilities. Why would you work for money when you could just walk into a bank with a gun and take theirs for free?

>Trying to save pennies by engaging in degenerate, anti-social behavior
>Crossing the line from niggardly tactics to the level of niggerish

Read this, and then re-read your post. Get a grip on your life now, before it's too late.

I've been up for 35 hours can you tldr please

>Go out and do the things that we all used to expect of ourselves before leftist kikes rotted out the center of Western culture:
>Get married before you have children and strive to stay married for their sake.
>Get the education you need for gainful employment, work hard, and avoid idleness.
>Go the extra mile for your employer or client.
>Be a patriot, ready to serve the country.
>Be neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable.
>Avoid coarse language in public.
>Be respectful of authority.
>Eschew substance abuse and crime.


dishwasher > wife

you realize saying 'leftist kikes' on a public forum, anonymous or not, is pretty coarse language, right? lol you're contributing to the same problem you're espousing

Jew detected


theres a game at the casino that i never lose on
its called Chan gema chine
I think its japanese

i shower at the gym and fill bottles with water

lol OP literally wants to steal toilet paper from restaurants to save a couple of bucks

I'm just making an observation

you need the money for your mental treatment?

My bad -- I harbor no particular ill will for the chosen ones, except to the extent that a number of them have historically taken it upon themselves to undermine Western society with cultural Marxism -- as well as dozens of other strategies of subversion born through their uniquely focused evolutionary psychology and culture of sociopathic nepotism.

fuck off

frugal threads were part of Veeky Forums forever

you have to go back

nigger, you are fucking stupid.

don't eat out
don't have a gf
live at home as long as you can
don't have health insurance and don't pay the mandate (IRS won't do shit to you trust me)
learn to love beans rice and potatoes, lots of cheap calories, you can supplement these with a multivitamin if you're too cheap for produce
for meat and produce shop at local ethnic markets, they tend to be cheaper
if you can't live at home for cheap/free, see if your city has cheap rehab rooms, these can go for as low as $100/month
use the computers at the library

This is probably a bit much but i wouldnt mind some off the grid living in the countryside.
Solar + battery storage
Rain water/water recycling
Grow your own food
Geothermal/hydronic heating

>he doesnt use wetwipes

I feel sorry for your life

So this was you:

>buy 9 pack of toilet paper
>muahahaha, surely this will last forever, I am set for life now and can relax in luxury and decadence upon my porcelain throne
>1 week later

Is there anything worse than a salesman of D grade toilet paper?

Definitely don't get a gf, I love her but oh god I'd have so much more money if it weren't for her. AND she earns more than me

In what fucking state do you live where toilet paper costs $2 and will last you a month?

Are you using soap with that water as well?

a 6-pack of toilet paper should last you at least 6 months as long as you're not wiping your vagina every time you go to take a piss.

You get the nice thick stuff, take 4-6 squares, fold it twice (so it's the size of your palm) and then wipe front to back. Efficient, quick, smooth, and clean.

If you do use your toilet paper in any other manner for wiping your ass you are a sub-par human and should reconsider your decision to keep breathing.

>avoid coarse language in public
fuck that, freedom of expression bitch.

The rest of it makes sense though, within reason.

- no warm water at home. I have my waterboiler turned off at all times.
- that said: shower at the gym
- if you are still at uni: spend as much time as possible at the uni library. Free heat, light and Internet. During weekdays I am leaving at 8 and returning at 22h. Gym included.
- do intermittent fasting/one or two meals a day. No more money for stupid snacks.
- Oats and eggs are your best friends. Base your diet around that.

if you ahve space you could start a cricket farm or soemthing for ultra cheap protein lol

Imagine if negros used their ingenuity for the good of mankind

Take single sheet of toilet paper.
Tear off a corner and set aside.
Use thumb and rest of sheet to get right up in there.
Use saved corner to clean under thumbnail.

I've saved huge amounts of money stealing from my office.

Small things like computer mice, stationary, coffee mugs etc.

For every third thing I steal I place some random item on the fat guys desk so if I ever get caught I can just point out how weird it is that he has random shit on his desk. People have noticed before so I'm not too worried.

Another great one is eat and run maneuvers. I know most people know about this but like no one does it for some reason. I will find completely random places that I would never otherwise eat and order as much as possible, even ask for a take away, and then ditch.

I have yet to be caught.

My favorite one is swiping wiper blades off of trucks. These guys park for very long periods of time and the truck area of the gas station is pretty quiet. The wiper blades for trucks like these can net you 50-60 bucks and slide off real easy.

I could go on. Saving money with tricks is a passion of mine.


lmao look at all you little degenerate neet faggots.
shits fuckin depressing listening to all of you go on about how you eat toilet paper just to save money on your grocery bill.

Yeah no. There were similar studies with vaginas which actually are self cleaning. But assholes are fucking gross and if you don't clean yours properly with soap and water every now and then you will get diseases.

>Saving money with tricks
>being a thief is a (((trick)))

drink more fucking water, your piss shouldn't be radioactive leaving fucking stains

Just do this.