Is Christian art bad Veeky Forums compared to Ancient Greek/Roman art?
Is Christian art bad Veeky Forums compared to Ancient Greek/Roman art?
fuck this is great cringe material. also he's completely and abjectly wrong. I watched 2 minutes and literally nothing he said was correct.
>Christian art
>Roman """""art""""""
Catholics aren't Christian
Yeah, Roman art is better
They are pagans larping as christians
Ahhh, to be 14 again.
This guy sounds like he weighs 400lbs
>One is made in current era
>The other one is made in classical period
haha romans blown da fug up :DDDDDD
he's been refuted many times by Christians on tons of matters, I wouldn't expect him to get it right here either
Got some examples from memory?
>tfw used to like this guy
It's a good thing we all grow out of our edgy phases eventually
The art of the medevil period was objectively worst than the art of the Roman and Greeks.
It isn't until the high middle-ages where art becomes even decent again and it isn't until the Reinnsance where it really starts to surpass the classics. All the cool Christian art people post are from high-middle ages and above, with most being Renaissance or higher.
Anyone who has looked at art history would know this. The knowledge of proportions and perspectives in medevil art is atrocious.
love insular art, personally
He's married and successful. How about you?
Married (well, engaged) and successful, it's not hard unless you're a loser or a retard.
The guy in OP's video posted that the fucking Book of Kells was immature compared to "glorious greco/roman art xDDD" even though i'm pretty sure one of those Roman sculptures is from the Hellenistic period late in Rome's history.
If you took an art class, you would know one of the most important things universally in art is texture. The book of Kells is filled with so much textures, patterns, and detail at every inch of it.
>but m-uh m-uh proportions
it's abstract art, next you're going to say cartoons and Vincent Van Gogh is bad. The point is to express an emotion.
The funny thing about athiests like in OP is that they feel like what they are doing is for "progress" and that realistic art is superior, even though it's to ability to think abstractly that makes the human race human in the first place instead of creatures just mindlessly expanding and devouring resources like what OP's video think is progress.
Not him but
>but m-uh m-uh proportions
Try getting a job in 3D modeling if you can't fucking make something the correct porportions. Try getting a job in illustrating if you can't even fucking get the perspective right.
This is the most basic aspect of art. If you suck at it you suck at art because you will never be able to produce anything good no matter what the subject or style you have going. AT BEST you can try to develop a style that tries to minimize the damage. For example if you sucked at drawing legs you could minimize by making a style where everyone always wears baggy or poof bottems.
Howver if you suck at basic things like porporitions and perspective no technique can cover for that.
>it's abstract art, next you're going to say cartoons and Vincent Van Gogh is bad.
First of all. Art is abstract, it's fucking color on canvas, shaped marble, or textures thrown onto polygons. And yes Van Gogh is a bad artist, not even a mediocre one but a bad one. Your average manga artist is better. And the real proof of this is that the people that learn to draw from reading manga (a terrible practice) are far more likely to produce art people will actually want to spend money from than the people that study Van Gogh.
>The point is to express an emotion.
Meaningless statement.
All art good or bad expressed emotions
>muuuuuuuh reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaals
Kandinsky was Christian and his art is unprecedented.
I'm also both and am not an irrelevant youtube atheist pretending bad arguments in a drownable form.
he's more obsessed with religion than most christians
Any guy who actually refutes him?