Hi guys. I Have to give a presentation about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology in school tomorrow. The teacher is a salty boomer and hates bitcoin. I want to be prepared for the worst. What are the boomers' arguments against crypto and how can I refute them?
I Need Arguments
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You can make more in a month with crypto than working any shitbird job if you know what you're doing
>hateful nocoiner boomer
Nothing you say will ever convince him. If anything he will hate you even more after - probably even cause u to fail his class on purpose.
He'll probably answer that you can also lose a lot of money and mumble something about tulips. How can I refute tulips?
make sure to couch your statements and try to seem unbiased
Tell them that Financial executives are looking into blockchain technology and that the fed reserve chair in Boston held a presentation about it. Also DARPA is awarding contracts regarding research into blockchaim technology
You better not get into an argument with your teacher. Best thing is to compare it with fiat (why it is better) and try to answer all the questions your teacher might have in the presentation.
If your teacher still calls it a scam or whatever tell him/her that atleast it isn't based on debt, printed by jews and has to be pumped by the billions so it doesn't inflate etc
Ask him to transport a fucking tulip across the world in ten minutes and to grow one that's indestructable.
Dont waste your time/energy arguing/convincing people who wont understand
>"tulips" was over the span of a year, bitcoin has been going on for a decade.
>Additionally, all your arguments against crypto are ignorant and misinformed because your arguments are really only against bitcoin, what you don't understand is that there are many coins that do what bitcoin does but better and faster, bitcoin is already just legacycoin at this point
>Have you ever heard of ethereum you stupid boomerfuck.
>do you even know what blockchain technology is you tech illiterate piece of trash, no of course you don't, you probably still use Windows XP and have a million viruses
>blockchain technology was a solution to a problem in computer science that had eluded scientists for a very long time, you fat old fuck
>There are so many fucking coins that do different things and represent different projects, you don't even understand
>Consider Ripple, a company which offers a distributed ledger service (I bet you don't even know what that means LOL)
>Ripple has their own coin, XRP, and they have already been adopted by several banks across the world
>Ben Bernanke, former chairman of the Federal Reserve, endorses it and will be speaking at their SWELL conference in October
>You think you know more than Ben Bernanke? You really think that?
>Face it, hamgalaxy motor-scooter riding old fuck, this is a completely new paradigm and you're already getting left behind.
>BTC illiterate hater
>ETH and Ripple shill
kys in worst way imaginable
those are just examples, you ignorant fuck. And look at the fucking technology, btc is like the AOL or Yahoo of crypto. You too will be left behind, and you deserve it for holding on to "muh legacycoin" rather than thinking forward.
I think the comparison to fiat is essential. What if he tells me crypto currencies are unregulated and there's no trustworthy government backing them?
Tell him he's right, its one of the highest risk and unregulated assets available but it's also been yielding highest returns. It might not be an appropriate for all investor preferences now but it's important to be aware as situation develops especially if Trump does have to launch nuke attack against Korea and world markets panic. Tell him you know not to trust gooks no matter what mengas you read
There is also this China thing:
What happens if China really forbids mining? How much of the global hashrate is lost and for how long? Will transactions still work or will they be time consuming and cost a shitload of money?
Honestly bitcoin doesn't have to be regulated the transactions are run on a protocol.
lmao at trustworthy (((government))).
This article and pdf on the article might be of use:
Simply bring a stash of money and tell him to fuck off. Tell him you are a crypto millionaire and you only go to school because you prefer having a social life. Teacher immediately BTFO. You won.
>expecting good arguements from a boomer
all he'll say its that its internet monopoly money backed by nothing.
boomers are like the niggers of generations
Crypto is not tangible. Therefore it has no intrinsic value. It is valued in fiat, which itself has no intrinsic value.
The blockchain does provide for an amazing medium of exchange, though.
digital can overtake the fiat
A Government is an organization of people, who are corruptible, which when left unchecked, monopolizes justice and force, and as such is beholden to no entity but itself to enforce laws and regulations, including laws and regulations regarding itself. This makes it untrustworthy by default. There is no "trustworthy" State.
....and it will be just as worthless. Even less: at least you can burn paper, or recycle it, etc.
once people start acquiring value/assets thru land/art/cars/new businesses using crypto, then the real shift in value will be seen, surely even someone as pessimistic as you finds value in something
All you have to say to him is "dont worry about investing, youll be dead before you see real profit you boomer cuck"
What if he asks me if Bitcoin can be hacked? Is there are proof this cannot happen?
stop posting pepes everytime you answer and do your own research faggot, jesus
You're looking at it wrong, OP. Your goal should not be to evangelize for crypto, but rather to demonstrate that you have thought through a number of the fundamental questions. Basically, you should address what blockchain technology is, and why virtually every financial institution and industry is taking it seriously. Then, you can talk about Bitcoin and the public debates over its growth in value (and now other cryptos springing up as well). Is it a bubble? Do Bitcoins have any intrinsic value? Why or why not? What are a couple of potential end game states for BTC/trustless tokens versus other kinds of crypto backed by nation states and/or BIS?
If you make an effort at addressing the issues at hand, there's really no space for a "hur dur, it's tulips" response. I.e., you will already have addressed and acknowledged the potential that it is in fact a bubble without handwaving it away.
I would say the main argument I hear is something like this:
What problems do these currencies solve? Most of them are trying to do things that 99% of people don't care about so they won't ever use them. You want fast, cheap, and tamper-proof transactions?My debit card does that and there's no risk of losing my private key, or complicated blockchain technology to understand.
You don't refute this because it's true right now.
For the tulip thing, just say that's a fallacious comparison. Tulips are organic matter that grows on the earth and offered no advancement on current technology and no solutions to any problems other than gift giving. There can only ever be a certain number of BTC/whatever crypto, while one could grow a countably infinite number of tulips.
this will cover most of his arguments against crypto
use satire, criticize cryptocurrency with exaggerated boomer opinions. then he will seem silly and you dont have to defend any positive points about cryptocurrency
Explain how the blockchain facilitates untamperable exchange, and how relying on the financial sector to "hold" your money on the promise of giving it back if you want is foolish. Ask him if he knows what the current interest rate from the fed is, and either laugh in his face or ask him why they can't raise it without causing a complete collapse. Ask him how 5 companies holding a ledger and keeping track of monetary exchange between themselves is different than blockchain
Dont defend it all, shit on it, use every fake source you can find to make it look like shit
steer your class and the teacher so far away from it, and get an A on it because you shat on it so wonderfully to his approval
Go all in and send him an email when it explodes of your gains telling him to kill himself
do this op
show him this