Post thread about specific part of history

>post thread about specific part of history
>nobody knows, nobody cares, thread dies

>post bait thread about commies
>200+ replies

Daily reminder that we need to split this board into generals, to isolate the dumbposting, and to give space to actual discussion

I had the same idea. Though 1501432647086.jpg wouldn't be a good image to use as the definitions are not abstract enough. It says under socialism you have few rights, which may end up being true if socialism is attempted, however it just states it and does not explain why which causes confusion.

>that slide

let's settle this once and for all Veeky Forums
Europe would be better off now if he succeeded Stalin instead of Khrushchev, right?

>The things in history which interest me in particular are objectively better to discuss than the things which don't interest me

I enjoy just lurking threads and learning new things, which is literally impossible, with 95% of Veeky Forums being occupied by meme threads about Hitler and race, which are pushing all the potentially interesting threads to page 10. Just try scrolling through the front page and tell me that we don't have those same threads every fucking day, and only discussion inside are some fat autists with zero actual knowledge, pretending to sound smart by saying arbitrary shit.
The fact that you don't fins current state of Veeky Forums annoying means that you must be one of those american retards who are contributing to it, driving all the actual Veeky Forumstorians away, turning Veeky Forums into what everyone thought it will be: /pol/ without flags

>split this board into generals
The Jews and Holocaust general
We Wuz general
HRE general
Roman/Byzantine general
WWII general
WWI general
Catholics v. Protestants general
Morality general
Art porn general

I was thinking more of "American posters general" to isolate the dummies

2% of fishermen catch 98% of the fish. As an avid fisherman, this is extremely true in my perspective. Luck and circumstances absolutely change your likelihood of success, but good fishermen always try to accommodate circumstance with the correct equipment and tactics.

For example, trout are more cautious about what they eat/bite, they aren't very aggressive, they live in waters that are usually colder and more translucent, and areas known to produce large and sought after species of trout are also usually naturally beautiful areas that are filled with people from all over. This is why trout fishermen often hike for days and typically try to keep prime locations unknown. Then they use the art of fly fishing to delicately lure up a trout during feeding hours without alerting the fish. This could be compared to trying to troll a totally uncontroversial niche thread.

Now say, a largemouth bass, well it will strike at just about any damn thing shaped like food or danger passing by, especially if it's near it's nest. No fuss needed besides not getting your line caught in vegetation. Throw out a lure or live bait and boom, you got dinner.
This is like trying to troll a thread on African metallurgy pre-arab/euro contact. You can derail it in just a couple posts with a few largemouth posters around.

Then we have bottom feeders like catfish, or even worse, an ocean trawler just dragging a massive net.
Catfish are the vultures of lakes and will eat almost anything, including garbage or even something inedible like a piece of sponge soaked in chicken blood.
Just drop a line in a muddy pond with several hooks and tie it to a tree branch, hours later there's 6.
Like starting any thread involving a whiff of racial or ethnic superiority.

The ocean trawler, just forget it. It just scoops up unsuspecting and often stupid shoals of fish, even if a dolphine often gets caught up in the rabble

There's also no quality humanities discussion, Veeky Forums can ditch the humanities part already

No, Aussie. I'd love a 200 post thread about the reason dismissal of the Whitlam Government and the arguments for and against both its legality and it's implications. But I accept that virtually no one outside Aus gives a shit about it, and 75% of Australians don't either. If I wanted to discuss that in particular I could join some Aus political forum.

WWII and the Cold War get discussed a lot because they were huge parts of recent history which had ramifications for basically every nation, and most people have a degree of knowledge about it.

>most people have a degree of knowledge about it.
Which makes every dumbfuck retard who once read a book about Stalin and watched some youtube videos think, that he is eligible to throw out his stupid opinion in every thread vaguely concerning Cold War, making threads like that 95% full of bullshit.
Of course that WWII general would be constantly on the top of the board, but the issue is, that if you make a thread about Whitlam Government now, it will get ignored and will sink down to page 10 instantly, meanwhile in "Oceania history general" i.e., there would be a lot of Aussies and people interested in the region, and the post wouldn't disappear instantly, and it would have like 500% more chance of getting noticed.

>expecting actual discussion on Veeky Forums
If you want to have a serious historical topic go to some actual historical forum somewhere, this site was, is, and always will be terrible for actual discussion

>i'm a redditor who uses Veeky Forums as his toilet.

the userbase does nothing to actually promote discussion.

This thread proves you otherwise, though the interest in it shows that you have a point

>Veeky Forums with flags
Merger with the /pol/aks

It's a simple solution, really
>remove & humanities so there's no excuse for /pol/ threads that hide behind "philosophical discussions"
>ban on "is X white" or any variant of
>actually have the janitors do their jobs instead of showing up hours after the fact and pruning the multiple 300+ post bait threads

We should ban /int/ posting. /pol/ is 80% shitposting 20% serious discussion, but /int/ is 100% shitposting
>my country can beat up your country
>country power rankings
>muh bantz
>no gf posting
>assuming everyone disagreeing with you or posting something stupid is American
>South Americans displaying their inferiority complex nonstop and trying to prove how European they are
>"Why is [insert country] so shit?"
>"I wish Veeky Forums has flags so I could insult the poster's flag instead of actually forming an argument!"
>"I saw this guy on /int/ he's always posting this one map!"
All hallmarks of /int/ garbage. I don't know why they keep coming here considering they have not only one but TWO boards they can shitpost on (/int/ and /bant/), but they need to be banned.

so you want a leftists safespace where everything you don't like is banned?

oh yeah and that reminds me - work filters like we have now that replace common shitposting buzzwords to take the bite out of their shitposts. Thanks, user.

Give them what they want