>He doesn't pretend to be gay for job interviews.
>He doesn't want all the women in the office to love him, all the Chads to defend him, and closeted CEOs to promote him.
Are you even trying user?
>inb4 "he goes to job interviews luuul"
>He doesn't pretend to be gay for job interviews.
>He doesn't want all the women in the office to love him, all the Chads to defend him, and closeted CEOs to promote him.
Are you even trying user?
>inb4 "he goes to job interviews luuul"
I think you might be overestimating the average persons sentiment towards homos. I personally don't mind them, others however may. Yes, even women.
There is literally no downside to pretending to be gay as long as you aren't too flamboyant about it. Even if you're caught with a woman, just say you're bi and the lie will never be found out.
>"I was born a gay, but I sexually identify as bisexual."
would not hire. you wont be qualified for some other reason i choose though. fag.
Can confirm, my boss is a woman and she hates faggots because they're going to hell.
>but we should love the sinner
Whatever, I'm a fedorafag, tell her that.
I personally identify as a bigender Eskimo.
>There is literally no downside to pretending to be gay
Maybe in a large corporation. Smaller companies and family owned companies, simply wont hire you. The company I work for is 100% white males. We sort through applications by last name and anyone with a black or mexican sounding last name is instantly tossed out. The rest are weeded out in phone and in person interviews. Coming in for an interview and being outright gay will not only get your application thrown out, we will probably make fun of you while watching the video
>>but we should love the sinner
That is the most oftenly misquoted line from the Bible ever. There are levels of sin and judgement. Homosexuality is unforgivable, and those who have committed the sin of laying with another man the same way he would a woman shall be cast into hell before all others
This works in big corporations in liberal coastal cities.
My company has so many gay people it is hilarious.
Reminder there is no God
This is genius.
the diversity hire bullshit is so overstated. Employers do not care if you're gay straight black or white it's all about how well you do the job and if you're a good match for the company or not.
swallowed semen of entire men laborforce in the company.
>no homo though - its all for biz
Shiiiit nigga, aint dat da troof. i be making dat PAPER at google mang, dey kno how to hire da mos kwalifide appicant fo sho
This is an illegal and unethical act.
In hiring for entry level shit there isn't much to go on, this is likely to be a deciding factor.
> /pol/ opens a business
but it's not like there's a percentage of minorities you have to hire, right?
Knew a guy that did this with real estate.
He's now retired.
Tell that to the bitch at Equifax with the degree in music that destroyed the company
I'm sorry, the servers were in harmony last I took a listen.
Human resources staffed bu women
Women see gay guy and assume robust social skills without merit because hes fripity
Automatic hire
Women are stupid
You can legit get away with this at Accenture
Highest concentration of gay employees I've ever encountered
>tfw people tend think I'm gay anyway
Not my fault I was raised by a single mother damn it
too bad i already nutted in kev's ass
i guess one of us has to get a sex change now
sorry god
I cannot pass for gay :(
Fucking masculine as fuck.