The government told everyone they would print a lot more money and buy stock with it. It was the easiest long ever. I'll never get another chance like that.
>tfw missed the quantitative easing rocketship
we need 50%+
I'm seeing this trend of strong linear growth past 2010 literally everywhere.
From largest global corporations to smallest 3rd world retail companies.
It's rather alarming.
When do you guys think will the global """correction""" happen?
FOMC meeting is today and tomorrow
We are nowhere near correction look at bonds. They are trapped with interest rates now
What caused the drop in 2015? I see it on my europoor market aswell
now plot if on a log scale you fucking dumbass
chy-nah scare/shock
>What is margin
Chinese economy slowing down.
Current situation in american equites
dont raise rates -- > confidence lost in bonds and equites sky rocket
raise rates -- > bond crash and equites sky rocket
>its a bond bubble
dont you retards ever get tired of being wrong
Did i call a bond bubble? I said if they raise rates it will crash and if they dont it will be bad too. Current trend will be good for stocks, everything is brilliant for stocks at this point
Meanwhile bitcoin pretty much flat as a board today
Europe is even much deeper trap with ecb owning half of debt, they seem not to be able to raise rates
pls explain
Too much debt and cheap moneys they avoid raiing rates with always new explanation only waiting for maturing now
>TFW you wanted to buy stock in late 2008 but were only 16.
> TFW my parents were supposed to do it for me but were lazy fucks and didn't do it.
> TFW I would have over $100,000 profit right now If i was only 2 years older then.
Well at least I have the shitcoin casino to play with. Still hodling Edgeless.
oh fuq forgot about the fed meeting today. Nothing in the news yet
LOL you still hold edgeless???
Sure if your parents had given you money as a child you'd be a billionaire by now buddy